Commit 6cd7a7d5 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[upload] upload arbitrary file

parent b2ba68f5
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Rename (RenameValue(..), re
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Share as Share
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Contact as Contact
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Update (updateRequest)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload (uploadFile)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload (uploadFile, uploadArbitraryFile)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.FTree (FTree, LNode(..), NTree(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.Task (Tasks, tasksStruct)
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends)
......@@ -331,6 +331,15 @@ performAction (UploadFile nodeType fileType mName contents) { session
liftEffect $ onTaskAdd task
liftEffect $ log2 "Uploaded, task:" task
performAction (UploadArbitraryFile nodeType mName contents) { session
, tasks: { onTaskAdd }
, tree: (NTree (LNode {id}) _)
} =
task <- uploadArbitraryFile session nodeType id { contents, mName }
liftEffect $ onTaskAdd task
liftEffect $ log2 "Uploaded, task:" task
performAction DownloadNode _ = do
liftEffect $ log "[performAction] DownloadNode"
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ data Action = AddNode String GT.NodeType
| UpdateNode UpdateNodeParams
| DoSearch GT.AsyncTaskWithType
| UploadFile GT.NodeType FileType (Maybe String) UploadFileContents
| UploadArbitraryFile GT.NodeType (Maybe String) UploadFileContents
| DownloadNode
| RefreshTree
......@@ -54,57 +55,60 @@ setTreeOut a _ = a
instance showShow :: Show Action where
show (AddNode _ _ )= "AddNode"
show (DeleteNode _ )= "DeleteNode"
show (RenameNode _ )= "RenameNode"
show (UpdateNode _ )= "UpdateNode"
show (ShareTeam _ )= "ShareTeam"
show (AddContact _ )= "AddContact"
show (SharePublic _ )= "SharePublic"
show (DoSearch _ )= "SearchQuery"
show (UploadFile _ _ _ _)= "UploadFile"
show RefreshTree = "RefreshTree"
show DownloadNode = "Download"
show (MoveNode _ ) = "MoveNode"
show (MergeNode _ ) = "MergeNode"
show (LinkNode _ ) = "LinkNode"
show NoAction = "NoAction"
show (AddNode _ _ ) = "AddNode"
show (DeleteNode _ ) = "DeleteNode"
show (RenameNode _ ) = "RenameNode"
show (UpdateNode _ ) = "UpdateNode"
show (ShareTeam _ ) = "ShareTeam"
show (AddContact _ ) = "AddContact"
show (SharePublic _ ) = "SharePublic"
show (DoSearch _ ) = "SearchQuery"
show (UploadFile _ _ _ _) = "UploadFile"
show (UploadArbitraryFile _ _ _) = "UploadArbitraryFile"
show RefreshTree = "RefreshTree"
show DownloadNode = "Download"
show (MoveNode _ ) = "MoveNode"
show (MergeNode _ ) = "MergeNode"
show (LinkNode _ ) = "LinkNode"
show NoAction = "NoAction"
icon :: Action -> String
icon (AddNode _ _) = glyphiconNodeAction (Add [])
icon (DeleteNode _) = glyphiconNodeAction Delete
icon (RenameNode _) = glyphiconNodeAction Config
icon (UpdateNode _) = glyphiconNodeAction Refresh
icon (ShareTeam _) = glyphiconNodeAction Share
icon (AddContact _) = glyphiconNodeAction Share
icon (SharePublic _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction (Publish { subTreeParams : SubTreeParams {showtypes:[], valitypes:[] }})
icon (DoSearch _) = glyphiconNodeAction SearchBox
icon (UploadFile _ _ _ _) = glyphiconNodeAction Upload
icon RefreshTree = glyphiconNodeAction Refresh
icon DownloadNode = glyphiconNodeAction Download
icon (MoveNode _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction (Move { subTreeParams : SubTreeParams {showtypes:[], valitypes:[] }})
icon (MergeNode _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction (Merge { subTreeParams : SubTreeParams {showtypes:[], valitypes:[] }})
icon (LinkNode _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction (Link { subTreeParams : SubTreeParams {showtypes:[], valitypes:[] }})
icon (AddNode _ _) = glyphiconNodeAction (Add [])
icon (DeleteNode _) = glyphiconNodeAction Delete
icon (RenameNode _) = glyphiconNodeAction Config
icon (UpdateNode _) = glyphiconNodeAction Refresh
icon (ShareTeam _) = glyphiconNodeAction Share
icon (AddContact _) = glyphiconNodeAction Share
icon (SharePublic _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction (Publish { subTreeParams : SubTreeParams {showtypes:[], valitypes:[] }})
icon (DoSearch _) = glyphiconNodeAction SearchBox
icon (UploadFile _ _ _ _) = glyphiconNodeAction Upload
icon (UploadArbitraryFile _ _ _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction Upload
icon RefreshTree = glyphiconNodeAction Refresh
icon DownloadNode = glyphiconNodeAction Download
icon (MoveNode _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction (Move { subTreeParams : SubTreeParams {showtypes:[], valitypes:[] }})
icon (MergeNode _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction (Merge { subTreeParams : SubTreeParams {showtypes:[], valitypes:[] }})
icon (LinkNode _ ) = glyphiconNodeAction (Link { subTreeParams : SubTreeParams {showtypes:[], valitypes:[] }})
icon NoAction = "hand-o-right"
icon NoAction = "hand-o-right"
-- icon _ = "hand-o-right"
text :: Action -> String
text (AddNode _ _ )= "Add !"
text (DeleteNode _ )= "Delete !"
text (RenameNode _ )= "Rename !"
text (UpdateNode _ )= "Update !"
text (ShareTeam _ )= "Share with team !"
text (AddContact _ )= "Add contact !"
text (SharePublic _ )= "Publish !"
text (DoSearch _ )= "Launch search !"
text (UploadFile _ _ _ _)= "Upload File !"
text RefreshTree = "Refresh Tree !"
text DownloadNode = "Download !"
text (MoveNode _ ) = "Move !"
text (MergeNode _ ) = "Merge !"
text (LinkNode _ ) = "Link !"
text NoAction = "No Action"
text (AddNode _ _ ) = "Add !"
text (DeleteNode _ ) = "Delete !"
text (RenameNode _ ) = "Rename !"
text (UpdateNode _ ) = "Update !"
text (ShareTeam _ ) = "Share with team !"
text (AddContact _ ) = "Add contact !"
text (SharePublic _ ) = "Publish !"
text (DoSearch _ ) = "Launch search !"
text (UploadFile _ _ _ _) = "Upload File !"
text (UploadArbitraryFile _ _ _) = "Upload arbitrary file !"
text RefreshTree = "Refresh Tree !"
text DownloadNode = "Download !"
text (MoveNode _ ) = "Move !"
text (MergeNode _ ) = "Merge !"
text (LinkNode _ ) = "Link !"
text NoAction = "No Action"
......@@ -5,24 +5,27 @@ import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff, throwError)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import React.SyntheticEvent as E
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import URI.Extra.QueryPairs as QP
import Web.File.FileReader.Aff (readAsText)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..), Props)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload.Types (FileType(..), UploadFileContents(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (fragmentPT, formChoiceSafe, panel)
import Gargantext.Components.Lang (Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude (class Show, Unit, discard, bind, const, id, map, pure, show, unit, void, ($), read)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, postWwwUrlencoded)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), ID)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import React.SyntheticEvent as E
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import URI.Extra.QueryPairs as QP
import Web.File.FileReader.Aff (readAsText)
-- UploadFile Action
......@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ uploadFileViewCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.F.T.N.A.U.UploadFileView" cpt
, PresseRIS
, Arbitrary
] CSV setFileType
......@@ -162,9 +166,13 @@ uploadButtonCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.F.T.N.A.U.uploadButton" cpt
Just _ -> ""
onClick e = do
let {name, contents} = unsafePartial $ fromJust mFile
let { contents, name } = unsafePartial $ fromJust mFile
void $ launchAff do
_ <- dispatch $ UploadFile nodeType fileType (Just name) contents
case fileType of
Arbitrary ->
dispatch $ UploadArbitraryFile nodeType (Just name) contents
_ ->
dispatch $ UploadFile nodeType fileType (Just name) contents
liftEffect $ do
setMFile $ const $ Nothing
setFileType $ const $ CSV
......@@ -279,8 +287,6 @@ uploadFile session nodeType id fileType {mName, contents: UploadFileContents con
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType {task, typ: GT.Form}
--postMultipartFormData session p fileContents
q = FileUploadQuery { fileType: fileType }
--p = NodeAPI GT.Corpus (Just id) $ "add/file/async/nobody" <> Q.print (toQuery q)
p = case nodeType of
Corpus -> GR.NodeAPI nodeType (Just id) $ GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.Form
Annuaire -> GR.NodeAPI nodeType (Just id) "annuaire"
......@@ -291,6 +297,27 @@ uploadFile session nodeType id fileType {mName, contents: UploadFileContents con
, Tuple "_wf_name" mName
uploadArbitraryFile :: Session
-> GT.NodeType
-> ID
-> {contents :: UploadFileContents, mName :: Maybe String}
-> Aff GT.AsyncTaskWithType
uploadArbitraryFile session nodeType id {mName, contents: UploadFileContents contents} = do
if nodeType == Corpus then
pure unit
throwError $ error $ "[uploadArbitraryFile] NodeType " <> (show nodeType) <> " not supported"
task <- postWwwUrlencoded session p bodyParams
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.Form }
p = GR.NodeAPI nodeType (Just id) $ GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.UploadFile
bodyParams = [ Tuple "_wfi_data" (Just contents)
, Tuple "_wfi_name" mName
uploadTermListView :: Record Props -> R.Element
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude (class Read, class Show, class Eq)
data FileType = CSV | CSV_HAL | WOS | PresseRIS
data FileType = CSV | CSV_HAL | WOS | PresseRIS | Arbitrary
derive instance genericFileType :: Generic FileType _
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ instance readFileType :: Read FileType where
read "CSV_HAL" = Just CSV_HAL
read "PresseRIS" = Just PresseRIS
read "WOS" = Just WOS
read "Arbitrary" = Just Arbitrary
read _ = Nothing
......@@ -566,6 +566,7 @@ modeFromString _ = Nothing
-- corresponds to /add/form/async or /add/query/async
data AsyncTaskType = Form
| UploadFile
| GraphT
| Query
| AddNode
......@@ -583,16 +584,18 @@ instance decodeJsonAsyncTaskType :: DecodeJson AsyncTaskType where
obj <- decodeJson json
case obj of
"Form" -> pure Form
"UploadFile" -> pure UploadFile
"GraphT" -> pure GraphT
"Query" -> pure Query
"AddNode" -> pure AddNode
s -> Left ("Unknown string " <> s)
asyncTaskTypePath :: AsyncTaskType -> String
asyncTaskTypePath Form = "add/form/async/"
asyncTaskTypePath Query = "query/"
asyncTaskTypePath GraphT = "async/"
asyncTaskTypePath AddNode = "async/nobody/"
asyncTaskTypePath Form = "add/form/async/"
asyncTaskTypePath UploadFile = "add/file/async/"
asyncTaskTypePath Query = "query/"
asyncTaskTypePath GraphT = "async/"
asyncTaskTypePath AddNode = "async/nobody/"
asyncTaskTypePath UpdateNode = "update/"
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