[DocAnnot] More highlighter fixes

parent 5735f12b
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ import Data.String.Regex as R
import Data.String.Regex.Flags as R
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
-- import Debug.Trace
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Foreign.Object as FO
import React (ReactElement)
......@@ -207,23 +208,30 @@ instance decodeJsonNgramsTable :: DecodeJson NgramsTable where
-- it inserts too many spaces.
highlightNgrams :: NgramsTable -> String -> Array (Tuple String (Maybe TermList))
highlightNgrams (NgramsTable table) input0 =
-- trace {pats, input0, input, ixs} \_ ->
let sN = unsafePartial (foldl goFold {i0: 0, s: input, l: Nil} ixs) in
map trimmer $ A.reverse (A.fromFoldable (consNonEmpty sN.s sN.l))
A.reverse (A.fromFoldable (consNonEmpty (undb (init sN.s)) sN.l))
-- we need to trim so that the highlighting is without endings
trimmer (Tuple t (Just l)) = Tuple (S.trim t) (Just l)
trimmer x = x
sp x = " " <> S.replaceAll (S.Pattern " ") (S.Replacement " ") x <> " "
unsp x =
case S.stripSuffix (S.Pattern " ") x of
Nothing -> x
Just x1 -> S.replaceAll (S.Pattern " ") (S.Replacement " ") (S.drop 1 x1)
input = sp input0
spR x = " " <> R.replace theRegex "$1$1" x <> " "
reR = R.replace theRegex " "
db = S.replace (S.Pattern " ") (S.Replacement " ")
sp x = " " <> db x <> " "
undb = R.replace theRegex2 "$1"
init x = S.take (S.length x - 1) x
input = spR input0
pats = A.fromFoldable (Map.keys table)
theRegex = case R.regex "[.,;:!?'\\{}()]" (R.global <> R.multiline) of
word_boundaries = "[ .,;:!?'\\{}()]"
theRegex = case R.regex ("(" <> word_boundaries <> ")") (R.global <> R.multiline) of
Left e -> unsafePartial $ crashWith e
Right r -> r
ixs = indicesOfAny (sp <$> pats) (S.toLower $ R.replace theRegex " " input)
theRegex2 = case R.regex ("(" <> word_boundaries <> ")\\1") (R.global <> R.multiline) of
Left e -> unsafePartial $ crashWith e
Right r -> r
ixs = indicesOfAny (sp <$> pats) (S.toLower $ reR input)
consOnJustTail s xs@(Tuple _ (Just _) : _) =
Tuple s Nothing : xs
consOnJustTail _ xs = xs
consNonEmpty x xs
| S.null x = xs
......@@ -244,20 +252,25 @@ highlightNgrams (NgramsTable table) input0 =
Nothing ->
crashWith "highlightNgrams: out of bounds pattern"
Just pat ->
let lpat = S.length (sp pat) in
let lpat = S.length (db pat) in
case Map.lookup pat table of
Nothing ->
crashWith "highlightNgrams: pattern missing from table"
Just (NgramsElement ne) ->
let s1 = S.splitAt (i - i0) s
s2 = S.splitAt lpat s1.after in
-- s2.before and pat might differ by casing only!
{ i0: i + lpat
, s: s2.after
, l: Tuple " " Nothing :
Tuple s2.before (Just ne.list) :
Tuple " " Nothing :
consNonEmpty (unsp s1.before) l
s1 = S.splitAt (i - i0) s
s2 = S.splitAt lpat (S.drop 1 s1.after)
s3 = S.splitAt 1 s2.after
unspB = if i0 == 0 then S.drop 1 else identity
s3b = s3.before
-- trace {s, i, i0, s1, s2, s3, pat, lpat, s3b} \_ ->
-- `undb s2.before` and pat might differ by casing only!
{ i0: i + lpat + 2
, s: s3.after
, l: Tuple (undb s2.before) (Just ne.list) :
consOnJustTail s3b
(consNonEmpty (unspB (undb s1.before)) l)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Spec where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable (highlightNgrams, NgramsElement(..), NgramsTable(..))
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core (highlightNgrams, NgramsElement(..), NgramsTable(..))
import Gargantext.Types (TermList(..))
import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
......@@ -32,21 +32,14 @@ spec = do
,tne "candidate" CandidateTerm
input = "this is a graph about a biography which stops at every candidate"
output = [Tuple "this is a" Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
output = [Tuple "this is a " Nothing
,Tuple "graph" (Just GraphTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "about a biography" Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " about a biography " Nothing
,Tuple "which" (Just StopTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "stops" (Just StopTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "at every" Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " at every " Nothing
,Tuple "candidate" (Just CandidateTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
highlightNgrams table input `shouldEqual` output
......@@ -60,25 +53,18 @@ spec = do
,tne "state" GraphTerm
input = "This is a new state of the"
output = [Tuple "This" Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
output = [Tuple "This " Nothing
,Tuple "is" (Just StopTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "a" (Just StopTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "new" (Just GraphTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "state" (Just GraphTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "of" (Just StopTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "the" (Just GraphTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
highlightNgrams table input `shouldEqual` output
......@@ -89,13 +75,19 @@ spec = do
,tne "images" GraphTerm
input = "This is from space images"
output = [Tuple "This is" Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
output = [Tuple "This is " Nothing
,Tuple "from" (Just GraphTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple "space" Nothing
,Tuple " " Nothing
,Tuple " space " Nothing
,Tuple "images" (Just GraphTerm)
,Tuple " " Nothing
highlightNgrams table input `shouldEqual` output
it "works with punctuation" do
let table = NgramsTable
(Map.fromFoldable [tne "graph" GraphTerm])
input = "before graph, after"
output = [Tuple "before " Nothing
,Tuple "graph" (Just GraphTerm)
,Tuple ", after" Nothing
highlightNgrams table input `shouldEqual` output
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