Commit 10c770b5 authored by Abinaya Sudhir's avatar Abinaya Sudhir

Login modal added

parent 8208ee08
......@@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ import DOM.WebStorage.Storage (getItem, setItem)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, encodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (.?), (:=), (~>))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..))
import Data.Lens (over)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.MediaType.Common (applicationJSON)
import Network.HTTP.Affjax (AJAX, affjax, defaultRequest)
import Network.HTTP.RequestHeader (RequestHeader(..))
import Prelude hiding (div)
import React.DOM (a, button, div, h2, h4, i, input, label, p, span, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, className, href, maxLength, name, onClick, onInput, placeholder, target, value)
import React.DOM (a, button, div, h2, h4, h5, i, input, label, p, span, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, _type, aria, className, href, maxLength, name, onClick, onInput, placeholder, role, target, value)
import Routing.Hash.Aff (setHash)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, _render, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
......@@ -84,6 +85,36 @@ performAction Login _ (State state) = void do
-- modifyState \(State s) -> State $ s {response = r, errorMessage = ""}
modalSpec :: forall eff props. Boolean -> String -> Spec eff State props Action -> Spec eff State props Action
modalSpec sm t = over _render \render d p s c ->
[ div [ className $ "modal myModal" <> if sm then "" else " fade"
, role "dialog"
, _data {show : true}
][ div [ className "modal-dialog"
, role "document"
] [ div [ className "modal-content"]
[ div [ className "modal-header"]
[ h5 [ className "modal-title"
[ text $ t
, button [ _type "button"
, className "close"
, _data { dismiss : "modal"}
] [ span [ aria {hidden : true}]
[ text "X"]
, div [ className "modal-body"]
(render d p s c)
spec' :: forall eff props. Spec (console:: CONSOLE, ajax :: AJAX, dom :: DOM | eff) State props Action
spec' = modalSpec true "Login" renderSpec
renderSpec :: forall props eff . Spec (console::CONSOLE, ajax::AJAX, dom::DOM | eff) State props Action
renderSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
......@@ -121,7 +152,7 @@ renderSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
, div [className "form-group"]
[ p [] [text state.errorMessage]
, input [className "form-control", _id "id_username",maxLength "254", name "username", placeholder "username", _type "text",value state.username, onInput \e -> dispatch (SetUserName (unsafeEventValue e))] []
, input [className "form-control", _id "id_username",maxLength "254", name "username", placeholder "username", _type "text",value state.username, onInput \e -> dispatch (SetUserName (unsafeEventValue e))] []
, div [className "form-group"]
[ input [className "form-control", _id "id_password", name "password", placeholder "password", _type "password",value state.password,onInput \e -> dispatch (SetPassword (unsafeEventValue e))] []
......@@ -130,29 +161,26 @@ renderSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
, div [className "center"]
label [] [
div [className "checkbox"]
[ input [_id "terms-accept", _type "checkbox", value "", className "checkbox"]
, text "I accept the terms of uses ",
a [href ""] [text "[Read the terms of use]"]
, button [_id "login-button",className "btn btn-primary btn-rounded", _type "submit", onClick \_ -> dispatch $ Login] [text "Login"]
div [className "checkbox"]
[ input [_id "terms-accept", _type "checkbox", value "", className "checkbox"]
, text "I accept the terms of uses ",
a [href ""] [text "[Read the terms of use]"]
, button [_id "login-button",className "btn btn-primary btn-rounded", _type "submit", onClick \_ -> dispatch $ Login] [text "Login"]
-- div [ className "modal fade myModal"
-- , role "dialog"
-- div [ className "modal fade myModal"
-- , role "dialog"
-- , _data {show : true}
-- ][ div [ className "modal-dialog"
-- , role "document"
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ type AppState =
, tabview :: TV.State
, search :: String
, corpusAnalysis :: CA.State
, showLogin :: Boolean
initAppState :: AppState
......@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ initAppState =
, tabview : TV.initialState
, search : ""
, corpusAnalysis : CA.initialState
, showLogin : false
data Action
......@@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ data Action
| Search String
| Go
| CorpusAnalysisA CA.Action
| ShowLogin
performAction :: forall eff props. PerformAction ( dom :: DOM
......@@ -93,6 +96,10 @@ performAction (Search s) _ _ = void do
modifyState $ _ {search = s}
performAction (ShowLogin) _ _ = void do
modifyState $ _ {showLogin = true}
performAction Go _ _ = void do
_ <- lift $ setHash "/addCorpus"
modifyState id
......@@ -229,7 +236,7 @@ pagesComponent s =
| eff
) AppState props Action
selectSpec CorpusAnalysis = layout0 $ focus _corpusState _corpusAction CA.spec'
selectSpec Login = focus _loginState _loginAction LN.renderSpec
-- selectSpec Login = focus _loginState _loginAction LN.renderSpec
selectSpec Home = layout0 $ focus _landingState _landingAction (L.layoutLanding EN)
selectSpec AddCorpus = layout0 $ focus _addCorpusState _addCorpusAction AC.layoutAddcorpus
selectSpec DocView = layout0 $ focus _docViewState _docViewAction DV.layoutDocview
......@@ -238,8 +245,7 @@ pagesComponent s =
selectSpec Tabview = layout0 $ focus _tabviewState _tabviewAction TV.tab1
-- To be removed
selectSpec SearchView = layout0 $ focus _searchState _searchAction S.searchSpec
selectSpec _ = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction defaultRender
routingSpec :: forall props eff. Spec (dom :: DOM |eff) AppState props Action
routingSpec = simpleSpec performAction defaultRender
......@@ -295,7 +301,7 @@ layoutSidebar = over _render \render d p s c ->
, div [ className "collapse navbar-collapse"]
$ [ divDropdownLeft]
<> render d p s c <>
[ divDropdownRight ]
[ divDropdownRight d]
......@@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ layoutSidebar = over _render \render d p s c ->
divLogo :: ReactElement
divLogo = a [ className "navbar-brand logoSmall"
, href "/index.html"
, href "#/"
] [ img [ src "images/logoSmall.png"
, title "Back to home."
] []
......@@ -448,8 +454,8 @@ divSearchBar = simpleSpec performAction render
--divDropdownRight :: Render AppState props Action
divDropdownRight :: ReactElement
divDropdownRight =
divDropdownRight :: _ -> ReactElement
divDropdownRight d =
ul [className "nav navbar-nav pull-right"]
-- TODO if logged in : enable dropdown to logout
......@@ -457,7 +463,8 @@ divDropdownRight =
a [ aria {hidden : true}
, className "glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"
, href "#/login"
, --href "#/login"
onClick $ \e -> d ShowLogin
, style {color:"white"}
, title "Log in and save your time"
-- TODO hover: bold
......@@ -498,12 +505,13 @@ layoutFooter = simpleSpec performAction render
layoutSpec :: forall eff props. Spec (E eff) AppState props Action
layoutSpec =
[ routingSpec
, container $ withState pagesComponent
, withState \st ->
focus _loginState _loginAction (LN.modalSpec st.showLogin "Login" LN.renderSpec)
container :: Spec (E eff) AppState props Action -> Spec (E eff) AppState props Action
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