Commit 138dba79 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[ihaskell] some frame notebook work

parent d5d21e67
Pipeline #2764 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ settingsBox Corpus =
, NodeFrameWrite
, NodeFrameCalc
, Phylo
, NodeFrameNotebook
, Link (linkParams Annuaire)
, Move moveParameters
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ type Base = String
type FrameId = String
hframeUrl :: NodeType -> Base -> FrameId -> String
hframeUrl NodeFrameNotebook _ frame_id = frame_id -- Temp fix : frame_id is currently the whole url created
hframeUrl NodeFrameNotebook _ frame_id = base <> "/" <> frame_id -- Temp fix : frame_id is currently the whole url created
hframeUrl NodeFrameCalc base frame_id = base <> "/" <> frame_id
hframeUrl NodeFrameVisio base frame_id = base <> "/" <> frame_id
hframeUrl _ base frame_id = base <> "/" <> frame_id <> "?view" -- "?both"
......@@ -174,35 +174,35 @@ instance VarTypeName NodeType where
varTypeName _ = "NodeType!"
instance Show NodeType where
show NodeUser = "NodeUser"
show Folder = "NodeFolder"
show FolderPrivate = "NodeFolderPrivate" -- Node Private Worktop
show FolderShared = "NodeFolderShared" -- Node Share Worktop
show FolderPublic = "NodeFolderPublic" -- Node Public Worktop
show Annuaire = "NodeAnnuaire"
show NodeContact = "NodeContact"
show Corpus = "NodeCorpus"
show Dashboard = "NodeDashboard"
show Url_Document = "NodeDocument"
show Error = "NodeError"
show Graph = "NodeGraph"
show Phylo = "NodePhylo"
show Individu = "NodeIndividu"
show Node = "Node"
show Nodes = "Nodes"
show Context = "Context"
show Tree = "NodeTree"
show Team = "NodeTeam"
show NodeList = "NodeList"
show NodeTexts = "NodeTexts"
show NodeFrameWrite = "NodeFrameWrite"
show NodeFrameCalc = "NodeFrameCalc"
show NodeUser = "NodeUser"
show Folder = "NodeFolder"
show FolderPrivate = "NodeFolderPrivate" -- Node Private Worktop
show FolderShared = "NodeFolderShared" -- Node Share Worktop
show FolderPublic = "NodeFolderPublic" -- Node Public Worktop
show Annuaire = "NodeAnnuaire"
show NodeContact = "NodeContact"
show Corpus = "NodeCorpus"
show Dashboard = "NodeDashboard"
show Url_Document = "NodeDocument"
show Error = "NodeError"
show Graph = "NodeGraph"
show Phylo = "NodePhylo"
show Individu = "NodeIndividu"
show Node = "Node"
show Nodes = "Nodes"
show Context = "Context"
show Tree = "NodeTree"
show Team = "NodeTeam"
show NodeList = "NodeList"
show NodeTexts = "NodeTexts"
show NodeFrameWrite = "NodeFrameWrite"
show NodeFrameCalc = "NodeFrameCalc"
show NodeFrameNotebook = "NodeFrameNotebook"
show NodeFrameVisio = "NodeFrameVisio"
show (NodePublic nt) = "NodePublic" <> show nt
show NodeFile = "NodeFile"
show (NodePublic nt) = "NodePublic" <> show nt
show NodeFile = "NodeFile"
instance Read NodeType where
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ instance Read NodeType where
read "Annuaire" = Just Annuaire
read "NodeFrameWrite" = Just NodeFrameWrite
read "NodeFrameCalc" = Just NodeFrameCalc
read "NodeFrameNotebook" = Just NodeFrameNotebook
read "NodeFrameNotebook" = Just NodeFrameNotebook
read "NodeFrameVisio" = Just NodeFrameVisio
read "NodeFile" = Just NodeFile
-- TODO NodePublic read ?
......@@ -356,7 +356,6 @@ getIcon NodeFrameVisio true = "video-camera"
getIcon NodeFrameVisio false = "video-camera"
getIcon (NodePublic nt) b = getIcon nt b
getIcon _ true = "folder-open"
......@@ -389,33 +388,33 @@ instance Eq NodeType where
nodeTypePath :: NodeType -> String
nodeTypePath Folder = "folder"
nodeTypePath FolderPrivate = "folderPrivate"
nodeTypePath FolderShared = "folderShared"
nodeTypePath FolderPublic = "folderPublic"
nodeTypePath Annuaire = "annuaire"
nodeTypePath Corpus = "corpus"
nodeTypePath Dashboard = "dashboard"
nodeTypePath Url_Document = "document"
nodeTypePath Error = "ErrorNodeType"
nodeTypePath Graph = "graph"
nodeTypePath Phylo = "phylo"
nodeTypePath Individu = "individu"
nodeTypePath Node = "node"
nodeTypePath Nodes = "nodes"
nodeTypePath Context = "context"
nodeTypePath NodeUser = "user"
nodeTypePath NodeContact = "contact"
nodeTypePath Tree = "tree"
nodeTypePath NodeList = "lists"
nodeTypePath NodeTexts = "texts"
nodeTypePath Team = "team"
nodeTypePath NodeFrameWrite = "write"
nodeTypePath NodeFrameCalc = "calc"
nodeTypePath Folder = "folder"
nodeTypePath FolderPrivate = "folderPrivate"
nodeTypePath FolderShared = "folderShared"
nodeTypePath FolderPublic = "folderPublic"
nodeTypePath Annuaire = "annuaire"
nodeTypePath Corpus = "corpus"
nodeTypePath Dashboard = "dashboard"
nodeTypePath Url_Document = "document"
nodeTypePath Error = "ErrorNodeType"
nodeTypePath Graph = "graph"
nodeTypePath Phylo = "phylo"
nodeTypePath Individu = "individu"
nodeTypePath Node = "node"
nodeTypePath Nodes = "nodes"
nodeTypePath Context = "context"
nodeTypePath NodeUser = "user"
nodeTypePath NodeContact = "contact"
nodeTypePath Tree = "tree"
nodeTypePath NodeList = "lists"
nodeTypePath NodeTexts = "texts"
nodeTypePath Team = "team"
nodeTypePath NodeFrameWrite = "write"
nodeTypePath NodeFrameCalc = "calc"
nodeTypePath NodeFrameNotebook = "code"
nodeTypePath NodeFrameVisio = "visio"
nodeTypePath (NodePublic nt) = nodeTypePath nt
nodeTypePath NodeFile = "file"
nodeTypePath (NodePublic nt) = nodeTypePath nt
nodeTypePath NodeFile = "file"
type CorpusId = Int
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