Commit 5f23a9dc authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[GRAPH] SidePanel Tabs States use (WIP)

parent c81b315a
......@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ explorerCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorer" cpt
cpt props@{frontends, graph, graphId, graphVersion, mCurrentRoute, mMetaData, session, sessions, showLogin, treeReload } _ = do
dataRef <- R.useRef graph
graphRef <- R.useRef null
graphVersionRef <- R.useRef (fst graphVersion)
controls <- Controls.useGraphControls graph
graphVersionRef <- R.useRef (fst graphVersion)
controls <- Controls.useGraphControls graph
multiSelectEnabledRef <- R.useRef $ fst controls.multiSelectEnabled
R.useEffect' $ do
......@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ explorerCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorer" cpt
R.setRef dataRef graph
R.setRef graphVersionRef (fst graphVersion)
-- Reinitialize bunch of state as well.
snd controls.removedNodeIds $ const SigmaxT.emptyNodeIds
snd controls.removedNodeIds $ const SigmaxT.emptyNodeIds
snd controls.selectedNodeIds $ const SigmaxT.emptyNodeIds
snd controls.showEdges $ const SigmaxT.EShow
snd controls.showEdges $ const SigmaxT.EShow
snd controls.forceAtlasState $ const SigmaxT.InitialRunning
snd controls.graphStage $ const Graph.Init
snd controls.showSidePanel $ const GET.InitialClosed
snd controls.graphStage $ const Graph.Init
snd controls.showSidePanel $ const GET.InitialClosed
pure $
......@@ -141,10 +141,10 @@ explorerCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorer" cpt
, graph
, graphId
, graphVersion
, removedNodeIds: controls.removedNodeIds
, removedNodeIds : controls.removedNodeIds
, session
, selectedNodeIds: controls.selectedNodeIds
, showSidePanel: fst controls.showSidePanel
, showSidePanel : controls.showSidePanel
, treeReload
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ explorerCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorer" cpt
mSidebar :: Maybe GET.MetaData
-> Record MSidebarProps
-> R.Element
mSidebar Nothing _ = RH.div {} []
mSidebar Nothing _ = RH.div {} []
mSidebar (Just metaData) props =
Sidebar.sidebar (Record.merge props { metaData })
......@@ -186,15 +186,15 @@ type TreeProps =
type MSidebarProps =
( frontends :: Frontends
, graph :: SigmaxT.SGraph
, graphId :: GraphId
, graphVersion :: R.State Int
, removedNodeIds :: R.State SigmaxT.NodeIds
, showSidePanel :: GET.SidePanelState
( frontends :: Frontends
, graph :: SigmaxT.SGraph
, graphId :: GraphId
, graphVersion :: R.State Int
, removedNodeIds :: R.State SigmaxT.NodeIds
, showSidePanel :: R.State GET.SidePanelState
, selectedNodeIds :: R.State SigmaxT.NodeIds
, session :: Session
, treeReload :: R.State Int
, session :: Session
, treeReload :: R.State Int
type GraphProps = (
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ controlsCpt = R.hooksComponent "GraphControls" cpt
-- Automatic opening of sidebar when a node is selected (but only first time).
R.useEffect' $ do
if fst props.showSidePanel == GET.InitialClosed && (not Set.isEmpty $ fst props.selectedNodeIds) then
snd props.showSidePanel $ \_ -> GET.Opened
snd props.showSidePanel $ \_ -> GET.Opened GET.SideTab2
pure unit
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ type Props =
, removedNodeIds :: R.State SigmaxT.NodeIds
, selectedNodeIds :: R.State SigmaxT.NodeIds
, session :: Session
, showSidePanel :: GET.SidePanelState
, showSidePanel :: R.State GET.SidePanelState
, treeReload :: R.State Int
......@@ -49,43 +49,47 @@ sidebar props = R.createElement sidebarCpt props []
sidebarCpt :: R.Component Props
sidebarCpt = R.hooksComponent "Sidebar" cpt
cpt {showSidePanel: GET.Closed} _children = do
cpt {showSidePanel: (GET.Closed /\ _)} _children = do
pure $ RH.div {} []
cpt {showSidePanel: GET.InitialClosed} _children = do
cpt {showSidePanel: (GET.InitialClosed /\ _)} _children = do
pure $ RH.div {} []
cpt props@{metaData} _children = do
cpt props@{metaData, showSidePanel} _children = do
let (sidePanel /\ setSidePanel) = showSidePanel
let nodesMap = SigmaxT.nodesGraphMap props.graph
pure $
RH.div { id: "sp-container" }
[ RH.div {}
[ R2.row
[ R2.col12
[ R2.col 12
[ RH.ul { id: "myTab", className: "nav nav-tabs", role: "tablist"}
[ RH.div { className: "tab-content" }
[ RH.div { className: "", role: "tabpanel" }
(Seq.toUnfoldable $ ( (badge props.selectedNodeIds) (badges props.graph props.selectedNodeIds)))
( Seq.toUnfoldable
$ ( (badge props.selectedNodeIds)
(badges props.graph props.selectedNodeIds)
, RH.div { className: "tab-content" }
removeButton "Remove candidate" CandidateTerm props nodesMap
, removeButton "Remove stop" StopTerm props nodesMap
[ removeButton "Remove candidate" CandidateTerm props nodesMap
, removeButton "Remove stop" StopTerm props nodesMap
, { className: "nav-item" }
[ RH.a { id: "home-tab"
, className: "nav-link active"
, data: {toggle: "tab"}
, href: "#legend"
, role: "tab"
, aria: {controls: "legend", selected: "true"}
, className: "nav-link active"
, data: {toggle: "tab"}
, href: "#legend"
, role: "tab"
, aria: {controls: "legend", selected: "true"}
[ RH.text "Legend" ]
, let (GET.MetaData {legend}) = metaData
in Legend.legend { items: Seq.fromFoldable legend}
, { className: "nav-item" }
[ RH.a { id: "home-tab"
, className: "nav-link active"
, className: "nav-link"
, data: {toggle: "tab"}
, href: "#nodes"
, role: "tab"
......@@ -131,7 +135,8 @@ sidebarCpt = R.hooksComponent "Sidebar" cpt
[ RH.text text ]
onClickRemove rType props nodesMap e = do
let nodes = mapMaybe (\id -> Map.lookup id nodesMap) $ Set.toUnfoldable $ fst props.selectedNodeIds
let nodes = mapMaybe (\id -> Map.lookup id nodesMap)
$ Set.toUnfoldable $ fst props.selectedNodeIds
deleteNodes { graphId: props.graphId
, metaData: props.metaData
, nodes
......@@ -145,8 +150,8 @@ sidebarCpt = R.hooksComponent "Sidebar" cpt
badge :: R.State SigmaxT.NodeIds -> Record SigmaxT.Node -> R.Element
badge (_ /\ setNodeIds) {id, label} =
RH.a { className: "badge badge-light"
, on: { click: onClick }
} [ RH.text label ]
, on: { click: onClick }
} [ RH.text label ]
onClick e = do
setNodeIds $ const $ Set.singleton id
......@@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ sidebarToggleButton (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
onMessage = "Hide Sidebar"
offMessage = "Show Sidebar"
text on _off GET.Opened = on
text on _off (GET.Opened _) = on
text _on off GET.InitialClosed = off
text _on off GET.Closed = off
text _on off GET.Closed = off
onClick = \_ -> do
setState $ \s -> case s of
GET.InitialClosed -> GET.Opened
GET.Closed -> GET.Opened
GET.Opened -> GET.Closed
GET.InitialClosed -> GET.Opened GET.SideTab1
GET.Closed -> GET.Opened GET.SideTab1
(GET.Opened _) -> GET.Closed
......@@ -189,6 +189,10 @@ intColor :: Int -> String
intColor i = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ defaultPalette !! (i `mod` length defaultPalette)
data SidePanelState = InitialClosed | Opened | Closed
data SidePanelState = InitialClosed | Opened SideTab | Closed
data SideTab = SideTab1 | SideTab2 | SideTab3
derive instance eqSideTab :: Eq SideTab
derive instance eqSidePanelState :: Eq SidePanelState
......@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ blur el = el ... "blur" $ []
row :: Array R.Element -> R.Element
row children = H.div { className: "row" } children
col12 :: Array R.Element -> R.Element
col12 children = H.div { className: "col-md-12" } children
col :: Int -> Array R.Element -> R.Element
col n children = H.div { className : "col-md" <> show n } children
innerText :: DOM.Element -> String
innerText e = e .. "innerText"
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