Commit ee1b45b3 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] Backend NLP French tested

parent 91a63511
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# 0 3 * * * pg_dump --dbname=$MYDB | gzip > ~/backup/db/$(date +%Y-%m-%d).psql.gz
if [[ $1 == "" || $2 == "" ]]
then echo "USAGE : ./psql gargantext.ini backup_directory"
then echo "USAGE : ./bin/backup gargantext.ini backup_directory"
WITH repeated AS
( select nn.node2_id AS id, count(*) AS c
FROM nodes_nodes nn
GROUP BY nn.node2_id
select nn.context_id AS id, count(*) AS c
FROM nodes_contexts nn
GROUP BY nn.context_id
DELETE FROM contexts c
USING repeated r
AND r.c <= 1
AND n.typename = 4 =
AND r.c = 1
AND c.typename = 4
......@@ -77,15 +77,17 @@ instance HasDBid Lang where
type Form = Text
type Lem = Text
data PosTagAlgo = CoreNLP | JohnSnowServer
data PosTagAlgo = CoreNLP | JohnSnowServer | Spacy
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Hashable PosTagAlgo
instance HasDBid PosTagAlgo where
toDBid CoreNLP = 1
toDBid CoreNLP = 1
toDBid JohnSnowServer = 2
toDBid Spacy = 3
fromDBid 1 = CoreNLP
fromDBid 2 = JohnSnowServer
fromDBid 3 = Spacy
fromDBid _ = panic "HasDBid posTagAlgo : Not implemented"
......@@ -254,9 +254,7 @@ makeLenses ''NodeStoryEnv
makeLenses ''NodeStory
makeLenses ''Archive
data NodeStoryPoly nid v ngtid ngid nre =
NodeStoryDB { node_id :: nid
, version :: v
......@@ -614,14 +612,20 @@ readNodeStoryEnv pool = do
pure $ NodeStoryEnv { _nse_var = mvar
, _nse_saver = saver
, _nse_saver_immediate = saver_immediate
, _nse_getter = nodeStoryVar pool (Just mvar) }
, _nse_getter = nodeStoryVar pool (Just mvar)
nodeStoryVar :: Pool PGS.Connection -> Maybe (MVar NodeListStory) -> [NodeId] -> IO (MVar NodeListStory)
nodeStoryVar :: Pool PGS.Connection
-> Maybe (MVar NodeListStory)
-> [NodeId]
-> IO (MVar NodeListStory)
nodeStoryVar pool Nothing nIds = do
state <- withResource pool $ \c -> nodeStoryIncs c Nothing nIds
newMVar state
nodeStoryVar pool (Just mv) nIds = do
_ <- withResource pool $ \c -> modifyMVar_ mv $ \nsl -> (nodeStoryIncs c (Just nsl) nIds)
_ <- withResource pool
$ \c -> modifyMVar_ mv
$ \nsl -> (nodeStoryIncs c (Just nsl) nIds)
pure mv
-- Debounce is useful since it could delay the saving to some later
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import qualified Gargantext.Core.Text.Terms.Multi.Lang.Fr as Fr
import Gargantext.Core.Text.Terms.Multi.RAKE (multiterms_rake)
-- import qualified Gargantext.Utils.JohnSnowNLP as JohnSnow
import qualified Gargantext.Utils.SpacyNLP as SpacyNLP
......@@ -36,15 +37,14 @@ import qualified Gargantext.Utils.SpacyNLP as SpacyNLP
type NLP_API = Lang -> Text -> IO PosSentences
-- To be removed
multiterms :: Lang -> Text -> IO [Terms]
multiterms = multiterms' tokenTag2terms
multiterms' :: (TokenTag -> a) -> Lang -> Text -> IO [a]
multiterms' f lang txt = concat
<$> map (map f)
<$> map (filter (\t -> _my_token_pos t == Just NP))
<$> tokenTags lang txt
multiterms' :: (TokenTag -> a) -> Lang -> Text -> IO [a]
multiterms' f lang txt = concat
<$> map (map f)
<$> map (filter (\t -> _my_token_pos t == Just NP))
<$> tokenTags lang txt
tokenTag2terms :: TokenTag -> Terms
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tokenTag2terms (TokenTag ws t _ _) = Terms ws t
tokenTags :: Lang -> Text -> IO [[TokenTag]]
tokenTags EN txt = tokenTagsWith EN txt corenlp
tokenTags FR txt = tokenTagsWith FR txt SpacyNLP.nlp
tokenTags _ _ = panic "[G.C.T.T.Multi] NLP API not implemented yet"
tokenTags l _ = panic $ "[G.C.T.T.Multi] Lang NLP API not implemented yet " <> (cs $ show l)
tokenTagsWith :: Lang -> Text -> NLP_API -> IO [[TokenTag]]
tokenTagsWith lang txt nlp = map (groupTokens lang)
......@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ import Gargantext.Core.Types
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Network.HTTP.Simple
-- import qualified Gargantext.Utils.SpacyNLP as SpacyNLP
tokens2tokensTags :: [Token] -> [TokenTag]
......@@ -73,18 +77,12 @@ corenlp' :: ( FromJSON a
corenlp' lang txt = do
let properties = case lang of
EN -> "{\"annotators\": \"tokenize,ssplit,pos,ner\", \"outputFormat\": \"json\"}"
-- FR -> "{\"annotators\": \"tokenize,ssplit,pos,ner\", \"outputFormat\": \"json\"}"
FR -> "{\"annotators\": \"tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner\", \"parse.model\":\"edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/frenchFactored.ser.gz\", \"pos.model\":\"edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/french/french.tagger\", \"tokenize.language\":\"fr\", \"outputFormat\": \"json\"}"
_ -> panic $ pack "not implemented yet"
url <- parseRequest $ "POST http://localhost:9000/?properties=" <> properties
let request = setRequestBodyLBS (cs txt) url
httpJSON request
corenlpRaw :: Lang -> Text -> IO Value
corenlpRaw lang txt = do
response <- corenlp' lang txt
pure (getResponseBody response)
corenlp :: Lang -> Text -> IO PosSentences
corenlp lang txt = do
......@@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ flowCorpusUser l user corpusName ctype ids mfslw = do
<- getOrMk_RootWithCorpus (UserName userMaster) (Left "") ctype
--let gp = (GroupParams l 2 3 (StopSize 3))
-- Here the PosTagAlgo should be chosen according the Lang
let gp = GroupWithPosTag l CoreNLP HashMap.empty
ngs <- buildNgramsLists user userCorpusId masterCorpusId mfslw gp
-- Here the PosTagAlgo should be chosen according to the Lang
let gp = GroupWithPosTag l CoreNLP HashMap.empty
ngs <- buildNgramsLists user userCorpusId masterCorpusId mfslw gp
-- printDebug "flowCorpusUser:ngs" ngs
......@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ flowCorpusUser l user corpusName ctype ids mfslw = do
-- _ <- insertOccsUpdates userCorpusId mastListId
-- printDebug "userListId" userListId
-- User Graph Flow
_ <- insertDefaultNodeIfNotExists NodeDashboard userCorpusId userId
_ <- insertDefaultNodeIfNotExists NodeGraph userCorpusId userId
_ <- insertDefaultNodeIfNotExists NodeDashboard userCorpusId userId
--_ <- mkPhylo userCorpusId userId
-- Annuaire Flow
-- _ <- mkAnnuaire rootUserId userId
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