Commit 2a29dcc9 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[arxiv] simple arxiv db selector

parent 44329133
Pipeline #2672 failed with stage
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......@@ -151,6 +151,15 @@ isExternal :: Maybe DataField -> Boolean
isExternal (Just (External _)) = true
isExternal _ = false
isArxiv :: Maybe DataField -> Boolean
isArxiv (Just
( External
( Just Arxiv
) = true
isArxiv _ = false
isHAL :: Maybe DataField -> Boolean
isHAL (Just
( External
......@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ datafield2database _ = Empty
allDatabases :: Array Database
allDatabases = [ Empty
, PubMed
, Arxiv
, HAL Nothing
, IsTex
, IsTex_Advanced
......@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ allDatabases = [ Empty
data Database = All_Databases
| Empty
| PubMed
| Arxiv
| HAL (Maybe Org)
| IsTex
| IsTex_Advanced
......@@ -124,34 +126,37 @@ data Database = All_Databases
-- | SocialNetworks
derive instance Generic Database _
instance Show Database where
show All_Databases= "All Databases"
show PubMed = "PubMed"
show (HAL _)= "HAL"
show IsTex = "IsTex"
show IsTex_Advanced = "IsTex_Advanced"
show Isidore= "Isidore"
show Empty = "Empty"
show All_Databases = "All Databases"
show PubMed = "PubMed"
show Arxiv = "Arxiv"
show (HAL _) = "HAL"
show IsTex = "IsTex"
show IsTex_Advanced = "IsTex_Advanced"
show Isidore = "Isidore"
show Empty = "Empty"
-- show News = "News"
-- show SocialNetworks = "Social Networks"
instance Doc Database where
doc All_Databases = "All databases"
doc PubMed = "All Medical publications"
doc (HAL _) = "All open science (archives ouvertes)"
doc IsTex = "All Elsevier enriched by CNRS/INIST"
doc All_Databases = "All databases"
doc PubMed = "All Medical publications"
doc Arxiv = "Arxiv"
doc (HAL _) = "All open science (archives ouvertes)"
doc IsTex = "All Elsevier enriched by CNRS/INIST"
doc IsTex_Advanced = "IsTex advanced search"
doc Isidore = "All (French) Social Sciences"
doc Empty = "Empty"
doc Isidore = "All (French) Social Sciences"
doc Empty = "Empty"
-- doc News = "Web filtered by News"
-- doc SocialNetworks = "Web filtered by MicroBlogs"
instance Read Database where
read :: String -> Maybe Database
read "All Databases" = Just All_Databases
read "PubMed" = Just PubMed
read "HAL" = Just $ HAL Nothing
read "Isidore"= Just Isidore
read "IsTex" = Just IsTex
read "All Databases" = Just All_Databases
read "PubMed" = Just PubMed
read "Arxiv" = Just Arxiv
read "HAL" = Just $ HAL Nothing
read "Isidore" = Just Isidore
read "IsTex" = Just IsTex
read "IsTex_Advanced" = Just IsTex_Advanced
-- read "Web" = Just Web
-- read "News" = Just News
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