Commit 11f5e8ff authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[DocTable] remove docs immediately

parent dfb8f679
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import React (ReactClass, ReactElement, Children)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (End(..), NodeType(..), OrderBy(..), Path(..), TabType, toUrl, toLink)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, put, post, deleteWithBody)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, put, post, deleteWithBody, delete)
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
import Gargantext.Components.Node (NodePoly(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
......@@ -56,25 +56,23 @@ type Props =
type State =
{ documentIdsToDelete :: Set Int
, documentIdsDeleted :: Set Int
{ documentIdsDeleted :: Set Int
, localFavorites :: Map Int Boolean
initialState :: State
initialState =
{ documentIdsToDelete: mempty
, documentIdsDeleted: mempty
{ documentIdsDeleted: mempty
, localFavorites: mempty
_documentIdsToDelete = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "documentIdsToDelete")
_documentIdsDeleted = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "documentIdsDeleted")
_localFavorites = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "localFavorites")
data Action
= MarkFavorites Int Boolean
| ToggleDocumentToDelete Int
-- | ToggleDocumentToDelete Int
| ToggleDeleteDocument Int
| Trash
newtype DocumentsView
......@@ -165,15 +163,16 @@ layoutDocview = simpleSpec performAction render
performAction (MarkFavorites nid fav) {nodeId} _ = do
modifyState_ $ _localFavorites <<< at nid ?~ fav
void $ lift $ if fav
then putFavorites nodeId (FavoriteQuery {favorites: [nid]})
else deleteFavorites nodeId (FavoriteQuery {favorites: [nid]})
performAction (ToggleDocumentToDelete nid) _ _ =
modifyState_ \state -> state {documentIdsToDelete = toggleSet nid state.documentIdsToDelete}
performAction Trash {nodeId} {documentIdsToDelete} = do
void $ lift $ deleteDocuments nodeId (DeleteDocumentQuery {documents: Set.toUnfoldable documentIdsToDelete})
modifyState_ $
(_documentIdsToDelete .~ mempty) >>>
(_documentIdsDeleted <>~ documentIdsToDelete)
then putFavorites nodeId $ FavoriteQuery {favorites: [nid]}
else deleteFavorites nodeId $ FavoriteQuery {favorites: [nid]}
performAction (ToggleDeleteDocument nid) {nodeId} {documentIdsDeleted} = do
modifyState_ $ _ {documentIdsDeleted = toggleSet nid documentIdsDeleted}
void $ lift $ if (Set.member nid documentIdsDeleted)
then deleteDocuments nodeId $ DocumentQuery {documents: [nid]}
else putDocuments nodeId $ DocumentQuery {documents: [nid]}
performAction Trash {nodeId} {documentIdsDeleted} = do
ids <- lift $ deleteAllDocuments nodeId
modifyState_ $ _ {documentIdsDeleted = Set.union documentIdsDeleted $ Set.fromFoldable ids}
render :: Render State Props Action
render dispatch {nodeId, tabType, listId, corpusId, totalRecords, chart} deletionState _ =
......@@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ renderPage :: forall props path.
(Loader.Action PageParams)
renderPage _ _ {loaded: Nothing} _ = [] -- TODO loading spinner
renderPage loaderDispatch { totalRecords, dispatch, listId, corpusId
, deletionState: {documentIdsToDelete, documentIdsDeleted, localFavorites}}
, deletionState: {documentIdsDeleted, localFavorites}}
{currentPath: {nodeId, tabType}, loaded: Just res} _ =
[ T.tableElt
{ rows
......@@ -291,32 +290,31 @@ renderPage loaderDispatch { totalRecords, dispatch, listId, corpusId
gi true = "glyphicon glyphicon-star"
gi false = "glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"
toDelete (DocumentsView {_id}) = Set.member _id documentIdsToDelete
isDeleted (DocumentsView {_id}) = Set.member _id documentIdsDeleted
isFavorite {_id,fav} = maybe fav identity (localFavorites ^. at _id)
corpusDocument (Just corpusId) = R.CorpusDocument corpusId
corpusDocument _ = R.Document
rows = (\(DocumentsView r) ->
let isFav = isFavorite r
toDel = toDelete $ DocumentsView r in
isDel = isDeleted $ DocumentsView r in
{ row:
[ div []
[ a [ className $ gi isFav
, if toDel then style {textDecoration : "line-through"}
, if isDel then style {textDecoration : "line-through"}
else style {textDecoration : "none"}
, onClick $ (\_-> dispatch $ MarkFavorites r._id (not isFav))
] []
, input [ _type "checkbox"
, checked toDel
, onClick $ (\_ -> dispatch $ ToggleDocumentToDelete r._id)
, checked isDel
, onClick $ (\_ -> dispatch $ ToggleDeleteDocument r._id)
-- TODO show date: Year-Month-Day only
, if toDel then
, if isDel then
div [ style {textDecoration : "line-through"}][text (show]
div [ ][text (show]
, if toDel then
, if isDel then
a [ href (toLink $ (corpusDocument corpusId) listId r._id)
, style {textDecoration : "line-through"}
, target "_blank"
......@@ -324,11 +322,10 @@ renderPage loaderDispatch { totalRecords, dispatch, listId, corpusId
a [ href (toLink $ (corpusDocument corpusId) listId r._id)
, target "_blank" ] [ text r.title ]
, if toDel then
, if isDel then
div [style {textDecoration : "line-through"}] [ text r.source]
div [] [ text r.source]
, delete: true
}) <$> filter (not <<< isDeleted) res
......@@ -372,33 +369,46 @@ searchResults squery = post "http://localhost:8008/count" unit
newtype FavoriteQuery = FavoriteQuery
{ favorites :: Array Int
favorites :: Array Int
instance encodeJsonFQuery :: EncodeJson FavoriteQuery where
encodeJson (FavoriteQuery post)
= "favorites" := post.favorites
~> jsonEmptyObject
newtype DeleteDocumentQuery = DeleteDocumentQuery
documents :: Array Int
favoritesUrl :: Int -> String
favoritesUrl nodeId = toUrl Back Node (Just nodeId) <> "/favorites"
putFavorites :: Int -> FavoriteQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
putFavorites nodeId = put $ favoritesUrl nodeId
deleteFavorites :: Int -> FavoriteQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
deleteFavorites nodeId = deleteWithBody $ favoritesUrl nodeId
newtype DocumentQuery = DocumentQuery
documents :: Array Int
instance encodeJsonDDQuery :: EncodeJson DeleteDocumentQuery where
encodeJson (DeleteDocumentQuery post)
instance encodeJsonDDQuery :: EncodeJson DocumentQuery where
encodeJson (DocumentQuery post)
= "documents" := post.documents
~> jsonEmptyObject
putFavorites :: Int -> FavoriteQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
putFavorites nodeId = put (toUrl Back Node (Just nodeId) <> "/favorites")
documentsUrl :: Int -> String
documentsUrl nodeId = toUrl Back Node (Just nodeId) <> "/documents"
deleteFavorites :: Int -> FavoriteQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
deleteFavorites nodeId = deleteWithBody (toUrl Back Node (Just nodeId) <> "/favorites")
putDocuments :: Int -> DocumentQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
putDocuments nodeId = put $ documentsUrl nodeId
deleteDocuments :: Int -> DocumentQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
deleteDocuments nodeId = deleteWithBody $ documentsUrl nodeId
deleteDocuments :: Int -> DeleteDocumentQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
deleteDocuments nodeId = deleteWithBody (toUrl Back Node (Just nodeId) <> "/documents")
deleteAllDocuments :: Int -> Aff (Array Int)
deleteAllDocuments nodeId = delete $ documentsUrl nodeId
-- TODO: not optimal but Data.Set lacks some function (Set.alter)
toggleSet :: forall a. Ord a => a -> Set a -> Set a
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