[API search] When an external service is down (HAL or other), display a message with a more explicit text
This morning, the HAL services are down (including the API).
In this case, Gargantext display this message as an error:
ExternalAPIError (FailureResponse (Request {requestPath = (BaseUrl {baseUrlScheme = Https, baseUrlHost = "api.archives-ouvertes.fr", baseUrlPort = 443, baseUrlPath = ""},"/search"), requestQueryString = fromList [("q",Just "%28fr_title_t%3A%28grossesse%29%20OR%20fr_abstract_t%3A%28grossesse%29%29"),("fl",Just "docid%2Ctitle_s%2Cen_abstract_s%2CsubmittedDate_s%2Csource_s%2CauthFullName_s%2CauthOrganism_s"),("fq",Just "language_s%3Afr"),("start",Just "0"),("rows",Just "0")], requestBody = Nothing, requestAccept = fromList [application/json;charset=utf-8,application/json], requestHeaders = fromList [], requestHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1, requestMethod = "GET"}) (Response {responseStatusCode = Status {statusCode = 503, statusMessage = "Service Unavailable"}, responseHeaders = fromList [("content-length","107"),("cache-control","no-cache"),("content-type","text/html")], responseHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1, responseBody = "<html><body><h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>\nNo server is available to handle this request.\n</body></html>\n"}))
Is it possible to display a more explicit message, for non-technical users