Commit eef6a43a authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[REFACT] SocialList main

parent a3148efb
...@@ -47,63 +47,52 @@ flowSocialList :: ( RepoCmdM env err m ...@@ -47,63 +47,52 @@ flowSocialList :: ( RepoCmdM env err m
=> User -> NgramsType -> Set Text => User -> NgramsType -> Set Text
-> m (Map ListType (Set Text)) -> m (Map ListType (Set Text))
flowSocialList user nt ngrams' = do flowSocialList user nt ngrams' = do
privateLists <- flowSocialListByMode Private user nt ngrams' -- Here preference to privateLists (discutable: let user choice)
privateListIds <- findListsId Private user
privateLists <- flowSocialListByMode privateListIds nt ngrams'
-- printDebug "* privateLists *: \n" privateLists -- printDebug "* privateLists *: \n" privateLists
-- here preference to privateLists (discutable)
sharedLists <- flowSocialListByMode Shared user nt (termsByList CandidateTerm privateLists) sharedListIds <- findListsId Shared user
sharedLists <- flowSocialListByMode sharedListIds nt (termsByList CandidateTerm privateLists)
-- printDebug "* sharedLists *: \n" sharedLists -- printDebug "* sharedLists *: \n" sharedLists
-- TODO publicMapList
-- TODO publicMapList:
-- Note: if both produce 3 identic repetition => refactor mode
-- publicListIds <- findListsId Public user
-- publicLists <- flowSocialListByMode' publicListIds nt (termsByList CandidateTerm privateLists)
let result = unions [ Map.mapKeys (fromMaybe CandidateTerm) privateLists let result = unions [ Map.mapKeys (fromMaybe CandidateTerm) privateLists
, Map.mapKeys (fromMaybe CandidateTerm) sharedLists , Map.mapKeys (fromMaybe CandidateTerm) sharedLists
-- , Map.mapKeys (fromMaybe CandidateTerm) publicLists
] ]
-- printDebug "* socialLists *: results \n" result -- printDebug "* socialLists *: results \n" result
pure result pure result
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
unions :: (Ord a, Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Ord b) flowSocialListByMode :: ( RepoCmdM env err m
=> [Map a (Set b)] -> Map a (Set b) , CmdM env err m
unions = invertBack . Map.unionsWith (<>) . map invertForw , HasNodeError err
, HasTreeError err
=> [NodeId]-> NgramsType -> Set Text
-> m (Map (Maybe ListType) (Set Text))
flowSocialListByMode [] nt ngrams' = pure $ Map.fromList [(Nothing, ngrams')]
flowSocialListByMode listIds nt ngrams' = do
counts <- countFilterList ngrams' nt listIds Map.empty
let r = toSocialList counts ngrams'
pure r
invertForw :: (Ord b, Semigroup a) => Map a (Set b) -> Map b a
invertForw = Map.unionsWith (<>)
. (map (\(k,sets) -> Map.fromSet (\_ -> k) sets))
. Map.toList
invertBack :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map b a -> Map a (Set b)
invertBack = Map.fromListWith (<>)
. (map (\(b,a) -> (a, Set.singleton b)))
. Map.toList
unions_test :: Map ListType (Set Text)
unions_test = unions [m1, m2]
m1 = Map.fromList [ (StopTerm , Set.singleton "Candidate")]
m2 = Map.fromList [ (CandidateTerm, Set.singleton "Candidate")
, (MapTerm , Set.singleton "Candidate")
flowSocialListByMode :: ( RepoCmdM env err m
, CmdM env err m
, HasNodeError err
, HasTreeError err
=> NodeMode -> User -> NgramsType -> Set Text
-> m (Map (Maybe ListType) (Set Text))
flowSocialListByMode mode user nt ngrams' = do
listIds <- findListsId mode user
case listIds of
[] -> pure $ Map.fromList [(Nothing, ngrams')]
_ -> do
counts <- countFilterList ngrams' nt listIds Map.empty
-- printDebug "flowSocialListByMode counts" counts
let r = toSocialList counts ngrams'
-- printDebug "flowSocialListByMode r" r
pure r
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: maybe use social groups too -- TODO: maybe use social groups too
-- | TODO what if equality ?
-- choice depends on Ord instance of ListType
-- for now : data ListType = StopTerm | CandidateTerm | MapTerm
-- means MapTerm > CandidateTerm > StopTerm in case of equality of counts
-- (we minimize errors on MapTerms if doubt)
toSocialList :: Map Text (Map ListType Int) toSocialList :: Map Text (Map ListType Int)
-> Set Text -> Set Text
-> Map (Maybe ListType) (Set Text) -> Map (Maybe ListType) (Set Text)
...@@ -111,11 +100,6 @@ toSocialList m = Map.fromListWith (<>) ...@@ -111,11 +100,6 @@ toSocialList m = Map.fromListWith (<>)
. Set.toList . Set.toList
. (toSocialList1 m) . (toSocialList1 m)
-- | TODO what if equality ?
-- choice depends on Ord instance of ListType
-- for now : data ListType = StopTerm | CandidateTerm | MapTerm
-- means MapTerm > CandidateTerm > StopTerm in case of equality of counts
-- (we minimize errors on MapTerms if doubt)
toSocialList1 :: Map Text (Map ListType Int) toSocialList1 :: Map Text (Map ListType Int)
-> Text -> Text
-> (Maybe ListType, Set Text) -> (Maybe ListType, Set Text)
...@@ -135,3 +119,26 @@ toSocialList1_testIsTrue = result == (Just MapTerm, Set.singleton token) ...@@ -135,3 +119,26 @@ toSocialList1_testIsTrue = result == (Just MapTerm, Set.singleton token)
, (StopTerm , 3) , (StopTerm , 3)
] ]
-- | Tools
unions :: (Ord a, Semigroup a, Semigroup b, Ord b)
=> [Map a (Set b)] -> Map a (Set b)
unions = invertBack . Map.unionsWith (<>) . map invertForw
invertForw :: (Ord b, Semigroup a) => Map a (Set b) -> Map b a
invertForw = Map.unionsWith (<>)
. (map (\(k,sets) -> Map.fromSet (\_ -> k) sets))
. Map.toList
invertBack :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map b a -> Map a (Set b)
invertBack = Map.fromListWith (<>)
. (map (\(b,a) -> (a, Set.singleton b)))
. Map.toList
unions_test :: Map ListType (Set Text)
unions_test = unions [m1, m2]
m1 = Map.fromList [ (StopTerm , Set.singleton "Candidate")]
m2 = Map.fromList [ (CandidateTerm, Set.singleton "Candidate")
, (MapTerm , Set.singleton "Candidate")
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