[WIP] NewTask notification

parent 19f4848f
Pipeline #6573 failed with stages
in 13 minutes and 34 seconds
......@@ -114,6 +114,28 @@ data GargJob
| AddAnnuaireFormJob
| RecomputeGraphJob
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
instance ToJSON GargJob where
toJSON = toJSON . show
instance FromJSON GargJob where
parseJSON = withText $ \t ->
case t of
"TableNgramsJob" -> pure TableNgramsJob
"ForgotPasswordJob" -> pure ForgotPasswordJob
"UpdateNgramsListJobJSON" -> pure UpdateNgramsListJobJSON
"UpdateNgramsListJobTSV" -> pure UpdateNgramsListJobTSV
"AddContactJob" -> pure AddContactJob
"AddFileJob" -> pure AddFileJob
"DocumentFromWriteNodeJob" -> pure DocumentFromWriteNodeJob
"UpdateNodeJob" -> pure UpdateNodeJob
"UploadFrameCalcJob" -> pure UploadFrameCalcJob
"UploadDocumentJob" -> pure UploadDocumentJob
"NewNodeJob" -> pure NewNodeJob
"AddCorpusQueryJob" -> pure AddCorpusQueryJob
"AddCorpusFormJob" -> pure AddCorpusFormJob
"AddCorpusFileJob" -> pure AddCorpusFileJob
"AddAnnuaireFormJob" -> pure AddAnnuaireFormJob
"RecomputeGraphJob" -> pure RecomputeGraphJob
s -> prependFailure "parsing GargJob failed, " (typeMismatch "gargJob" s)
-- Do /not/ treat the data types of this type as strict, because it's convenient
-- to be able to partially initialise things like an 'Env' during tests, without
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.List (nubBy)
import DeferredFolds.UnfoldlM qualified as UnfoldlM
import Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (GargJob(..))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (AuthenticatedUser(_auth_user_id))
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Orchestrator.Types (JobLog)
import Gargantext.API.Admin.Types (jwtSettings, Settings, jwtSettings)
......@@ -55,23 +56,32 @@ import StmContainers.Set as SSet
-- | A topic is sent, when a client wants to subscribe to specific
-- | types of notifications
data Topic =
-- | New task appeared on given node
NewTask NodeId (JobID 'Safe) GargJob
-- | Update given Servant Job (we currently send a request every
-- | second to get job status).
UpdateJobProgress (JobID 'Safe)
| UpdateJobProgress (JobID 'Safe)
-- | Given parent node id, trigger update of the node and its
-- children (e.g. list is automatically created in a corpus)
| UpdateTree NodeId
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Prelude.Show Topic where
show (NewTask nodeId jId gargJob) = "NewTask " <> (show nodeId) <> ", " <> (CBUTF8.decode $ BSL.unpack $ Aeson.encode jId) <> ", " <> show gargJob
show (UpdateJobProgress jId) = "UpdateJobProgress " <> (CBUTF8.decode $ BSL.unpack $ Aeson.encode jId)
show (UpdateTree nodeId) = "UpdateTree " <> show nodeId
instance Hashable Topic where
hashWithSalt salt (NewTask nodeId jId gargJob) = hashWithSalt salt ("new-task" :: Text, nodeId, Aeson.encode jId, show gargJob)
hashWithSalt salt (UpdateJobProgress jId) = hashWithSalt salt ("update-job-progress" :: Text, Aeson.encode jId)
hashWithSalt salt (UpdateTree nodeId) = hashWithSalt salt ("update-tree" :: Text, nodeId)
instance FromJSON Topic where
parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "Topic" $ \o -> do
type_ <- o .: "type"
case type_ of
"new_task" -> do
nodeId <= o .: "node_id"
jId <- o .: "j_id"
gargJob <- o .: "garg_job"
pure $ NewTask nodeId jId gargJob
"update_job_progress" -> do
jId <- o .: "j_id"
pure $ UpdateJobProgress jId
......@@ -80,13 +90,19 @@ instance FromJSON Topic where
pure $ UpdateTree node_id
s -> prependFailure "parsing type failed, " (typeMismatch "type" s)
instance ToJSON Topic where
toJSON (NewTask nodeId jId gargJob) = Aeson.object [
"type" .= toJSON ("new_task" :: Text)
, "node_id" .= toJSON nodeId
, "j_id" .= toJSON jId
, "garg_job" .= toJSON gargJob
toJSON (UpdateJobProgress jId) = Aeson.object [
"type" .= toJSON ("update_job_progress" :: Text)
, "j_id" .= toJSON jId
toJSON (UpdateTree node_id) = Aeson.object [
toJSON (UpdateTree nodeId) = Aeson.object [
"type" .= toJSON ("update_tree" :: Text)
, "node_id" .= toJSON node_id
, "node_id" .= toJSON nodeId
-- | A message to be sent inside a Notification
......@@ -167,7 +183,7 @@ by default can handle 65k concurrent connections. With multiple users
having multiple components open, we could exhaust that limit quickly.
Hence, we architect this to have 1 websocket connection per web
data WSRequest =
WSSubscribe Topic
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