Commit 57fa0591 authored by Fabien Manière's avatar Fabien Manière

Corpus Form to import from pads: change default value All to EN

parent fbbe4000
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......@@ -62,8 +62,10 @@ actionWriteNodesDocumentsWithLangsCpt :: R.Component ActionWriteNodesDocumentsWi
actionWriteNodesDocumentsWithLangsCpt = here.component "actionWriteNodesDocumentsWithLangs" cpt where
cpt { dispatch, id, langs, session } _ = do
-- lang' /\ langBox
-- <- R2.useBox' $ fromMaybe EN $ A.head langs
lang' /\ langBox
<- R2.useBox' $ fromMaybe EN $ A.head langs
<- R2.useBox' EN
selection' /\ selectionBox
<- R2.useBox' ListSelection.MyListsFirst
paragraphs' /\ paragraphBox
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