Commit 37df0354 authored by Karen Konou's avatar Karen Konou

[Graph Legend] Remove cluster add button

parent 767f26e3
Pipeline #6906 passed with stages
in 14 minutes
......@@ -91,16 +91,6 @@ legendCpt = here.component "legend" cpt where
{ className: "graph-legend__item" }
{ className: "fa fa-plus"
, on: { click: \_ -> addCluster }
rename :: String -> Int -> String -> Effect Unit
......@@ -115,14 +105,6 @@ legendCpt = here.component "legend" cpt where
let nodes = filterByCluster id extractedNodeList
T.write_ (Set.fromFoldable $ map (\(GEGT.Node { id_ }) -> id_) nodes) selectedNodeIds
addCluster :: Effect Unit
addCluster = do
let newLegend = snoc (fromFoldable legendSeq) $ GET.Legend { id_: (length legendSeq) + 1, label: "Cluster" <> show ((length legendSeq) + 1), color: "#ffffff" }
launchAff_ do
_ <- updateLegend { legend: newLegend, graphId, session }
_ <- liftEffect $ T.write newLegend legendBox
pure unit
filterByCluster :: Int -> Array GEGT.Node -> Array GEGT.Node
filterByCluster id
= A.filter
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