Commit fbd6f30d authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge branch 'dev' into dev-ngrams-groups

parents 78b44dcf 0832de16
......@@ -17,26 +17,31 @@ import Prelude (read)
import System.IO (FilePath)
import Data.Ini (readIniFile, lookupValue)
import Data.Either.Extra (Either(Left, Right))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
import Gargantext.Prelude
data GargConfig = GargConfig { _gc_url :: !Text
, _gc_url_backend_api :: !Text
-- | strip a given character from end of string
stripRight :: Char -> T.Text -> T.Text
stripRight c s = if T.last s == c then stripRight c (T.take (T.length s - 1) s) else s
, _gc_masteruser :: !Text
, _gc_secretkey :: !Text
data GargConfig = GargConfig { _gc_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_url_backend_api :: !T.Text
, _gc_masteruser :: !T.Text
, _gc_secretkey :: !T.Text
, _gc_datafilepath :: !FilePath
, _gc_repofilepath :: !FilePath
, _gc_frame_write_url :: !Text
, _gc_frame_calc_url :: !Text
, _gc_frame_write_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_frame_calc_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_frame_searx_url :: !Text
, _gc_frame_istex_url :: !Text
, _gc_frame_searx_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_frame_istex_url :: !T.Text
, _gc_max_docs_scrapers :: !Integer
......@@ -48,23 +53,23 @@ readConfig :: FilePath -> IO GargConfig
readConfig fp = do
ini <- readIniFile fp
let ini'' = case ini of
Left e -> panic (pack $ "gargantext.ini not found" <> show e)
Left e -> panic (T.pack $ "gargantext.ini not found" <> show e)
Right ini' -> ini'
let val x = case (lookupValue (pack "gargantext") (pack x) ini'') of
Left _ -> panic (pack $ "ERROR: add " <> x <> " to your gargantext.ini")
let val x = case (lookupValue (T.pack "gargantext") (T.pack x) ini'') of
Left _ -> panic (T.pack $ "ERROR: add " <> x <> " to your gargantext.ini")
Right p' -> p'
pure $ GargConfig (val "URL")
pure $ GargConfig (stripRight '/' $ val "URL")
(stripRight '/' $ val "URL_BACKEND_API")
(val "SECRET_KEY")
(cs $ val "DATA_FILEPATH")
(cs $ val "REPO_FILEPATH")
(stripRight '/' $ val "FRAME_WRITE_URL")
(stripRight '/' $ val "FRAME_CALC_URL")
(stripRight '/' $ val "FRAME_SEARX_URL")
(stripRight '/' $ val "FRAME_ISTEX_URL")
(read $ cs $ val "MAX_DOCS_SCRAPERS")
......@@ -80,4 +85,4 @@ defaultConfig = GargConfig "https://localhost"
\ No newline at end of file
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