Commit dfb77185 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] temp resolution of commitpatch

parent ea5025d3
......@@ -204,9 +204,21 @@ ngramsStatePatchConflictResolution _ngramsType _nodeId _ngramsTerm
= (ours, (const ours, ours), (False, False))
-- (False, False) mean here that Mod has always priority.
-- (True, False) <- would mean priority to the left (same as ours).
-- undefined {- TODO think this through -}, listTypeConflictResolution)
:: TableNgrams.NgramsType
-> NgramsTerm
-> ConflictResolutionNgramsPatch
ngramsStatePatchConflictResolution' _ngramsType _ngramsTerm
= (ours, (const ours, ours), (False, False))
-- (False, False) mean here that Mod has always priority.
-- (True, False) <- would mean priority to the left (same as ours).
-- undefined {- TODO think this through -}, listTypeConflictResolution)
-- Current state:
-- Insertions are not considered as patches,
-- they do not extend history,
......@@ -301,6 +313,16 @@ newNgramsFromNgramsStatePatch p =
| (n,np) <- p ^.. _PatchMap . each . _PatchMap . each . _NgramsTablePatch . _PatchMap . ifolded . withIndex
, _ <- np ^.. patch_new . _Just
newNgramsFromNgramsStatePatch' :: NgramsStatePatch' -> [Ngrams]
newNgramsFromNgramsStatePatch' p =
[ text2ngrams (unNgramsTerm n)
| (n,np) <- p ^.. _PatchMap
-- . each . _PatchMap
. each . _NgramsTablePatch
. _PatchMap . ifolded . withIndex
, _ <- np ^.. patch_new . _Just
-- tableNgramsPut :: (HasInvalidError err, RepoCmdM env err m)
commitStatePatch :: RepoCmdM env err m
......@@ -335,6 +357,31 @@ commitStatePatch (Versioned p_version p) = do
pure vq'
commitStatePatch' :: HasNodeStory env err m
=> ListId
-> Versioned NgramsStatePatch'
-> m (Versioned NgramsStatePatch')
commitStatePatch' listId (Versioned p_version p) = do
var <- getRepoVar listId
vq' <- liftBase $ modifyMVar var $ \ns -> do
a = ns ^. unNodeStory . at listId . _Just
q = mconcat $ take (a ^. a_version - p_version) (a ^. a_history)
(p', q') = transformWith ngramsStatePatchConflictResolution' p q
a' = a & a_version +~ 1
& a_state %~ act p'
& a_history %~ (p' :)
pure ( ns & unNodeStory . at listId .~ (Just a')
, Versioned (a' ^. a_version) q'
-- Save new ngrams
_ <- insertNgrams (newNgramsFromNgramsStatePatch' p)
pure $ vq'
-- This is a special case of tableNgramsPut where the input patch is empty.
tableNgramsPull :: RepoCmdM env err m
=> ListId
......@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ getRepo' listIds = do
Nothing -> panic "[G.A.N.Tools.getRepo']"
Just nls -> pure nls
getRepoVar :: HasNodeStory env err m
=> ListId -> m (MVar NodeListStory)
getRepoVar l = do
f <- getNodeListStory
v <- liftBase $ f l
pure v
getNodeListStory :: HasNodeStory env err m
=> m (NodeId -> IO (MVar NodeListStory))
......@@ -532,6 +532,7 @@ instance FromField (PatchMap TableNgrams.NgramsType (PatchMap NodeId NgramsTable
type instance ConflictResolution NgramsTablePatch =
NgramsTerm -> ConflictResolutionNgramsPatch
type PatchedNgramsTablePatch = Map NgramsTerm PatchedNgramsPatch
-- ~ Patched (PatchMap NgramsTerm NgramsPatch)
type instance Patched NgramsTablePatch = PatchedNgramsTablePatch
......@@ -675,17 +676,13 @@ data Repo s p = Repo
deriving (Generic, Show)
type NgramsRepo = Repo NgramsState NgramsStatePatch
type NgramsState = Map TableNgrams.NgramsType (Map NodeId NgramsTableMap)
type NgramsStatePatch = PatchMap TableNgrams.NgramsType (PatchMap NodeId NgramsTablePatch)
instance (FromJSON s, FromJSON p) => FromJSON (Repo s p) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ unPrefix "_r_"
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Data.Aeson hiding ((.=))
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Semigroup
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types
import Gargantext.Core.Types (NodeId)
......@@ -206,12 +207,18 @@ instance (Serialise s, Serialise p) => Serialise (Archive s p)
-- TODO Semigroup instance for unions
type NodeListStory = NodeStory NgramsState' NgramsStatePatch'
type ArchiveList = Archive NgramsState' NgramsStatePatch'
type NgramsState' = Map TableNgrams.NgramsType NgramsTableMap
type NgramsStatePatch' = PatchMap TableNgrams.NgramsType NgramsTablePatch
instance Serialise NgramsStatePatch'
-- TODO check this
instance (Semigroup s, Semigroup p) => Semigroup (Archive s p) where
(<>) (Archive _v _s p) (Archive v' s' p') = Archive v' s' (p' <> p)
instance Monoid (Archive NgramsState' NgramsStatePatch') where
mempty = Archive 0 mempty []
instance (FromJSON s, FromJSON p) => FromJSON (Archive s p) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON $ unPrefix "_a_"
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