Commit f9d09a80 authored by qlobbe's avatar qlobbe

some addings linked to the memiescape

parent ed3e51b0
Pipeline #528 failed with stage
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ main = do
(reBranchThr conf) (reBranchNth conf) (phyloLevel conf)
(RelatedComponents $ RCParams $ WeightedLogJaccard $ WLJParams (clusterTh conf) (clusterSens conf))
let queryView = PhyloQueryView (viewLevel conf) Merge False 1 [BranchAge,BranchBirth] [SizeBranch $ SBParams (minSizeBranch conf)] [GroupLabelIncDyn,BranchPeakInc] (Just (ByBranchBirth,Asc)) Json Flat True
let queryView = PhyloQueryView (viewLevel conf) Merge False 1 [BranchAge,BranchBirth,BranchGroups] [SizeBranch $ SBParams (minSizeBranch conf)] [GroupLabelIncDyn,BranchPeakInc] (Just (ByBranchBirth,Asc)) Json Flat True
let phylo = toPhylo query corpus termList fis'
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ data SBParams = SBParams
-- | Metric constructors
data Metric = BranchAge | BranchBirth deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
data Metric = BranchAge | BranchBirth | BranchGroups deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ queryViewEx = "level=3"
phyloQueryView :: PhyloQueryView
phyloQueryView = PhyloQueryView 2 Merge False 2 [BranchAge,BranchBirth] [] [BranchPeakInc,GroupLabelIncDyn] (Just (ByBranchBirth,Asc)) Json Flat True
phyloQueryView = PhyloQueryView 2 Merge False 2 [BranchAge,BranchBirth,BranchGroups] [] [BranchPeakInc,GroupLabelIncDyn] (Just (ByBranchBirth,Asc)) Json Flat True
......@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ toDotLabel lbl = StrLabel $ fromStrict lbl
setPeakDotNode :: PhyloBranch -> Dot DotId
setPeakDotNode pb = node (toBranchDotId $ pb ^. pb_id)
([FillColor [toWColor CornSilk], FontName "Arial", FontSize 40, Shape Egg, Style [SItem Bold []], Label (toDotLabel $ pb ^. pb_peak)]
<> (setAttrFromMetrics $ pb ^. pb_metrics))
<> (setAttrFromMetrics $ pb ^. pb_metrics)
<> [setAttr "nodeType" "peak"])
-- | To set a Peak Edge
......@@ -186,7 +187,8 @@ setHtmlTable pn = H.Table H.HTable
-- | To set a Node
setDotNode :: PhyloNode -> Dot DotId
setDotNode pn = node (toNodeDotId $ pn ^. pn_id)
([FontName "Arial", Shape Square, toLabel (setHtmlTable pn)])
([FontName "Arial", Shape Square, toLabel (setHtmlTable pn)]
<> [setAttr "nodeType" "group"])
-- | To set an Edge
......@@ -235,7 +237,10 @@ viewToDot pv = digraph ((Str . fromStrict) $ pv ^. pv_title)
-- set the period label
node (toPeriodDotId prd) [Shape Square, FontSize 50, Label (toPeriodDotLabel prd)]
node (toPeriodDotId prd) ([Shape Square, FontSize 50, Label (toPeriodDotLabel prd)]
<> [setAttr "nodeType" "period",
setAttr "from" (fromStrict $ T.pack $ (show $ fst prd)),
setAttr "to" (fromStrict $ T.pack $ (show $ snd prd))])
mapM setDotNode $ filterNodesByPeriod prd $ filterNodesByLevel (pv ^. pv_level) (pv ^.pv_nodes)
......@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ addBranchMetrics id lbl val v = over (pv_branches
else b) v
branchGroups :: PhyloView -> PhyloView
branchGroups v = foldl (\v' (bId,nb) -> addBranchMetrics bId "nbGroups" nb v') v
$ map (\(bId,ns) -> (bId,fromIntegral $ length ns))
$ getNodesByBranches v
-- | To get the age (in year) of all the branches of a PhyloView
branchAge :: PhyloView -> PhyloView
branchAge v = foldl (\v' b -> let bId = (fst . (head' "branchAge")) b
......@@ -63,6 +69,7 @@ processMetrics :: [Metric] -> Phylo -> PhyloView -> PhyloView
processMetrics ms _p v = foldl (\v' m -> case m of
BranchAge -> branchAge v'
BranchBirth -> branchBirth v'
BranchGroups -> branchGroups v'
-- _ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.processMetrics] metric not found"
) v ms
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