Commit 3ddddbeb authored by Sudhir Kumar's avatar Sudhir Kumar

updated build script & added tree for testing

parent cb9cfeca
yarn install && psc-package install && pulp --psc-package build && pulp --psc-package browserify --to dist/bundle.js
yarn && yarn psc-package install && yarn pulp --psc-package build && yarn pulp --psc-package browserify --to dist/bundle.js
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -68,9 +68,13 @@ performAction Initialize _ state = void do
case state.initialized of
false -> do
lnodes <- lift $ Tree.loadDefaultNode
void $ modifyState $ _ { initialized = true, ntreeState = lnodes }
case lnodes of
Left err -> do
modifyState identity
Right d -> do
modifyState $ _ { initialized = true, ntreeState = d }
_ -> do
pure unit
modifyState identity
performAction (LoginA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (AddCorpusA _) _ _ = pure unit
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