Commit f4246b5a authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

HasDbid small refactoring

parent 1829c501
......@@ -137,27 +137,34 @@ class HasDBid a where
-- NOTE: We try to use numeric codes for countries
dbIds :: [(Lang, Int)]
dbIds = [ (All, 0 )
, (DE , 276)
, (EL , 300)
, (EN , 2 )
, (ES , 724)
, (FR , 1 )
, (IT , 380)
, (PL , 616)
, (PT , 620)
, (RU , 643)
, (UK , 804)
, (ZH , 156)
-- The pattern matching ensures this mapping will always be total
-- once we add a new 'Lang'.
lang2id :: Map Lang Int
lang2id = Map.fromList $ allLangs <&> \lid -> case lid of
All -> (lid, 0)
DE -> (lid, 276)
EL -> (lid, 300)
EN -> (lid, 2)
ES -> (lid, 724)
FR -> (lid, 1)
IT -> (lid, 380)
PL -> (lid, 616)
PT -> (lid, 620)
RU -> (lid, 643)
UK -> (lid, 804)
ZH -> (lid, 156)
-- | /static/ conversion map between an 'Int' and a 'Lang'. Automatically kept up-to-date
-- as it's derived from 'lang2id'.
id2lang :: Map Int Lang
id2lang = Map.fromList . map swap . Map.toList $ lang2id
instance HasDBid Lang where
toDBid lang = case Map.lookup lang $ Map.fromList dbIds of
Just la -> la
Nothing -> panic "[G.Core] Add this lang to DB ids"
-- /NOTE/ this lookup cannot fail because 'dbIds' is defined as a total function
-- over its domain.
toDBid lang = lang2id Map.! lang
fromDBid dbId = case Map.lookup dbId $ Map.fromList $ map swap dbIds of
fromDBid dbId = case Map.lookup dbId id2lang of
Just la -> la
Nothing -> panic "HasDBid lang, not implemented"
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