Commit fa5c63fb authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX/FEAT] Order 2 improvement

parent fd82ee9c
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ logDistributional' n m' = trace ("logDistributional'") result
-- m_{i,j} = 0 if n_{i,j} = 0 or i = j,
-- m_{i,j} = log(to * n_{i,j} / s_{i,j}) otherwise.
mi = (.*) (matrixEye n)
(map (lift1 (\x -> cond (x == 0) 0 (log (x * to)))) ((./) m ss))
(map (lift1 (\x -> cond (x == 0) 0 (log (1 + x * to)))) ((./) m ss))
-- mi_nnz :: Int
-- mi_nnz = flip indexArray Z . run $
-- foldAll (+) 0 $ map (\a -> ifThenElse (abs a < 10^(-6 :: Exp Int)) 0 1) mi
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