[websockets] async update: external/internal communication

parent d79c579a
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......@@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ import Protolude
I imagine the workflow as follows:
Please note that we have 2 different notification mechanisms:
- external (i.e. WebSocket or SSE connection to the frontend)
- internal (e.g. job workers would like to report either progress or
that some node changed in the tree)
I imagine the workflow as follows (this is a mix of internal and
external communication):
- somewhere in the code (or in the async job worker) we decide to send
an update message to all interested users
- such an action (UserAction) can be associated with the triggering
......@@ -29,7 +35,8 @@ I imagine the workflow as follows:
data, if you want you can send an update request) or we could send
the changed data already
On the client side it looks more or less like this:
On the client side it looks more or less like this (external
- specific components decide to subscribe to specific
UserNotifications: task component is interested in running tasks (for
given node id), tree component is interested in the tree and its
......@@ -49,10 +56,19 @@ reduces latency and is more secure. At the same time it is a bit more
complicated because we need to agree on the topic schema both on
server and client.
As for internal communication, we don't need topics: we always want to
get all notifications and process them accordingly (send messages to
connected users, ignore any messages that would be sent to
non-connected users).
-- | Various update actions
-- | Various topics that users can subscribe to
data Topic =
-- | Update given Servant Job (we currently send a request every
-- | second to get job status).
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