[websockets] fixes to task async end, also proto fix

parent 592cbb1d
Pipeline #6469 passed with stages
in 16 minutes and 28 seconds
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ performAction (WSNotification ws') (Call notification) = do
wsProtocol :: Effect String
wsProtocol = do
proto <- protocol
pure (if proto == "http" then "ws" else "wss")
pure (if proto == "http:" then "ws" else "wss")
-- | Main WebSockets connect functionality. Handles incoming messages,
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ connect ws@(WSNotification ws') url session = do
Left err -> do
here.log2 "[connect] Can't parse message" err
Right n@(Notification topic _message) -> do
here.log2 "[connect] notification" topic
-- here.log2 "[connect] notification" topic
performAction ws (Call n)
-- Right parsed' -> do
-- here.log2 "[connect] onmessage, F.readString" parsed'
......@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ type AsyncProps =
here :: R2.Here
here = R2.here "Gargantext.Context.Progress"
-- | Temporary constant, shouldn't be here. It's used together with
-- | the 'resetInterval' function and when we fix the tasks so that
-- | they can inform about their finish/error, this can be removed
-- | along with 'resetInterval'.
defaultJobPollInterval :: Int
defaultJobPollInterval = 5000
asyncProgress :: R2.Component AsyncProps
asyncProgress = R2.component asyncProgressCpt
asyncProgressCpt :: R.Component AsyncProps
......@@ -55,12 +63,12 @@ asyncProgressCpt = R2.hereComponent here "asyncProgress" hCpt where
-- TODO Manage somehow to get the whole job status sent here via
-- websockets, then we can remove the 'Maybe'
exec :: Maybe GT.AsyncProgress -> Effect Unit
exec Nothing = launchAff_ do
fetchJobProgress :: Effect Unit
fetchJobProgress = launchAff_ do
let rdata = (RX.pick props :: Record QueryProgressData)
eAsyncProgress <- queryProgress rdata
liftEffect $ here.log2 "[progress] received asyncProgress" eAsyncProgress
-- liftEffect $ here.log2 "[progress] received asyncProgress" eAsyncProgress
-- exponential backoff in case of errors
-- liftEffect $ do
......@@ -75,11 +83,16 @@ asyncProgressCpt = R2.hereComponent here "asyncProgress" hCpt where
-- Error logging will be done below, in handleRESTError
case eAsyncProgress of
Right _ -> pure unit
Left _err -> liftEffect $ GAT.finish props.nodeId props.asyncTask tasks
Left err -> do
liftEffect $ do
resetInterval intervalIdRef Nothing (pure unit)
GAT.finish props.nodeId props.asyncTask tasks
handleRESTError hp errors eAsyncProgress onProgress
exec (Just jobProgress) = do
launchAff_ $ onProgress jobProgress
-- TODO Ideally we should use this function
-- onProgress jobProgress = do
-- launchAff_ $ onProgress jobProgress
onProgress :: AsyncProgress -> Aff Unit
......@@ -96,6 +109,7 @@ asyncProgressCpt = R2.hereComponent here "asyncProgress" hCpt where
-- Nothing -> R.nothing
-- Just iid -> clearInterval iid
handleErrorInAsyncProgress errors value
resetInterval intervalIdRef Nothing (pure unit)
onFinish unit
......@@ -103,47 +117,61 @@ asyncProgressCpt = R2.hereComponent here "asyncProgress" hCpt where
useFirstEffect' $ do
let (GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task: GT.AsyncTask { id: taskId } }) = props.asyncTask
let cb msg = do
here.log2 "callback! for job update" taskId
-- here.log2 "callback! for job update" taskId
case msg of
NotificationsT.MJobProgress jobProgress -> do
NotificationsT.MJobProgress _jobProgress -> do
-- TODO With jobProgress we could avoid polling here
-- exec (Just jobProgress)
exec Nothing
NotificationsT.MEmpty -> exec Nothing
-- onJobProgress jobProgress
NotificationsT.MEmpty -> fetchJobProgress
resetInterval intervalIdRef (Just defaultJobPollInterval) fetchJobProgress
-- The modal window has some problems closing when we refresh too early. This is a HACK
-- void $ setTimeout 400 $ T2.reload reload
let action = NotificationsT.InsertCallback (NotificationsT.UpdateJobProgress taskId) ("task-" <> show taskId) cb
ws <- T.read wsNotification
Notifications.performAction ws action
exec Nothing
-- Hooks
-- useFirstEffect' do
-- resetInterval intervalIdRef (Just 1000) exec
-- intervalId <- setInterval interval' $ exec unit
-- R.setRef intervalIdRef $ Just intervalId
-- TODO Current backend job implementation is that it cannot, by
-- itself, notify us when a job finished. Hence, we are forced to
-- poll for job still. However, we will keep canceling the timer
-- unless there is no progress report for some time.
useFirstEffect' $ do
resetInterval intervalIdRef (Just defaultJobPollInterval) fetchJobProgress
-- Render
pure $
R.provideContext asyncContext (progress)
resetInterval :: R.Ref (Maybe IntervalId) -> Maybe Int -> (Unit -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
resetInterval :: R.Ref (Maybe IntervalId) -> Maybe Int -> Effect Unit -> Effect Unit
resetInterval ref mInt exec = do
case R.readRef ref /\ mInt of
Nothing /\ Nothing ->
pure unit
Nothing /\ Just interval' -> do
intervalId <- setInterval interval' $ exec unit
intervalId <- setInterval interval' exec'
R.setRef ref $ Just intervalId
Just iid /\ Nothing -> do
clearInterval iid
R.setRef ref Nothing
Just iid /\ Just interval' -> do
clearInterval iid
intervalId <- setInterval interval' $ exec unit
intervalId <- setInterval interval' exec'
R.setRef ref $ Just intervalId
exec' = do
here.log "[resetInterval] calling"
asyncContext :: R.Context (Number)
asyncContext = R.createContext 0.0
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