BreakWords.purs 2.62 KB
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-- | Break a string into words and spaces
-- | It uses a simple algorithm of searching for word characters incrementally
-- | Punctuation is considered whitespace, so it's best used in a sentence or
-- | for highlighting purposes
module Gargantext.Text.BreakWords (BrokenWord(..), breakWords) where

import Prelude
import Data.Traversable (traverse_)
import Effect (Effect)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Unit (Unit, unit)
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn2, runEffectFn2)
import Data.Function.Uncurried (Fn1, runFn1)
import Data.String.CodeUnits (length, slice) -- TODO: double check i'm the right choice
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toMaybe)
import Data.String.Regex (Regex)
import Gargantext.Utils.Regex
import Gargantext.Utils.Array (push)

data BrokenWord = Word String | Space String

breakWords :: String -> Effect (Array BrokenWord)
breakWords s = loop $ break s
  where loop b = breakNext b >>= (h b) 
        h :: Breaking -> Boolean -> Effect (Array BrokenWord)
        h b cont
          | cont = loop b
          | otherwise = pure b.results

-- Implementation

-- Returns whether to continue
breakNext :: Breaking -> Effect Boolean
breakNext b = checkStatic b $ lastIndex b
  where checkStatic b origin
          | origin == length b.source = pure false
          | otherwise = search b >>= next' origin
        next' origin Nothing = finish b origin
        next' origin (Just w) = next b origin w

next :: Breaking -> Int -> String -> Effect Boolean
next b origin word =
  do traverse_ (pushSpace b) $ preceding b origin word
     pushWord b word
     pure true
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preceding :: Breaking -> Int -> String -> Maybe String
preceding b origin word = p $ (lastIndex b) - (length word)
  where p o
          | o == origin = Nothing
          | otherwise = slice origin o b.source

finish :: Breaking -> Int -> Effect Boolean
finish b origin =
  do let last = slice origin (-1) b.source
     traverse_ (pushSpace b) last
     pure false
type Breaking = { source :: String, wordRegex :: Regex, results :: Array BrokenWord }

-- almost `pure`
break :: String -> Breaking
break s = { source, wordRegex, results }
  where source = s
        wordRegex = cloneRegex _wordRegex
        results = []

search :: Breaking -> Effect (Maybe String)
search b = execRegex b.wordRegex b.source
lastIndex :: Breaking -> Int
lastIndex b = getRegexLastIndex b.wordRegex

pushResult :: Breaking -> BrokenWord -> Effect Unit
pushResult b = push b.results
pushSpace :: Breaking -> String -> Effect Unit
pushSpace b = pushResult b <<< Space

pushWord :: Breaking -> String -> Effect Unit
pushWord b = pushResult b <<< Word

foreign import _wordRegex :: Regex