Problem at parsing TSV
I have an example of TSV file that open correctly in open office, but generate errors in GarganText.
The line that generates the bug is (with headers) : Title Authors Source Abstract Publication Year Publication Month Publication Day A bunch of maskless "A bunch of maskless #Covid "experts" like Gregg Gonsalves are now trying to sound credible by warning about H5N1.I think H5N1 is a serious fucking problem that requires airborne mitigations and decontaminating the food supply.And I also don't dine in restaurants. Gregg on the other hand is proud of his masklessness.Be warned. Don't let these professional Covid minimizers get away with this shit with #H5N1." 2024 06 03
parse error (Failed reading: conversion error: no field named "Publication Year") at experts" like Gregg Gonsalves are now trying to sound credible by warning about H5N1.I think H5N1 i (truncated)
Here is a minimal file that generates the bugminimalBugged_TSV.csv