Commit e578bc9c authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Derive generic clients

parent 65750c75
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
tag: b4182487cfe479777c11ca19f3c0d47840b376f6
tag: 74a3296dfe1f0c4a3ade91336dcc689330e84156
type: git
......@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ library
......@@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ library
......@@ -327,7 +329,6 @@ library
......@@ -642,6 +643,7 @@ library
, servant-server >= 0.18.3 && < 0.20
, servant-swagger >= 1.2
, servant-swagger-ui ^>=
, servant-swagger-ui-core >= 0.3.5
, servant-xml-conduit >=
, simple-reflect ^>= 0.3.3
, singletons ^>= 2.7
......@@ -50,8 +50,10 @@ import Data.UUID (UUID, fromText, toText)
import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (GargJob(..), Env)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types
import Gargantext.API.Auth.PolicyCheck
import Gargantext.API.Errors
import Gargantext.API.Prelude (authenticationError, HasServerError, GargServerC, _ServerError, GargM, IsGargServer)
import Gargantext.Core.Mail (MailModel(..), mail)
import Gargantext.Core.Mail.Types (mailSettings)
......@@ -59,8 +61,8 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu (User(..), Username, GargPassword(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Types (FlowCmdM)
import Gargantext.Database.Action.User.New (guessUserName)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeId(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd', CmdCommon, DbCmd')
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (UserId)
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd', CmdCommon, DbCmd')
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.User
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Tree (isDescendantOf, isIn)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Tree.Root (getRoot)
......@@ -70,11 +72,10 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Auth qualified as Auth
import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Pass.User (gargPass)
import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs (serveJobsAPI, MonadJobStatus(..))
import Servant
import Servant.API.Generic ()
import Servant.Auth.Server
import Gargantext.API.Errors
import qualified Gargantext.API.Routes.Named as Named
import Servant.Server.Generic
import Servant.API.Generic ()
import qualified Gargantext.API.Routes.Named as Named
......@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ generateForgotPasswordUUID = do
-- request, because the delay in email sending etc won't reveal to
-- malicious users emails of our users in the db
forgotPasswordAsync :: Named.ForgotPasswordAsyncAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
forgotPasswordAsync = Named.ForgotPasswordAsyncAPI $
forgotPasswordAsync = Named.ForgotPasswordAsyncAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI ForgotPasswordJob $ \jHandle p -> forgotPasswordAsync' p jHandle
forgotPasswordAsync' :: (FlowCmdM env err m, MonadJobStatus m)
......@@ -136,5 +136,6 @@ type ScrapersEnv = JobEnv JobLog JobLog
type ScraperAPI = AsyncJobsAPI JobLog ScraperInput JobLog
type AsyncJobs event ctI input output =
AsyncJobsAPI' 'Unsafe 'Safe ctI '[JSON] Maybe event input output
data AsyncJobs event ctI input output mode = AsyncJobs
{ asyncJobsAPI' :: mode :- AsyncJobsAPI' 'Unsafe 'Safe ctI '[JSON] Maybe event input output }
deriving Generic
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Servant.Ekg
import Servant.Server.Internal.Delayed
import Servant.Server.Internal.DelayedIO
import qualified Servant.Swagger as Swagger
import Servant.Client.Core
-- Types
......@@ -196,6 +197,12 @@ instance HasEndpoint sub => HasEndpoint (PolicyChecked sub) where
getEndpoint _ = getEndpoint (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
enumerateEndpoints _ = enumerateEndpoints (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasClient m sub => HasClient m (PolicyChecked sub) where
type Client m (PolicyChecked sub) = AccessPolicyManager -> Client m sub
clientWithRoute m _ req _mgr = clientWithRoute m (Proxy :: Proxy sub) req
hoistClientMonad pm _ nt cl = hoistClientMonad pm (Proxy :: Proxy sub) nt . cl
-- Utility functions
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Data.Text (concat, pack, splitOn)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Vector qualified as Vec
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (Env, GargJob(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs(..))
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types (BackendInternalError)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (setListNgrams)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.List.Types
......@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ getCsv lId = do
jsonPostAsync :: Named.JSONAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
jsonPostAsync = Named.JSONAPI $ \lId ->
jsonPostAsync = Named.JSONAPI $ \lId -> AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI UpdateNgramsListJobJSON $ \jHandle f ->
postAsyncJSON lId (_wjf_data f) jHandle
......@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ csvAPI = csvPostAsync
csvPostAsync :: Named.CSVAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
csvPostAsync = Named.CSVAPI $ \lId ->
csvPostAsync = Named.CSVAPI $ \lId -> AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI UpdateNgramsListJobCSV $ \jHandle f -> do
case ngramsListFromCSVData (_wtf_data f) of
Left err -> serverError $ err500 { errReasonPhrase = err }
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (IsString, hash, from, replace, to)
import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Hash (IsHashable(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Servant (CSV, ZIP)
import Gargantext.Utils.Zip (zipContentsPure)
import Servant ( FromHttpApiData(parseUrlPiece), ToHttpApiData(toUrlPiece), Required, Strict, QueryParam', MimeRender(.. ))
import Servant ( FromHttpApiData(parseUrlPiece), ToHttpApiData(toUrlPiece), Required, Strict, QueryParam', MimeRender(.. ), MimeUnrender(..))
import Servant.Job.Utils (jsonOptions)
import Test.QuickCheck (elements, frequency)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ instance ToJSONKey TabType where
toJSONKey = genericToJSONKey defaultJSONKeyOptions
newtype MSet a = MSet (Map a ())
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic)
deriving newtype (Arbitrary, Semigroup, Monoid)
deriving anyclass (ToExpr)
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ instance (ToJSONKey a, ToSchema a) => ToSchema (MSet a) where
newtype NgramsTerm = NgramsTerm { unNgramsTerm :: Text }
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Read, Generic)
deriving newtype (ToJSONKey, ToJSON, FromJSON, Semigroup, Arbitrary, Serialise, ToSchema, Hashable, NFData, FromField, ToField)
deriving anyclass (ToExpr)
instance IsHashable NgramsTerm where
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ data NgramsRepoElement = NgramsRepoElement
, _nre_parent :: !(Maybe NgramsTerm)
, _nre_children :: !(MSet NgramsTerm)
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Read, Generic)
deriveJSON (unPrefix "_nre_") ''NgramsRepoElement
-- if ngrams & not size => size
......@@ -811,6 +811,9 @@ instance MimeRender ZIP NgramsListZIP where
mimeRender _ nlz@(NgramsListZIP { .. }) =
zipContentsPure (T.unpack $ nlzFileName nlz) (encode _nlz_nl)
instance MimeUnrender ZIP NgramsListZIP where
mimeUnrender _ _ = Left "mimeUnrender for NgramsListZIP not supported"
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ genericNodeAPI' _ authenticatedUser targetNode = Named.NodeAPI
, moveAPI = Named.MoveAPI $ moveNode userRootId targetNode
, unpublishEp = Share.unPublish targetNode
, fileAPI = Named.FileAPI $ fileApi targetNode
, fileAsyncAPI = Named.FileAsyncAPI $ fileAsyncApi authenticatedUser targetNode
, fileAsyncAPI = fileAsyncApi authenticatedUser targetNode
, dfwnAPI = DFWN.api authenticatedUser targetNode
, documentUploadAPI = DocumentUpload.api targetNode
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Node.Contact
import Conduit ( yield )
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types ( AuthenticatedUser(AuthenticatedUser) )
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (Env, GargJob(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types ( BackendInternalError )
import Gargantext.API.Node ( nodeNodeAPI )
......@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ contactAPI authUser@(AuthenticatedUser userNodeId _userUserId) cid = Named.Conta
api_async :: User -> NodeId -> Named.ContactAsyncAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
api_async u nId = Named.ContactAsyncAPI $
api_async u nId = Named.ContactAsyncAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI AddContactJob $ \jHandle p ->
addContact u nId p jHandle
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ module Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.Annuaire
import Control.Lens hiding (elements)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Swagger
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types
import Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.New.Types qualified as NewTypes
import Gargantext.Core (Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefixSwagger)
......@@ -51,16 +50,6 @@ instance ToJSON AnnuaireWithForm where
instance ToSchema AnnuaireWithForm where
declareNamedSchema = genericDeclareNamedSchema (unPrefixSwagger "_wf_")
type AddWithForm = Summary "Add with FormUrlEncoded to annuaire endpoint"
:> "annuaire"
:> Capture "annuaire_id" AnnuaireId
:> "add"
:> "form"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] AnnuaireWithForm JobLog
addToAnnuaireWithForm :: (FlowCmdM env err m, MonadJobStatus m)
=> AnnuaireId
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import Data.Swagger ( ToSchema(..) )
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import EPO.API.Client.Types qualified as EPO
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (JobLog(..), AsyncJobs)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (commitStatePatch, Versioned(..))
import Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.New.Types ( FileFormat(..), FileType(..) )
......@@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Prelude.Config (gc_max_docs_parsers)
import Gargantext.System.Logging ( logLocM, LogLevel(..) )
import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs.Monad (JobHandle, MonadJobStatus(..))
import Servant ( JSON, type (:>), FormUrlEncoded, Capture, Summary )
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary(..))
......@@ -132,13 +130,6 @@ instance ToSchema ApiInfo
info :: ApiInfo
info = ApiInfo API.externalAPIs
type AddWithQuery = Summary "Add with Query to corpus endpoint"
:> "corpus"
:> Capture "corpus_id" CorpusId
:> "query"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] WithQuery JobLog
type AddWithFile = Summary "Add with MultipartData to corpus endpoint"
:> "corpus"
......@@ -228,14 +219,6 @@ addToCorpusWithQuery user cid (WithQuery { _wq_query = q
$(logLocM) ERROR (T.pack $ show err) -- log the full error
markFailed (Just err) jobHandle
type AddWithForm = Summary "Add with FormUrlEncoded to corpus endpoint"
:> "corpus"
:> Capture "corpus_id" CorpusId
:> "add"
:> "form"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] NewWithForm JobLog
addToCorpusWithForm :: ( FlowCmdM env err m
, MonadJobStatus m
, HasNodeStoryImmediateSaver env
......@@ -342,16 +325,6 @@ addToCorpusWithFile cid input filetype logStatus = do
type AddWithFile = Summary "Add with FileUrlEncoded to corpus endpoint"
:> "corpus"
:> Capture "corpus_id" CorpusId
:> "add"
:> "file"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] NewWithFile JobLog
addToCorpusWithFile :: (HasSettings env, FlowCmdM env err m, MonadJobStatus m)
=> User
-> CorpusId
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (NodePoly(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Servant (ZIP)
import Gargantext.Utils.Zip (zipContentsPureWithLastModified)
import Protolude
import Servant (MimeRender(..))
import Servant (MimeRender(..), MimeUnrender(..))
-- | Document Export
......@@ -118,3 +118,6 @@ dezFileName (DocumentExportZIP { .. }) = "GarganText_DocsList-" <> show _dez_doc
instance MimeRender ZIP DocumentExportZIP where
mimeRender _ dexpz@(DocumentExportZIP { .. }) =
zipContentsPureWithLastModified (T.unpack $ dezFileName dexpz) (encode _dez_dexp) _dez_last_modified
instance MimeUnrender ZIP DocumentExportZIP where
mimeUnrender _ _ = Left "mimeUnrender for DocumentExportZIP not supported"
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Node.DocumentUpload where
import Control.Lens (view)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (GargJob(..), Env)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types ( BackendInternalError )
import Gargantext.API.Node.DocumentUpload.Types
import Gargantext.API.Prelude ( GargM )
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ import Servant.Server.Generic (AsServerT)
api :: NodeId -> Named.DocumentUploadAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
api nId = Named.DocumentUploadAPI $
api nId = Named.DocumentUploadAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI UploadDocumentJob $ \jHandle q -> do
documentUploadAsync nId q jHandle
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types ( AuthenticatedUser, auth_node_id, auth_user_id )
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (Env, GargJob(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types ( BackendInternalError )
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (commitStatePatch, Versioned(..))
......@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ api :: AuthenticatedUser
-- ^ The logged-in user
-> NodeId
-> Named.DocumentsFromWriteNodesAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
api authenticatedUser nId = Named.DocumentsFromWriteNodesAPI $
api authenticatedUser nId = Named.DocumentsFromWriteNodesAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI DocumentFromWriteNodeJob $ \jHandle p ->
documentsFromWriteNodes authenticatedUser nId p jHandle
......@@ -17,19 +17,17 @@ Portability : POSIX
module Gargantext.API.Node.File where
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.MIME.Types qualified as DMT
import Data.Swagger (ToSchema(..))
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types ( AuthenticatedUser, auth_user_id )
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (GargJob(..), Env)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (JobLog(..), AsyncJobs)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types ( BackendInternalError )
import Gargantext.API.Node.File.Types
import Gargantext.API.Node.Types ( NewWithFile(NewWithFile) )
import Gargantext.API.Prelude ( GargM, GargServer )
import Gargantext.Core.Types (TODO)
import Gargantext.API.Prelude ( GargM )
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.File qualified as Named
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Types ( FlowCmdM )
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Node (mkNodeWithParent)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.File ( HyperdataFile(..) )
......@@ -40,40 +38,14 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.UpdateOpaleye (updateHyperdata)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.Node (node_hyperdata)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs (serveJobsAPI, MonadJobStatus(..))
import Network.HTTP.Media qualified as M
import Servant
import Servant.Server.Generic (AsServerT)
data RESPONSE deriving Typeable
instance Accept RESPONSE where
contentType _ = "text" M.// "*"
instance MimeRender RESPONSE BSResponse where
mimeRender _ (BSResponse val) = BSL.fromStrict $ val
type FileApi = Summary "File download"
:> "download"
:> Get '[RESPONSE] (Headers '[Servant.Header "Content-Type" Text] BSResponse)
instance MimeUnrender RESPONSE BSResponse where
mimeUnrender _ lbs = Right $ BSResponse (BSL.toStrict lbs)
fileApi :: NodeId -> GargServer FileApi
fileApi :: (HasSettings env, FlowCmdM env err m)
=> NodeId
-> m (Headers '[Servant.Header "Content-Type" Text] BSResponse)
fileApi nId = fileDownload nId
newtype Contents = Contents BS.ByteString
instance GargDB.ReadFile Contents where
readFile' fp = do
c <- BS.readFile fp
pure $ Contents c
newtype BSResponse = BSResponse BS.ByteString
deriving (Generic)
instance ToSchema BSResponse where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
fileDownload :: (HasSettings env, FlowCmdM env err m)
=> NodeId
-> m (Headers '[Servant.Header "Content-Type" Text] BSResponse)
......@@ -102,17 +74,11 @@ fileDownload nId = do
-- let settings = embeddedSettings [("", "hello")]
-- Tagged $ staticApp settings
type FileAsyncApi = Summary "File Async Api"
:> "file"
:> "add"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] NewWithFile JobLog
fileAsyncApi :: AuthenticatedUser
-- ^ The logged-in user
-> NodeId
-> ServerT FileAsyncApi (GargM Env BackendInternalError)
fileAsyncApi authenticatedUser nId =
-> Named.FileAsyncAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
fileAsyncApi authenticatedUser nId = Named.FileAsyncAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI AddFileJob $ \jHandle i ->
addWithFile authenticatedUser nId i jHandle
module Gargantext.API.Node.File.Types where
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.Swagger (ToSchema(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Types (TODO)
import Gargantext.Database.GargDB qualified as GargDB
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Network.HTTP.Media qualified as M
import Servant
data RESPONSE deriving Typeable
instance Accept RESPONSE where
contentType _ = "text" M.// "*"
instance MimeRender RESPONSE BSResponse where
mimeRender _ (BSResponse val) = BSL.fromStrict $ val
instance MimeUnrender RESPONSE BSResponse where
mimeUnrender _ lbs = Right $ BSResponse (BSL.toStrict lbs)
newtype Contents = Contents BS.ByteString
instance GargDB.ReadFile Contents where
readFile' fp = do
c <- BS.readFile fp
pure $ Contents c
newtype BSResponse = BSResponse BS.ByteString
deriving (Generic)
instance ToSchema BSResponse where
declareNamedSchema _ = declareNamedSchema (Proxy :: Proxy TODO)
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.UTF8 qualified as BSU8
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types ( auth_node_id, AuthenticatedUser )
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (GargJob(..), Env)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs(..))
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types ( BackendInternalError )
import Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.New (addToCorpusWithForm)
import Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.New.Types (FileFormat(..), FileType(..))
......@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ import Servant.Server.Generic (AsServerT)
api :: AuthenticatedUser -> NodeId -> Named.FrameCalcAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
api authenticatedUser nId = Named.FrameCalcAPI $
api authenticatedUser nId = Named.FrameCalcAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI UploadFrameCalcJob $ \jHandle p ->
frameCalcUploadAsync authenticatedUser nId p jHandle
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Node.New
import Control.Lens hiding (elements, Empty)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (GargJob(..), Env)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (JobLog(..), AsyncJobs)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs (..))
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types
import Gargantext.API.Node.New.Types
import Gargantext.API.Prelude
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd)
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error (HasNodeError(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Utils.Jobs (serveJobsAPI, MonadJobStatus(..))
import Servant
import Servant.Server.Generic (AsServerT)
......@@ -49,19 +48,13 @@ postNode authenticatedUser pId (PostNode nodeName nt) = do
let userId = authenticatedUser ^. auth_user_id
mkNodeWithParent nt (Just pId) userId nodeName
type PostNodeAsync = Summary "Post Node"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] PostNode JobLog
:: AuthenticatedUser
-- ^ The logged-in user
-> NodeId
-- ^ The target node
-> Named.PostNodeAsyncAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
postNodeAsyncAPI authenticatedUser nId = Named.PostNodeAsyncAPI $
postNodeAsyncAPI authenticatedUser nId = Named.PostNodeAsyncAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI NewNodeJob $ \jHandle p -> postNodeAsync authenticatedUser nId p jHandle
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Node.Update
import Control.Lens (view)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (GargJob(..), Env)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types ( BackendInternalError )
import Gargantext.API.Metrics qualified as Metrics
......@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ import Servant.Server.Generic (AsServerT)
api :: NodeId -> Named.UpdateAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
api nId = Named.UpdateAPI $
api nId = Named.UpdateAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI UpdateNodeJob $ \jHandle p ->
updateNode nId p jHandle
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module Gargantext.API.Routes
import Control.Lens (view)
import Data.Validity
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (Env, GargJob(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs(..))
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types
import Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.Annuaire qualified as Annuaire
import Gargantext.API.Node.Corpus.New qualified as New
......@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ waitAPI n = do
addCorpusWithQuery :: User -> Named.AddWithQuery (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
addCorpusWithQuery user = Named.AddWithQuery $ \cid ->
addCorpusWithQuery user = Named.AddWithQuery $ \cid -> AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI AddCorpusQueryJob $ \jHandle q -> do
limit <- view $ hasConfig . gc_max_docs_scrapers
New.addToCorpusWithQuery user cid q (Just $ fromIntegral limit) jHandle
......@@ -62,19 +63,19 @@ addCorpusWithQuery user = Named.AddWithQuery $ \cid ->
addCorpusWithForm :: User -> Named.AddWithForm (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
addCorpusWithForm user = Named.AddWithForm $ \cid ->
addCorpusWithForm user = Named.AddWithForm $ \cid -> AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI AddCorpusFormJob $ \jHandle i -> do
-- /NOTE(adinapoli)/ Track the initial steps outside 'addToCorpusWithForm', because it's
-- called in a few places, and the job status might be different between invocations.
markStarted 3 jHandle
New.addToCorpusWithForm user cid i jHandle
addCorpusWithFile :: User -> ServerT New.AddWithFile (GargM Env BackendInternalError)
addCorpusWithFile user cid =
serveJobsAPI AddCorpusFileJob $ \jHandle i ->
New.addToCorpusWithFile user cid i jHandle
--addCorpusWithFile :: User -> ServerT Named.AddWithFile (GargM Env BackendInternalError)
--addCorpusWithFile user cid =
-- serveJobsAPI AddCorpusFileJob $ \jHandle i ->
-- New.addToCorpusWithFile user cid i jHandle
addAnnuaireWithForm :: Named.AddAnnuaireWithForm (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
addAnnuaireWithForm = Named.AddAnnuaireWithForm $ \cid ->
addAnnuaireWithForm = Named.AddAnnuaireWithForm $ \cid -> AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI AddAnnuaireFormJob $ \jHandle i ->
Annuaire.addToAnnuaireWithForm cid i jHandle
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ newtype SwaggerAPI mode = SwaggerAPI
newtype BackEndAPI mode = BackEndAPI {
mkBackendAPI :: mode :- NamedRoutes (MkBackEndAPI (GargAPIVersion GargAPI'))
backendAPI' :: mode :- NamedRoutes (MkBackEndAPI (GargAPIVersion GargAPI'))
} deriving Generic
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ data ForgotPasswordAPI mode = ForgotPasswordAPI
data ForgotPasswordAsyncAPI mode = ForgotPasswordAsyncAPI
{ forgotPasswordAsyncEp :: mode :- Summary "Forgot password asnc"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] ForgotPasswordAsyncParams JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] ForgotPasswordAsyncParams JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ newtype AddAnnuaireWithForm mode = AddAnnuaireWithForm
:> "add"
:> "form"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] AnnuaireWithForm JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] AnnuaireWithForm JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ data ContactAPI mode = ContactAPI
newtype ContactAsyncAPI mode = ContactAsyncAPI
{ addContactAsyncEp :: mode :- AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] AddContactParams JobLog
{ addContactAsyncEp :: mode :- NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] AddContactParams JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ newtype AddWithForm mode = AddWithForm
:> "add"
:> "form"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] NewWithForm JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] NewWithForm JobLog)
} deriving Generic
newtype AddWithQuery mode = AddWithQuery
......@@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ newtype AddWithQuery mode = AddWithQuery
:> "corpus"
:> Capture "corpus_id" CorpusId
:> "query"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] WithQuery JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] WithQuery JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ data DocumentExportEndpoints mode = DocumentExportEndpoints
newtype DocumentsFromWriteNodesAPI mode = DocumentsFromWriteNodesAPI
{ docFromWriteNodesEp :: mode :- Summary " Documents from Write nodes."
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] Params JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] Params JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -46,5 +46,5 @@ newtype DocumentUploadAPI mode = DocumentUploadAPI
:> "document"
:> "upload"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] DocumentUpload JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] DocumentUpload JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ module Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.File (
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types
import Gargantext.API.Node.File
import Gargantext.API.Node.Types
import Servant
import Gargantext.API.Node.File.Types
data FileAPI mode = FileAPI
{ fileDownloadEp :: mode :- Summary "File download"
......@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ data FileAsyncAPI mode = FileAsyncAPI
{ addFileAsyncEp :: mode :- Summary "File Async Api"
:> "file"
:> "add"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] NewWithFile JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] NewWithFile JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ newtype FrameCalcAPI mode = FrameCalcAPI
:> "add"
:> "framecalc"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] FrameCalcUpload JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] FrameCalcUpload JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ newtype JSONAPI mode = JSONAPI
:> "add"
:> "form"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] WithJsonFile JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] WithJsonFile JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ newtype CSVAPI mode = CSVAPI
:> "add"
:> "form"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] WithTextFile JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] WithTextFile JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ newtype NodeNodeAPI a mode = NodeNodeAPI
newtype PostNodeAsyncAPI mode = PostNodeAsyncAPI
{ postNodeAsyncEp :: mode :- Summary "Post Node"
:> "async"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] PostNode JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[FormUrlEncoded] PostNode JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ newtype CatAPI mode = CatAPI
newtype UpdateAPI mode = UpdateAPI
{ updateNodeEp :: mode :- Summary " Update node according to NodeType params"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] UpdateNodeParams JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] UpdateNodeParams JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -107,5 +107,5 @@ data TableNgramsAsyncAPI mode = TableNgramsAsyncAPI
:> "async"
:> "charts"
:> "update"
:> AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] UpdateTableNgramsCharts JobLog
:> NamedRoutes (AsyncJobs JobLog '[JSON] UpdateTableNgramsCharts JobLog)
} deriving Generic
......@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ module Gargantext.API.Routes.Types where
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Proxy
import Gargantext.API.Errors
import Network.Wai
import Prelude
import Servant.Client
import Servant.Ekg
import Servant.Server
import Servant.Server.Internal.DelayedIO
import Servant.Server.Internal.Delayed
import Network.Wai
import Servant.Server.Internal.DelayedIO
data WithCustomErrorScheme a
......@@ -30,3 +31,9 @@ instance (HasServer subApi ctx) => HasServer (WithCustomErrorScheme subApi) ctx
instance HasEndpoint sub => HasEndpoint (WithCustomErrorScheme sub) where
getEndpoint _ = getEndpoint (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
enumerateEndpoints _ = enumerateEndpoints (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
instance HasClient m sub => HasClient m (WithCustomErrorScheme sub) where
type Client m (WithCustomErrorScheme sub) = GargErrorScheme -> Client m sub
clientWithRoute m _ req _mgr = clientWithRoute m (Proxy :: Proxy sub) req
hoistClientMonad pm _ nt cl = hoistClientMonad pm (Proxy :: Proxy sub) nt . cl
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth (withNamedAccess)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthenticatedUser, PathId (..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (AsyncJobs(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (HasSettings)
import Gargantext.API.Errors.Types (BackendInternalError)
import Gargantext.API.Metrics qualified as Metrics
......@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ getTableNgramsVersion _nId _tabType listId = currentVersion listId
apiNgramsAsync :: NodeId -> Named.TableNgramsAsyncAPI (AsServerT (GargM Env BackendInternalError))
apiNgramsAsync _dId = Named.TableNgramsAsyncAPI $
apiNgramsAsync _dId = Named.TableNgramsAsyncAPI $ AsyncJobs $
serveJobsAPI TableNgramsJob $ \jHandle i -> withTracer (printDebug "tableNgramsPostChartsAsync") jHandle $
\jHandle' -> tableNgramsPostChartsAsync i jHandle'
......@@ -10,23 +10,27 @@ Portability : POSIX
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprint-potential-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Gargantext.API.Types where
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Typeable
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types ()
import Gargantext.API.Node.Document.Export.Types ()
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Types (Graph(..))
import Network.HTTP.Media ((//), (/:))
import Prelude (($))
import Servant.API.ContentTypes ( Accept(..) , MimeRender(..) , MimeUnrender(..) )
import Servant.HTML.Blaze qualified as Blaze
import Servant.Swagger.UI.Core
import Servant.XML.Conduit qualified as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Prelude
import Servant
( Accept(..)
, MimeRender(..)
, MimeUnrender(..) )
data HTML deriving (Typeable)
instance Accept HTML where
......@@ -41,3 +45,7 @@ instance MimeUnrender HTML Text where
mimeUnrender _ bs = Right $ E.decodeUtf8 $ BS8.toStrict bs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} ToJSON a => MimeRender HTML a where
mimeRender _ = encode
instance MimeUnrender Blaze.HTML (SwaggerUiHtml dir api) where
mimeUnrender _ bs = Right (SwaggerUiHtml $ E.decodeUtf8 $ BS8.toStrict bs)
instance MimeUnrender S.XML Graph where
mimeUnrender _ = eitherDecode
......@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
git: ""
- packages/base
- commit: b4182487cfe479777c11ca19f3c0d47840b376f6
git: ""
- commit: 74a3296dfe1f0c4a3ade91336dcc689330e84156
git: ""
- .
- commit: bc6ca8058077b0b5702ea4b88bd4189cfcad267a
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
-- testing scenarios start here
describe "GET /api/v1.0/version" $ do
let version_api = gargVersionEp genericClient
let version_api = gargVersionEp . gargAPIVersion . mkBackEndAPI $ genericClient
it "requires no auth and returns the current version" $ \((_testEnv, port), _) -> do
result <- runClientM version_api (clientEnv port)
case result of
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Test.API.Routes where
import Fmt (Builder, (+|), (|+))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthRequest, AuthResponse)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthRequest, AuthResponse, Token)
import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types ( NgramsTable, NgramsTablePatch, OrderBy, TabType, Versioned, VersionedWithCount )
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Table
import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListId, NodeId)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main (ListType)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Query (Limit, MaxSize, MinSize, Offset)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Port)
import Servant.Client (ClientM)
import Servant.Client.Generic ( genericClient, AsClientT )
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Table
import Gargantext.Core.Types (ListId)
import Gargantext.API.Types () -- MimeUnrender instances
import Gargantext.API.Errors
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Private hiding (tableNgramsAPI)
import Gargantext.API.Routes.Named.Node
import qualified Servant.Auth.Client as S
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
-- This is for requests made by http.client directly to hand-crafted URLs
curApi :: Builder
......@@ -28,15 +34,26 @@ mkUrl _port urlPiece =
"/api/" +| curApi |+ urlPiece
-- | The client for the full API. It also serves as a \"proof\" that our
-- whole API has all the required instances to be used in a client.
clientRoutes :: API (AsClientT ClientM)
clientRoutes = genericClient
-- This is for Servant.Client requests
auth_api :: AuthRequest -> ClientM AuthResponse
auth_api = authEp cliRoutes
cliRoutes :: AuthAPI (AsClientT ClientM)
cliRoutes = genericClient @AuthAPI
auth_api = clientRoutes & apiWithCustomErrorScheme
& ($ GES_new)
& backendAPI
& backendAPI'
& mkBackEndAPI
& gargAPIVersion
& gargAuthAPI
& authEp
table_ngrams_get_api :: TabType
table_ngrams_get_api :: Token
-> NodeId
-> TabType
-> ListId
-> Limit
-> Maybe Offset
......@@ -46,16 +63,45 @@ table_ngrams_get_api :: TabType
-> Maybe OrderBy
-> Maybe Text
-> ClientM (VersionedWithCount NgramsTable)
table_ngrams_get_api = getNgramsTableEp cliRoutes
cliRoutes :: TableNgramsApiGet (AsClientT ClientM)
cliRoutes = genericClient @(TableNgramsApiGet)
table_ngrams_get_api (toServantToken -> token) nodeId =
clientRoutes & apiWithCustomErrorScheme
& ($ GES_new)
& backendAPI
& backendAPI'
& mkBackEndAPI
& gargAPIVersion
& gargPrivateAPI
& mkPrivateAPI
& ($ token)
& nodeEp
& nodeEndpointAPI
& ($ nodeId)
& tableNgramsAPI
& tableNgramsGetAPI
& getNgramsTableEp
toServantToken :: Token -> S.Token
toServantToken = S.Token . TE.encodeUtf8
table_ngrams_put_api :: TabType
table_ngrams_put_api :: Token
-> NodeId
-> TabType
-> ListId
-> Versioned NgramsTablePatch
-> ClientM (Versioned NgramsTablePatch)
table_ngrams_put_api = putNgramsTableEp cliRoutes
cliRoutes :: TableNgramsApiPut (AsClientT ClientM)
cliRoutes = genericClient @TableNgramsApiPut
table_ngrams_put_api (toServantToken -> token) nodeId =
clientRoutes & apiWithCustomErrorScheme
& ($ GES_new)
& backendAPI
& backendAPI'
& mkBackEndAPI
& gargAPIVersion
& gargPrivateAPI
& mkPrivateAPI
& ($ token)
& nodeEp
& nodeEndpointAPI
& ($ nodeId)
& tableNgramsAPI
& tableNgramsPutAPI
& putNgramsTableEp
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Gargantext.Core.NodeStory
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow
import Gargantext.Database.Action.User.New
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Config (userMaster, corpusMasterName)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Config (userMaster)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Trigger.Init
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude
......@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
clientEnv <- liftIO $ authenticatedServantClient port token
listId <- uploadJSONList port token cId
let checkNgrams expected = do
eng <- liftIO $ runClientM (table_ngrams_get_api APINgrams.Terms listId 10 Nothing (Just MapTerm) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing) clientEnv
eng <- liftIO $ runClientM (table_ngrams_get_api token cId APINgrams.Terms listId 10 Nothing (Just MapTerm) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing) clientEnv
case eng of
Left err -> fail (show err)
Right r ->
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
, mSetToList $ nt ^. ne_children ))
(r ^. vc_data . _NgramsTable) in
liftIO $ Set.fromList real `shouldBe` Set.fromList expected
-- The #313 error is about importedTerm being duplicated
-- in a specific case
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
, NgramsReplace { _patch_old = Nothing
, _patch_new = Just nre } )
_ <- liftIO $ runClientM (table_ngrams_put_api APINgrams.Terms listId (Versioned 1 $ NgramsTablePatch $ fst patch)) clientEnv
_ <- liftIO $ runClientM (table_ngrams_put_api token cId APINgrams.Terms listId (Versioned 1 $ NgramsTablePatch $ fst patch)) clientEnv
-- check that new term is added (with no parent)
checkNgrams [ (newTerm, [])
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ tests = sequential $ aroundAll withTestDBAndPort $ do
( newTerm
, toNgramsPatch [importedTerm] )
_ <- liftIO $ runClientM (table_ngrams_put_api APINgrams.Terms listId (Versioned 32 $ NgramsTablePatch $ fst patchChildren)) clientEnv
_ <- liftIO $ runClientM (table_ngrams_put_api token cId APINgrams.Terms listId (Versioned 32 $ NgramsTablePatch $ fst patchChildren)) clientEnv
-- check that new term is parent of old one
checkNgrams [ (newTerm, [importedTerm]) ]
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ containsJSON expected = MatchBody matcher
authenticatedServantClient :: Int -> T.Text -> IO ClientEnv
authenticatedServantClient port token = do
baseUrl <- parseBaseUrl "http://localhost"
baseUrl <- parseBaseUrl ""
manager <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
let requestAddToken url req =
defaultMakeClientRequest url $ addHeader hAuthorization ("Bearer " <> token)
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