Commit 46388a63 authored by James Laver's avatar James Laver Committed by Alexandre Delanoë

Update build instructions in

parent bb8c31c7
......@@ -8,23 +8,31 @@ processing, text-mining, complex networks analysis and interactive data
visualization to pave the way toward new kinds of interactions with your
digital corpora.
This software is a free software, developed by the CNRS Complex Systems
You will not find this software very useful without also running or being
granted access to a [backend](
This software is free software, developed by the CNRS Complex Systems
Institute of Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) and its partners.
## Installation of this library
## Development
### Installing dependencies
### Dependencies warning
This library purescript-gargantext is the Front End part of Gargantext.
you need the backend (haskell-gargantext) installation too.
Before building gargantext, you must install the dependencies. We use
[yarn]( for this. They have excellent[install
### Installation steps
Then you must install the javascript and purescript dependencies:
1. Add `node_modules/.bin` to your path
2. Execute `./build`
yarn install && yarn install-ps
In one command:
### Building
```PATH="$PWD/node_modules/.bin:$PATH" ./build```
yarn build
## Note to the contributors
......@@ -33,7 +41,7 @@ Please follow
## Introduction
Making sense of out text isn't actually that hard, but it does require
a little background knowledge to understand.x
a little background knowledge to understand.
### N-grams
......@@ -61,6 +69,8 @@ N-grams are matched case insensitively and across whole words. Examples:
You may read more about n-grams [on wikipedia](
<!-- TODO: Discuss punctuation -->
Gargantext allows you to define n-grams interactively in your browser
and explore the relationships they uncover across a corpus of text.
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