Commit e947e2b9 authored by Grégoire Locqueville's avatar Grégoire Locqueville

README improvements

Various clarifications and reformulations based on my experience using
the README to build and run Gargantext. In particular:
- Information related to development has been given its own section
- Docker Compose has been added to the list of prerequisites
- Information pertaining to using Stack has been moved to an annex file
- The content to be copypasted into a `cabal.project.local` file has been moved
  out of the README into a separate file `cabal.project.local_toCopy`

Those may not be the best decisions, I am happy to discuss them if
parent 020b6819
Pipeline #6347 passed with stages
in 31 minutes and 1 second
This diff is collapsed.
package gargantext
ghc-options: -fwrite-ide-info -hiedir=".stack-work/hiedb" -O0
package gargantext-admin
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-cli
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-db-obfuscation
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-import
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-init
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-invitations
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-phylo
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-server
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-upgrade
ghc-options: -O0
package gargantext-graph
ghc-options: -O0
package hmatrix
ghc-options: -O0
package sparse-linear
ghc-options: -O0
# Building Gargantext using the Stack tool
Those are the instructions for developers who wish to build Gargantext using stack instead of cabal.
## Prerequisites
You need [Stack]( (obviously). You can install it with:
curl -sSL | sh
Check that the installation is complete with:
stack --version
Version 2.9.1
## Building and setting up
To build with stack, follow the instructions in ``, with the following changes:
- Replace the `cabal update` and `cabal install` commands with (still from within a Nix shell!):
stack build --fast
*Note: The default build (with optimizations) requires large amounts of RAM (16GB at least). The (recommended) `--fast` flag is here to avoid heavy compilation times and swapping out your machine; just omit it if you want to build with optimizations.*
- After you have run the `docker compose up` command, install with
stack install
## Keeping the stack.yaml updated with the cabal.project
Once you have a valid version of stack, building requires generating a valid `stack.yaml`. This can be obtained by installing `cabal2stack`:
git clone
cd cabal2stack
Then, depending on what build system you are using, either build with `cabal install --overwrite-policy=always` or `stack install`.
And finally:
cabal2stack --system-ghc --allow-newer --resolver lts-21.17 --resolver-file devops/stack/lts-21.17.yaml -o stack.yaml
stack build
The good news is you don't have to do all of this manually; during development, after modifying `cabal.project`, it's enough to run:
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