Commit e4d30996 authored by Quentin Lobbé's avatar Quentin Lobbé


parent 7ff3a503
Pipeline #355 canceled with stage
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ main = do
let patterns = buildPatterns termList
let corpusParsed = map ( (\(y,t) -> Document y (filter (\e -> e /= "") t)) . filterTerms patterns) corpus
let corpusParsed = map ( (\(y,t) -> Document y t) . filterTerms patterns) corpus
let query = PhyloQueryBuild "cultural_evolution" "Test" 5 3 defaultFis [] [] defaultWeightedLogJaccard 3 defaultRelatedComponents
......@@ -97,15 +97,15 @@ main = do
let foundations = DL.nub $ DL.concat $ map _pat_terms patterns
let phylo = toPhylo query corpusParsed foundations tree
-- let phylo = toPhylo query corpusParsed foundations tree
let queryView = PhyloQueryView 2 Merge False 1 [BranchAge] [defaultSmallBranch] [BranchPeakFreq,GroupLabelCooc] (Just (ByBranchAge,Asc)) Json Flat True
-- let queryView = PhyloQueryView 2 Merge False 1 [BranchAge] [defaultSmallBranch] [BranchPeakFreq,GroupLabelCooc] (Just (ByBranchAge,Asc)) Json Flat True
let view = toPhyloView queryView phylo
-- let view = toPhyloView queryView phylo
-- TODO Phylo here
P.writeFile outputPath $ dotToString $ viewToDot view
-- L.writeFile outputPath $ encode corpusParsed
-- P.writeFile outputPath $ dotToString $ viewToDot view
L.writeFile outputPath $ encode corpusParsed
......@@ -307,12 +307,7 @@ data Metric = BranchAge deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
-- | Tagger constructors
<<<<<<< HEAD
data Tagger = BranchPeakFreq | GroupLabelCooc | GroupDynamics deriving (Show)
data Tagger = BranchLabelFreq | GroupLabelCooc | GroupDynamics
deriving (Generic, Show, Read)
>>>>>>> dev
data Tagger = BranchPeakFreq | GroupLabelCooc | GroupDynamics deriving (Show,Generic,Read)
......@@ -354,7 +349,7 @@ data PhyloQueryBuild = PhyloQueryBuild
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- | To choose the Phylo edge you want to export : --> <-- <--> <=>
data Filiation = Ascendant | Descendant | Merge | Complete deriving (Generic, Show)
data Filiation = Ascendant | Descendant | Merge | Complete deriving (Generic, Show, Read)
data EdgeType = PeriodEdge | LevelEdge deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
......@@ -407,6 +402,7 @@ data PhyloNode = PhyloNode
data ExportMode = Json | Dot | Svg
deriving (Generic, Show, Read)
data DisplayMode = Flat | Nested
deriving (Generic, Show, Read)
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ type GetPhylo = QueryParam "listId" ListId
:> QueryParam "taggers" [Tagger]
:> QueryParam "sort" Sort
:> QueryParam "order" Order
:> QueryParam "export" ExportMode
:> QueryParam "display" DisplayMode
:> QueryParam "verbose" Bool
:> Get '[JSON] PhyloView
......@@ -74,11 +75,11 @@ type GetPhylo = QueryParam "listId" ListId
-- Add real text processing
-- Fix Filter parameters
getPhylo :: PhyloId -> GargServer GetPhylo
getPhylo _phyloId _lId l f b l' ms x y z ts s o d b' = do
getPhylo _phyloId _lId l f b l' ms x y z ts s o e d b' = do
fs' = maybe (Just []) (\p -> Just [p]) $ SmallBranch <$> (SBParams <$> x <*> y <*> z)
so = (,) <$> s <*> o
q = initPhyloQueryView l f b l' ms fs' ts so d b'
q = initPhyloQueryView l f b l' ms fs' ts so e d b'
-- | TODO remove phylo for real data here
pure (toPhyloView q phylo)
......@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ instance ToSchema PhyloGroup
instance ToSchema PhyloLevel
instance ToSchema PhyloNode
instance ToSchema PhyloParam
instance ToSchema PhyloPeaks
instance ToSchema PhyloRoots
instance ToSchema PhyloPeriod
instance ToSchema PhyloQueryBuild
instance ToSchema PhyloView
......@@ -174,6 +175,12 @@ instance FromHttpApiData DisplayMode
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance ToParamSchema ExportMode
instance FromHttpApiData ExportMode
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
instance FromHttpApiData Sort
parseUrlPiece = readTextData
......@@ -713,11 +713,8 @@ initWeightedLogJaccard (def 0 -> thr) (def 0.01 -> sens) = WLJParams thr sens
-- | To initialize a PhyloQueryBuild from given and default parameters
initPhyloQueryBuild :: Text -> Text -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Cluster -> Maybe [Metric] -> Maybe [Filter] -> Maybe Proximity -> Maybe Level -> Maybe Cluster -> PhyloQueryBuild
initPhyloQueryBuild name desc (def 5 -> grain) (def 3 -> steps) (def defaultFis -> cluster) (def [] -> metrics) (def [] -> filters)
(def defaultWeightedLogJaccard -> matching') (def 2 -> nthLevel) (def defaultRelatedComponents -> nthCluster) =
PhyloQueryBuild name' desc' grain steps cluster metrics filters matching' nthLevel nthCluster
name' = maybe "Phylo Title" identity name
desc' = maybe "Phylo Desc" identity desc
(def defaultWeightedLogJaccard -> matching) (def 2 -> nthLevel) (def defaultRelatedComponents -> nthCluster) =
PhyloQueryBuild name desc grain steps cluster metrics filters matching nthLevel nthCluster
......@@ -138,19 +138,6 @@ addChildNodes shouldDo lvl lvlMin vb fl p v =
-- | To transform a PhyloQuery into a PhyloView
toPhyloView' :: Maybe Level
-> Maybe Filiation
-> Maybe Bool
-> Maybe Level
-> Maybe [Metric]
-> Maybe [Filter]
-> Maybe [Tagger]
-> Maybe (Sort, Order)
-> Maybe DisplayMode
-> Maybe Bool
-> PhyloQueryView
toPhyloView' = initPhyloQueryView
toPhyloView :: PhyloQueryView -> Phylo -> PhyloView
toPhyloView q p = processDisplay (q ^. qv_display) (q ^. qv_export)
$ processSort (q ^. qv_sort ) p
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