Commit f1d6a083 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/improve-onboarding-experience' into dev

parents 0143f243 afdbe31d
This diff is collapsed.
# The following line is more portable than just /bin/bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# A couple hygienic options
set -e -u
# The following command will run `cabal run gargantext-cli --` followed by the
# options provided by the user, from inside a Nix shell. For instance,
# if the user types
# $ ./bin/cli someCommand "some string argument"
# the following will be run from inside a Nix shell:
# $ cabal run gargantext-cli -- someCommand "some string argument"
# It's a little convoluted because we want to keep spaces that were enclosed in
# quotes or escaped by the user.
nix-shell --run "$(printf "%q " cabal run gargantext-cli -- "$@")"
# The following line is more portable than just /bin/bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# A couple hygienic options
set -e -u
echo "Launching Gargantext..."
nix-shell --run "cabal run gargantext-server -- --run Prod --toml gargantext-settings.toml"
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