[worker] no resendOnKill by default for all jobs

parent 46038100
Pipeline #6920 failed with stages
in 22 minutes and 11 seconds
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
location: https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-bee
tag: 307f6760383b74cddd5a586d0b5b1f1a2fc94429
tag: 239a5eca1f11f802f4ae3cc1c80c390f7c6896ac
type: git
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ sendJob job = do
updateJobData :: Job -> W.SendJob PGMQBroker Job -> W.SendJob PGMQBroker Job
updateJobData (AddCorpusFormAsync {}) sj = sj { W.timeout = 300 }
updateJobData (AddCorpusWithQuery {}) sj = sj { W.timeout = 3000 }
updateJobData _ sj = sj
updateJobData _ sj = sj { W.resendOnKill = False }
-- | This is just a list of what's implemented and what not.
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ flow c mkCorpusUser la mfslw (count, docsC) jobHandle = do
-- TODO if public insertMasterDocs else insertUserDocs
nlpServer <- view $ nlpServerGet (_tt_lang la)
runConduit $ zipSources (yieldMany ([1..] :: [Int])) docsC
.| CList.chunksOf 2
.| CList.chunksOf 5
.| mapM_C (addDocumentsWithProgress nlpServer userCorpusId)
.| sinkNull
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