[Login] backend connection, local storage, logout link

parent 0eab4c4a
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module Gargantext.Components.Login.Types where
import Prelude
import Data.Lens (Iso', iso)
import Data.Argonaut ( class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, jsonEmptyObject
, (.?), (.??), (:=), (~>)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
type Username = String
type Password = String
type Token = String
type TreeId = Int
newtype AuthRequest = AuthRequest
{ username :: Username
, password :: Password
newtype AuthResponse = AuthResponse
{ valid :: Maybe AuthData
, inval :: Maybe AuthInvalid
newtype AuthInvalid = AuthInvalid
{ message :: String }
newtype AuthData = AuthData
{ token :: Token
, tree_id :: TreeId
_AuthData :: Iso' AuthData { token :: Token, tree_id :: TreeId }
_AuthData = iso (\(AuthData v) -> v) AuthData
instance decodeAuthInvalid :: DecodeJson AuthInvalid where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
message <- obj .? "message"
pure $ AuthInvalid {message}
instance decodeAuthResponse :: DecodeJson AuthResponse where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
valid <- obj .?? "valid"
inval <- obj .?? "inval"
pure $ AuthResponse {valid, inval}
instance decodeAuthData :: DecodeJson AuthData where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
token <- obj .? "token"
tree_id <- obj .? "tree_id"
pure $ AuthData {token, tree_id}
instance encodeAuthRequest :: EncodeJson AuthRequest where
encodeJson (AuthRequest {username, password}) =
"username" := username
~> "password" := password
~> jsonEmptyObject
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, className, href, title, onClick, onInput, pl
import React.DOM.Props as DOM
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, createClass, defaultPerformAction, defaultRender, modifyState_, simpleSpec)
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, End(..), NodeType(..), defaultRoot)
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, End(..), NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, put, post, delete, deleteWithBody)
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
......@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@ endConfig' :: ApiVersion -> EndConfig
endConfig' v = { front : frontRelative
, back : backLocal v }
-- | Default Root on shared database to develop
-- until authentication implementation
-- (Default Root will be given after authentication)
defaultRoot :: Int
defaultRoot = 950094
frontRelative :: Config
frontRelative = { baseUrl: ""
......@@ -100,25 +95,41 @@ endOf Front = _.front
endBaseUrl :: End -> EndConfig -> UrlBase
endBaseUrl end c = (endOf end c).baseUrl
endPathUrl :: End -> EndConfig -> NodeType -> Maybe Id -> UrlPath
endPathUrl end c nt i = pathUrl (endOf end c) nt i
endPathUrl :: End -> EndConfig -> Path -> Maybe Id -> UrlPath
endPathUrl end = pathUrl <<< endOf end
pathUrl :: Config -> NodeType -> Maybe Id -> UrlPath
pathUrl c nt@(Tab _ _ _ _) i = pathUrl c Node i <> "/" <> show nt
pathUrl c nt@(Ngrams _ _) i = pathUrl c Node i <> "/" <> show nt
pathUrl c nt i = c.prePath <> urlConfig nt <> (maybe "" (\i' -> "/" <> show i') i)
toUrl :: End -> NodeType -> Maybe Id -> Url
toUrl e nt i = doUrl base path params
pathUrl :: Config -> Path -> Maybe Id -> UrlPath
pathUrl c (Tab t o l s) i =
pathUrl c (NodeAPI Node) i <>
"/" <> "table?view=" <> show t <> "&offset=" <> show o
<> "&limit=" <> show l <> os
os = maybe "" (\x -> "&order=" <> show x) s
pathUrl c (Ngrams t listid) i =
pathUrl c (NodeAPI Node) i <> "/" <> "listGet?ngramsType=" <> show t <> listid'
base = endBaseUrl e endConfig
path = endPathUrl e endConfig nt i
params = ""
listid' = maybe "" (\x -> "&list=" <> show x) listid
pathUrl c Auth Nothing = c.prePath <> "auth"
pathUrl c Auth (Just _) = "impossible" -- TODO better types
pathUrl c (NodeAPI nt) i = c.prePath <> nodeTypeUrl nt <> (maybe "" (\i' -> "/" <> show i') i)
class ToUrl a where
toUrl :: End -> a -> Maybe Id -> Url
instance toUrlNodeType :: ToUrl NodeType where
toUrl e nt i = toUrl e (NodeAPI nt) i
instance toUrlPath :: ToUrl Path where
toUrl e p i = doUrl base path params
base = endBaseUrl e endConfig
path = endPathUrl e endConfig p i
params = ""
data NodeType = NodeUser
| Annuaire
| Tab TabType Offset Limit (Maybe OrderBy)
| Ngrams TabType (Maybe TermList)
| Corpus
| CorpusV3
| Dashboard
......@@ -130,6 +141,13 @@ data NodeType = NodeUser
| Node
| Nodes
| Tree
data Path
= Auth
| Tab TabType Offset Limit (Maybe OrderBy)
| Ngrams TabType (Maybe TermList)
| NodeAPI NodeType
data End = Back | Front
type Id = Int
......@@ -162,56 +180,23 @@ instance showTabType :: Show TabType where
show TabTrash = "Trash"
urlConfig :: NodeType -> Url
urlConfig Annuaire = show Annuaire
urlConfig nt@(Tab _ _ _ _) = show nt
urlConfig nt@(Ngrams _ _) = show nt
urlConfig Corpus = show Corpus
urlConfig CorpusV3 = show CorpusV3
urlConfig Dashboard = show Dashboard
urlConfig Url_Document = show Url_Document
urlConfig Error = show Error
urlConfig Folder = show Folder
urlConfig Graph = show Graph
urlConfig Individu = show Individu
urlConfig Node = show Node
urlConfig Nodes = show Nodes
urlConfig NodeUser = show NodeUser
urlConfig Tree = show Tree
instance showNodeType :: Show NodeType where
show Annuaire = "annuaire"
show Corpus = "corpus"
show CorpusV3 = "corpus"
show Dashboard = "dashboard"
show Url_Document = "document"
show Error = "ErrorNodeType"
show Folder = "folder"
show Graph = "graph"
show Individu = "individu"
show Node = "node"
show Nodes = "nodes"
show NodeUser = "user"
show Tree = "tree"
show (Tab t o l s) = "table?view=" <> show t <> "&offset=" <> show o
<> "&limit=" <> show l <> os
os = maybe "" (\x -> "&order=" <> show x) s
show (Ngrams t listid) = "listGet?ngramsType=" <> show t <> listid'
listid' = maybe "" (\x -> "&list=" <> show x) listid
-- | TODO : where is the Read Class ?
-- NP: We don't need the Read class. Here are the encoding formats we need:
-- * JSON
-- * URL parts has in {To,From}HttpApiData but only for certain types
-- The Show class should only be used for dev.
nodeTypeUrl :: NodeType -> Url
nodeTypeUrl Annuaire = "annuaire"
nodeTypeUrl Corpus = "corpus"
nodeTypeUrl CorpusV3 = "corpus"
nodeTypeUrl Dashboard = "dashboard"
nodeTypeUrl Url_Document = "document"
nodeTypeUrl Error = "ErrorNodeType"
nodeTypeUrl Folder = "folder"
nodeTypeUrl Graph = "graph"
nodeTypeUrl Individu = "individu"
nodeTypeUrl Node = "node"
nodeTypeUrl Nodes = "nodes"
nodeTypeUrl NodeUser = "user"
nodeTypeUrl Tree = "tree"
-- instance readNodeType :: Read NodeType where
readNodeType :: String -> NodeType
readNodeType "NodeAnnuaire" = Annuaire
readNodeType "Tab" = (Tab TabDocs 0 0 Nothing)
readNodeType "Ngrams" = (Ngrams TabTerms Nothing)
readNodeType "NodeDashboard" = Dashboard
readNodeType "Document" = Url_Document
readNodeType "NodeFolder" = Folder
......@@ -224,12 +209,14 @@ readNodeType "NodeCorpusV3" = CorpusV3
readNodeType "NodeUser" = NodeUser
readNodeType "Tree" = Tree
readNodeType _ = Error
instance ordNodeType :: Ord NodeType where
compare n1 n2 = compare (show n1) (show n2)
instance eqNodeType :: Eq NodeType where
eq n1 n2 = eq (show n1) (show n2)
instance decodeJsonNodeType :: DecodeJson NodeType where
decodeJson json = do
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
import Gargantext.Components.Tab as Tab
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, NodeType(..), TabType(..), End(..))
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, Path(..), NodeType(..), TabType(..), End(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types (Contact(..), HyperData(..))
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import React as React
import React (ReactClass, ReactElement, Children)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (NodeType(..), TabType(..), toUrl, End(..), OrderBy(..))
import Gargantext.Config (Path(..), NodeType(..), TabType(..), toUrl, End(..), OrderBy(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, put, post, deleteWithBody)
import Gargantext.Utils.DecodeMaybe ((.|))
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.ECharts (chart)
......@@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
module Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Actions where
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (lift)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Lens (Prism', prism)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Thermite (PerformAction, modifyState, modifyState_)
import Routing.Hash (setHash)
import Gargantext.Config (defaultRoot)
import Gargantext.Components.Login as LN
import Gargantext.Components.Modals.Modal (modalShow)
import Gargantext.Components.Tree as Tree
import Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire as Annuaire
import Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts as C
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Document as D
......@@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ data Action
| UserPageA C.Action
| Go
| ShowLogin
| Logout
| ShowAddcorpus
| ShowTree
......@@ -46,13 +46,20 @@ performAction (SetRoute route) _ _ = void do
performAction (Search s) _ _ = void do
modifyState $ _ {search = s}
performAction (ShowTree) _ (state) = void do
performAction (ShowTree) _ (state) = void do -- TODO
modifyState $ _ {showTree = not (state.showTree)}
performAction (ShowLogin) _ _ = void do
liftEffect $ modalShow "loginModal"
modifyState $ _ {showLogin = true}
performAction Logout _ _ = do
loginState <- liftEffect do
LN.setAuthData Nothing
setHash "/"
modifyState_ $ _ {currentRoute = Nothing, loginState = loginState}
-- TODO chose one of them
performAction (ShowAddcorpus) _ _ = void do
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import Thermite (Render, Spec, _render, defaultPerformAction, defaultRender, foc
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (defaultRoot)
import Gargantext.Components.Data.Lang (Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Login.Types (AuthData(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Login as LN
import Gargantext.Components.Tree as Tree
import Gargantext.Folder as F
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus as Corpus
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Document as Annotation
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Dashboard as Dsh
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Graph as GE
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable as NG
import Gargantext.Pages.Home as L
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Actions (Action(..), _addCorpusAction, _documentViewAction, _graphExplorerAction, _loginAction, _searchAction, _userPageAction, performAction)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs.AddCorpus as AC
......@@ -85,10 +84,12 @@ layout0 layout =
outerLayout =
cont $ fold
[ withState \st ->
if ((\(LN.State s) -> s.loginC) st.loginState == true)
then ls $ cmapProps (const {root: defaultRoot}) as
else outerLayout1
, rs bs
case st.loginState.authData of
Just (AuthData {tree_id}) ->
ls $ cmapProps (const {root: tree_id}) as
Nothing ->
, rs bs
ls = over _render \render d p s c -> [
div [ className "col-md-2"] (render d p s c)
......@@ -124,10 +125,12 @@ layout1 layout =
outerLayout =
cont $ fold
[ withState \st ->
if ((\(LN.State s) -> s.loginC) st.loginState == true)
then ls $ cmapProps (const {root: defaultRoot}) as
else outerLayout1
, rs bs
case st.loginState.authData of
Just (AuthData {tree_id}) ->
ls $ cmapProps (const {root: tree_id}) as
Nothing ->
, rs bs
ls = over _render \render d p s c -> [
......@@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ layoutSidebar = over _render \render d p s c ->
, div [ className "collapse navbar-collapse"]
$ [ divDropdownLeft]
<> render d p s c <>
[ divDropdownRight d]
[ divDropdownRight d s ]
......@@ -308,29 +311,35 @@ divSearchBar = simpleSpec performAction render
--divDropdownRight :: Render AppState {} Action
divDropdownRight :: (Action -> Effect Unit) -> ReactElement
divDropdownRight d =
divDropdownRight :: (Action -> Effect Unit) -> AppState -> ReactElement
divDropdownRight d s =
ul [className "nav navbar-nav pull-right"]
-- TODO if logged in : enable dropdown to logout
li [className "dropdown"]
a [ aria {hidden : true}
, className "glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"
, --href "#/login"
onClick $ \e -> d ShowLogin
, style {color:"white"}
, title "Log in and save your time"
-- TODO hover: bold
-- TODO if logged in
--, text " username"
-- else
[text " Login / Signup"]
[ li [className "dropdown"]
[ case s.loginState.authData of
Nothing -> loginLink
Just _ -> logoutLink
loginLink =
a [ aria {hidden : true}
, className "glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"
, onClick $ \e -> d ShowLogin
, style {color:"white"}
, title "Log in and save your time"
-- TODO hover: bold
[text " Login / Signup"]
-- TODO dropdown to logout
logoutLink =
a [ aria {hidden : true}
, className "glyphicon glyphicon-log-out"
, onClick $ \e -> d Logout
, style {color:"white"}
, title "Log out" -- TODO
-- TODO hover: bold
[text " Logout"]
layoutFooter :: Spec AppState {} Action
layoutFooter = simpleSpec performAction render
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Lens (Lens', lens)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just))
import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Components.Login as LN
import Gargantext.Components.Tree as Tree
......@@ -28,20 +29,22 @@ type AppState =
, showTree :: Boolean
initAppState :: AppState
initAppState =
{ currentRoute : Just Home
, loginState : LN.initialState
, addCorpusState : AC.initialState
, searchState : S.initialState
, userPageState : C.initialState
, documentState : D.initialState {}
, search : ""
, showLogin : false
, showCorpus : false
, graphExplorerState : GE.initialState
, showTree : false
initAppState :: Effect AppState
initAppState = do
loginState <- LN.initialState
{ currentRoute : Just Home
, loginState
, addCorpusState : AC.initialState
, searchState : S.initialState
, userPageState : C.initialState
, documentState : D.initialState {}
, search : ""
, showLogin : false
, showCorpus : false
, graphExplorerState : GE.initialState
, showTree : false
_loginState :: Lens' AppState LN.State
......@@ -57,24 +57,3 @@ instance showRoutes :: Show Routes where
show Dashboard = "Dashboard"
show (PGraphExplorer i) = "graphExplorer" <> show i
show Home = "Home"
routeHandler :: (Maybe Routes -> Routes -> Effect Unit)
-> Maybe Routes -> Routes -> Effect Unit
routeHandler dispatchAction old new = do
logs $ "change route : " <> show new
w <- window
ls <- localStorage w
token <- getItem "accessToken" ls
let tkn = token
logs $ "JWToken : " <> show tkn
case tkn of
Nothing -> do
dispatchAction old new
logs $ "called SignIn Route :"
Just t -> do
dispatchAction old new
logs $ "called Route : " <> show new
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout (dispatchAction)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs (layoutSpec)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.States (initAppState)
import Gargantext.Router (routeHandler, routing)
import Gargantext.Router (routing)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import React as R
import ReactDOM as RDOM
......@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ setUnsafeComponentWillMount = unsafeSet "unsafeComponentWillMount"
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
case T.createReactSpec layoutSpec (const initAppState) of
state <- initAppState
case T.createReactSpec layoutSpec (const state) of
{ spec, dispatcher } -> void $ do
let setRouting this = void $ do
matches routing (routeHandler (dispatchAction (dispatcher this)))
matches routing (dispatchAction (dispatcher this))
spec' this = setUnsafeComponentWillMount (setRouting this) <$> (spec this)
document <- window >>= document
container <- unsafePartial (fromJust <$> querySelector (QuerySelector "#app") (toParentNode document))
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