[stack] allow-newer: true

parent afe06669
Pipeline #6640 failed with stages
in 19 minutes and 58 seconds
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ expected_cabal_project_freeze_hash="de1726d350936da5f5e15140e3be29bb4f44757c5702
cabal --store-dir=$STORE_DIR v2-build --dry-run
# cabal2stack --system-ghc --allow-newer --resolver lts-21.17 --resolver-file devops/stack/lts-21.17.yaml -o stack.yaml
cabal2stack --system-ghc --resolver lts-21.25 -o stack.yaml
cabal2stack --system-ghc --allow-newer --resolver lts-21.25 -o stack.yaml
cabal --store-dir=$STORE_DIR v2-freeze
# Run 'sed' to remove the constraint for 'gargantext', as it doesn't make sense and
"allow-newer": false
"allow-newer": true
- "Glob-0.10.2"
- "HTTP-4000.4.1"
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