Commit 33c237fc authored by Abinaya Sudhir's avatar Abinaya Sudhir

Data loading done in modal

parent 635f0f60
......@@ -107,12 +107,14 @@ layoutAddcorpus = simpleSpec performAction render
[ div [className "modal-dialog",role "document"]
[ div [className "modal-content"]
[ div [className "modal-header"]
[ h5 [className "modal-title"] [ text "Tree View"]
[ h5 [className "modal-title"] [ text "CorpusView"]
, button [ _type "button",className "close", _data { dismiss : "modal"}]
[ span [aria {hidden : true}] [ text "X"]
, div [className "modal-body"] [ p [] [text "Modal body text goes here"]]
, div [className "modal-body"]
[ ul [className "list-group"] $ map fn1 state.response
, div [className "modal-footer"]
[ button [ _type "button", className "btn btn-secondary", _data {dismiss : "modal"}]
[ text "GO"]
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