Commit 71cbf97b authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/489-dev-graph-explorer-fixes' into dev-merge

parents 92f7d8a9 8cdb4d49
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import
pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "justinwoo";
repo = "easy-purescript-nix";
rev = "ee51a6d459b8fecfcb10f24ca9728e649c6a9e00";
sha256 = "dVC+xvdUksFFN0LZYXtKVZPUcVGMAWURGuZ5r1g1k/A=";
rev = "master";
sha256 = "tESal32bcqqdZO+aKnBzc1GoL2mtnaDtj2y7ociCRGA=";
) {
inherit pkgs;
import (
builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "0d643wp3l77hv2pmg2fi7vyxn4rwy0iyr8djcw1h5x72315ck9ik";
url = "";
let upstream = sha256:52886309e1f0158a85427f80c1e3d47ce747c5f14fcec671a81fe5c2c711a6db
let overrides =
{ graphql-client =
......@@ -192,4 +193,4 @@ let additions =
in upstream ⫽ overrides ⫽ additions
in upstream // overrides // additions
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ here = "Gargantext.Components.App"
app :: R2.Leaf ()
app = R2.leaf appCpt
appCpt :: R.Component ()
appCpt = here.component "container" cpt where
cpt _ _ = do
......@@ -55,7 +54,6 @@ type HydrateStoreProps =
hydrateStore :: R2.Leaf HydrateStoreProps
hydrateStore = R2.leaf hydrateStoreCpt
hydrateStoreCpt :: R.Component HydrateStoreProps
hydrateStoreCpt = here.component "hydrateStore" cpt where
cpt { cacheParams
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Gargantext.Components.Category (CategoryQuery(..), putCategories)
import Gargantext.Components.Category.Types (Category(..), decodeCategory, favCategory)
import Gargantext.Components.DocsTable.Types (showSource)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphQL.Context as GQLCTX
import Gargantext.Components.GraphQL.Endpoints as GQLE
import Gargantext.Components.Search (Contact(..), Document(..), HyperdataRowContact(..), HyperdataRowDocument(..), SearchQuery, SearchResult(..), SearchResultTypes(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Components.Table.Types as T
......@@ -91,6 +93,21 @@ derive instance Generic DocumentsView _
instance Eq DocumentsView where eq = genericEq
instance Show DocumentsView where show = genericShow
gqlContextToDocumentsView :: GQLCTX.Context -> DocumentsView
gqlContextToDocumentsView ctx@{ c_hyperdata: h } =
DocumentsView { id: ctx.c_id
, date: ctx.c_date
, title: ctx.c_name
, source: showSource (_.hrd_source <$> h)
, score: fromMaybe 0 ctx.c_score
, authors: fromMaybe "Authors" (_.hrd_authors <$> h)
, category: decodeCategory $ fromMaybe 0 ctx.c_category
, pairs: []
, delete: false
, publication_year: _.hrd_publication_year <$> h
, publication_month: _.hrd_publication_month <$> h
, publication_day: _.hrd_publication_day <$> h }
newtype ContactsView =
......@@ -218,7 +235,6 @@ loadPage { session, nodeId, listId, query, params: {limit, offset, orderBy } } =
convOrderBy (T.ASC (T.ColumnName "Source")) = SourceAsc
convOrderBy (T.DESC (T.ColumnName "Source")) = SourceDesc
convOrderBy _ = DateAsc -- TODO
p = Search { listId, offset, limit, orderBy: convOrderBy <$> orderBy } (Just nodeId)
--SearchResult {result} <- post session p $ SearchQuery {query: concat query, expected:searchType}
......@@ -233,6 +249,28 @@ loadPage { session, nodeId, listId, query, params: {limit, offset, orderBy } } =
SearchResultContact {contacts} -> Contacts {contacts: contact2view <$> Seq.fromFoldable contacts}
errMessage -> Docs {docs: Seq.fromFoldable [err2view errMessage]} -- TODO better error view
type PageGQLParams =
( corpusId :: Int
, params :: T.Params
, ngramsTerms :: Array String
, session :: Session )
initialPageGQL :: { corpusId :: Int, ngramsTerms :: Array String, session :: Session }
-> Record PageGQLParams
initialPageGQL { corpusId, ngramsTerms, session } =
{ corpusId, ngramsTerms, params: T.initialParams, session }
loadPageGQL :: Record PageGQLParams -> AffRESTError Rows
loadPageGQL { corpusId
, params: { limit, offset, orderBy }
, ngramsTerms
, session } = do
eResult <- GQLE.getContextsForNgrams session corpusId ngramsTerms
pure $ (\res -> Docs { docs: gqlContextToDocumentsView <$> Seq.fromFoldable res }) <$> eResult
doc2view :: Document -> DocumentsView
doc2view ( Document { id
, created: date
......@@ -113,16 +113,16 @@ folderViewMainCpt = here.component "folderViewMainCpt" cpt where
makeParentFolder root (Just parent) props =
{ nodeId:
{ disabled: disabled parent
, linkId:
, linkNodeType: parent.node_type
, nodeId:
, nodeType: root.node_type
, parentId:
, reload: props.reload
, session: props.session
, style: FolderUp
, text: "..."
, disabled: disabled parent
......@@ -133,32 +133,32 @@ folderViewMainCpt = here.component "folderViewMainCpt" cpt where
sortFolders a b = compare
type FolderProps =
( style :: FolderStyle
, text :: String
, nodeType :: GT.NodeType
, nodeId :: Int
( disabled :: Boolean
, linkNodeType :: GT.NodeType
, linkId :: Int
, session :: Session
, nodeType :: GT.NodeType
, nodeId :: Int
, parentId :: Int
, reload :: T.Box T2.Reload
, disabled :: Boolean
, session :: Session
, style :: FolderStyle
, text :: String
folder :: R2.Leaf FolderProps
folder = R2.leaf folderCpt
folderCpt :: R.Component FolderProps
folderCpt = here.component "folderCpt" cpt where
cpt props@{ nodeId
, nodeType
cpt props@{ disabled
, linkId
, linkNodeType
, nodeId
, nodeType
, parentId
, reload
, session
, style
, text
, disabled
} _ = do
-- | States
-- |
......@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@ folderCpt = here.component "folderCpt" cpt where
{ boxes
, closeCallback: \_ -> T.write_ false isBoxVisible
, dispatch: dispatch
, id: props.nodeId
, nodeType: props.nodeType
, name: props.text
, session: props.session
, closeCallback: \_ -> T.write_ false isBoxVisible
, session
......@@ -342,11 +342,11 @@ nodeSpanCpt = here.component "nodeSpan" cpt
{ boxes
, closeCallback: \_ -> T.write_ false isBoxVisible
, dispatch
, id
, name
, nodeType
, closeCallback: \_ -> T.write_ false isBoxVisible
, session
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ componentWithIMTOrgsCpt :: R.Component ComponentWithIMTOrgsProps
componentWithIMTOrgsCpt = here.component "componentWithIMTOrgs" cpt where
cpt { schools, search } _ = do
search' <- T.useLive T.unequal search
let allIMTOrgs = [All_IMT] <> (IMT_org <$> schools)
liCpt org = {}
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ componentWithIMTOrgsCpt = here.component "componentWithIMTOrgs" cpt where
All_IMT -> H.i {} [H.text $ " " <> show org]
(IMT_org { school_shortName }) -> H.text $ " " <> school_shortName
pure $ R.fragment
[ H.ul {} $ map liCpt $ allIMTOrgs
--, filterInput fi
......@@ -427,29 +427,29 @@ filterInput (term /\ setTerm) =
type DatafieldInputProps =
( databases :: Array Database
, langs :: Array Lang
, search :: T.Box Search
, session :: Session )
, langs :: Array Lang
, search :: T.Box Search
, session :: Session )
datafieldInput :: R2.Component DatafieldInputProps
datafieldInput = R.createElement datafieldInputCpt
datafieldInputCpt :: R.Component DatafieldInputProps
datafieldInputCpt = here.component "datafieldInput" cpt where
cpt { databases, langs, search, session} _ = do
cpt { databases, langs, search, session } _ = do
search' <- T.useLive T.unequal search
iframeRef <- R.useRef null
pure $ H.div {}
[ dataFieldNav { search } []
, if isExternal search'.datafield
then databaseInput { databases, search } []
else H.div {} []
, if isHAL search'.datafield
then orgInput { orgs: allOrgs, search } []
else H.div {} []
, if isIMT search'.datafield
then componentIMT { search, session } []
else H.div {} []
......@@ -457,15 +457,15 @@ datafieldInputCpt = here.component "datafieldInput" cpt where
, if isHAL search'.datafield
then componentYears { search } []
else H.div {} []
, if isCNRS search'.datafield
then componentCNRS { search } []
else H.div {} []
, if needsLang search'.datafield
then langNav { langs, search } []
else H.div {} []
, H.div {} [ searchIframes { iframeRef, search } [] ]
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ type CommonProps =
type NodePopupProps =
( boxes :: Boxes
, closeCallback :: Unit -> Effect Unit
, id :: ID
, name :: Name
, nodeType :: GT.NodeType
, closeCallback :: Unit -> Effect Unit
| CommonProps
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ newtype Node = Node {
, children :: Array String
, id_ :: String
, label :: String
, size :: Number
, size :: Int
, type_ :: String
, x :: Number
, y :: Number
......@@ -80,10 +80,11 @@ instance JSON.WriteForeign Node where
newtype Edge = Edge {
confluence :: Number
, id_ :: String
, source :: String
, target :: String
, weight :: Number
, hidden :: Maybe Boolean
, id_ :: String
, source :: String
, target :: String
, weight :: Number
......@@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (max, min)
import DOM.Simple.Types (Element)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldMapWithIndex)
import Data.Int (toNumber)
import Data.Int (floor, toNumber)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
import Data.Nullable (null, Nullable)
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable (traverse_)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Components.App.Store as AppStore
......@@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ import Gargantext.Config (defaultFrontends)
import Gargantext.Data.Louvain as DLouvain
import Gargantext.Hooks.Session (useSession)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.ForceAtlas2 as ForceAtlas
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Graphology as Graphology
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Louvain as Louvain
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Noverlap as Noverlap
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax as Sigmax
......@@ -200,6 +198,7 @@ layoutCpt = here.component "layout" cpt where
{ fa2Ref
, noverlapRef
, reloadForest: reloadForest
, session
, sigmaRef
......@@ -270,6 +269,8 @@ graphViewCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "graphView" cpt where
-- todo Cache this?
R.useEffect' $ do
--here.log2 "[graphView] transformedGraph" $ transformGraph graph' transformParams
--let louvain = Louvain.louvain unit in
--let cluster = Louvain.init louvain (SigmaxT.louvainNodes graph') (SigmaxT.louvainEdges graph') in
--SigmaxT.louvainGraph graph' cluster
......@@ -313,7 +314,8 @@ convert :: GET.GraphData -> Tuple (Maybe GET.MetaData) SigmaxT.SGraph
convert (GET.GraphData r) = Tuple r.metaData $ SigmaxT.Graph {nodes, edges}
normalizedNodes :: Array GEGT.Node
normalizedNodes = GEGT.Node <$> (GEU.normalizeNodeSizeDefault $ (\(GEGT.Node n) -> n) <$> r.nodes)
normalizedNodes = (\n -> GEGT.Node (n { size = floor n.size })) <$>
(GEU.normalizeNodeSizeDefault $ (\(GEGT.Node n) -> n { size = toNumber n.size }) <$> r.nodes)
nodes :: Seq.Seq (Record SigmaxT.Node)
nodes = foldMapWithIndex nodeFn normalizedNodes
nodeFn :: Int -> GEGT.Node -> Seq.Seq (Record SigmaxT.Node)
......@@ -330,7 +332,7 @@ convert (GET.GraphData r) = Tuple r.metaData $ SigmaxT.Graph {nodes, edges}
, highlighted: false
, id : n.id_
, label : n.label
, size : n.size
, size : toNumber n.size
--, size: toNumber n.size
, type : modeGraphType gargType
, x : n.x -- cos (toNumber i)
......@@ -154,19 +154,20 @@ drawGraphCpt = here.component "drawGraph" cpt where
, showEdges: showEdges' }
-- here.log2 "[graph] startForceAtlas" startForceAtlas
if startForceAtlas' then
case R.readRef fa2Ref of
Nothing -> do
fa2 <- ForceAtlas2.init (Sigma.graph sig) fa2Settings
case R.readRef fa2Ref of
Nothing -> do
fa2 <- ForceAtlas2.init (Sigma.graph sig) fa2Settings
R.setRef fa2Ref (Just fa2)
if startForceAtlas' then do
ForceAtlas2.start fa2
R.setRef fa2Ref (Just fa2)
Just _fa2 -> do
-- TODO Kill and restart? Maybe check fa2.graph first? Should be equal to sigma.graph
else do
pure unit
Just fa2 -> do
-- TODO Kill and restart? Maybe check fa2.graph first? Should be equal to sigma.graph
if startForceAtlas' then
pure unit
case R.readRef fa2Ref of
Nothing -> pure unit
Just fa2 -> ForceAtlas2.stop fa2
ForceAtlas2.stop fa2
case R.readRef noverlapRef of
Nothing -> do
......@@ -228,6 +229,8 @@ drawGraphCpt = here.component "drawGraph" cpt where
case Tuple forceAtlasState' graphStage' of
--Tuple SigmaxTypes.InitialLoading GET.Ready -> updateGraph
-- forceatlas can be stopped initially for eg graph snapshots
Tuple SigmaxTypes.InitialStopped GET.Ready -> updateGraph
Tuple SigmaxTypes.InitialRunning GET.Ready -> updateGraph
Tuple SigmaxTypes.Paused GET.Ready -> updateGraph
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Sidebar.DocList
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array (concat, head)
import Data.Array (catMaybes, concat, head)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Foldable (intercalate)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
......@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Types (Variant(..))
import Gargantext.Components.FacetsTable (DocumentsView(..), Rows(..), initialPagePath, loadPage, publicationDate)
import Gargantext.Components.FacetsTable (DocumentsView(..), Rows(..), initialPagePath, initialPageGQL, loadPage, loadPageGQL, publicationDate)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Store as GraphStore
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types (CorpusId, DocId, GraphSideDoc(..), ListId)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
......@@ -62,26 +63,17 @@ docListWrapperCpt = here.component "wrapper" cpt where
graph' <- R2.useLive' graph
selectedNodeIds' <- R2.useLive' selectedNodeIds
query' /\ query <- R2.useBox' Nothing
selectedNgramsTerms <- T.useBox []
-- | Helpers
-- |
nodesMap = SigmaxT.nodesGraphMap graph'
toSearchQuery ids = SearchQuery
{ expected: SearchDoc
, query: concat $ toQuery <$> Set.toUnfoldable ids
toQuery id = case Map.lookup id nodesMap of
Nothing -> []
Just n -> words n.label
-- | Hooks
-- |
R.useEffect1' selectedNodeIds' $ do
T.write_ (Just $ toSearchQuery selectedNodeIds') query
T.write_ (catMaybes $ (\id -> _.label <$> Map.lookup id nodesMap) <$> Set.toUnfoldable selectedNodeIds') selectedNgramsTerms
-- | Render
-- |
......@@ -89,16 +81,16 @@ docListWrapperCpt = here.component "wrapper" cpt where
case (head metaData.corpusId) /\ query' of
case (head metaData.corpusId) /\ (Set.isEmpty selectedNodeIds') of
(Just corpusId) /\ (Just q') ->
(Just corpusId) /\ false ->
{ query: q'
, session
, corpusId
{ corpusId
, frontends: defaultFrontends
, listId: metaData.list.listId
, selectedNgramsTerms
, session
, showDoc
, frontends: defaultFrontends
_ /\ _ ->
......@@ -113,12 +105,12 @@ docListWrapperCpt = here.component "wrapper" cpt where
type ListProps =
( query :: SearchQuery
, corpusId :: CorpusId
, listId :: ListId
, session :: Session
, showDoc :: T.Box (Maybe GraphSideDoc)
, frontends :: Frontends
( corpusId :: CorpusId
, frontends :: Frontends
, listId :: ListId
, selectedNgramsTerms :: T.Box (Array SigmaxT.Label)
, session :: Session
, showDoc :: T.Box (Maybe GraphSideDoc)
docList :: R2.Leaf ListProps
......@@ -136,18 +128,25 @@ docListCpt = here.component "main" cpt where
_ -> pure unit
-- | Component
-- |
cpt { query
, session
, corpusId: nodeId
cpt { corpusId: nodeId
, frontends
, listId
, selectedNgramsTerms
, session
, showDoc
, frontends
} _ = do
-- | States
-- |
-- path' /\ path
-- <- R2.useBox' $ initialPagePath { nodeId, listId, query, session }
selectedNgramsTerms' <- T.useLive T.unequal selectedNgramsTerms
path' /\ path
<- R2.useBox' $ initialPagePath { nodeId, listId, query, session }
<- R2.useBox' $ initialPageGQL { corpusId: nodeId
, ngramsTerms: A.fromFoldable selectedNgramsTerms'
, session }
state' /\ state <-
R2.useBox' Nothing
......@@ -163,24 +162,30 @@ docListCpt = here.component "main" cpt where
{ errorHandler
, state
, loader: loadPage
, loader: loadPageGQL
, path: path'
, state
-- | Effects
-- |
-- (on query change, reload fetched docs)
useUpdateEffect1' query $
flip T.write_ path $ initialPagePath { nodeId, listId, query, session }
--useUpdateEffect1' query $
--flip T.write_ path $ initialPagePath { nodeId, listId, query, session }
useUpdateEffect1' selectedNgramsTerms' $
flip T.write_ path $ initialPageGQL { corpusId: nodeId
, ngramsTerms: A.fromFoldable selectedNgramsTerms'
, session }
-- (on fetch success, extract existing docs)
useUpdateEffect1' state' case state' of
Nothing -> T.write_ (Just Seq.empty) rows
Just r -> case r of
Docs { docs } -> T.write_ (Just docs) rows
_ -> T.write_ (Just Seq.empty) rows
useUpdateEffect1' state' do
here.log2 "[docList] state'" state'
case state' of
Nothing -> T.write_ (Just Seq.empty) rows
Just r -> case r of
Docs { docs } -> T.write_ (Just docs) rows
_ -> T.write_ (Just Seq.empty) rows
-- | Computed
-- |
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Effect.Timer (setTimeout)
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Resources as Graph
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Store as GraphStore
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Toolbar.Buttons (centerButton, edgesToggleButton, louvainButton, pauseForceAtlasButton, pauseNoverlapButton, multiSelectEnabledButton)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Toolbar.Buttons (cameraButton, centerButton, edgesToggleButton, louvainButton, pauseForceAtlasButton, pauseNoverlapButton, multiSelectEnabledButton)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Toolbar.RangeControl (edgeConfluenceControl, nodeSizeControl)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Toolbar.SlideButton (labelSizeButton, labelRenderedSizeThresholdButton, mouseSelectorSizeSlider)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Noverlap as Noverlap
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax as Sigmax
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Sigma as Sigma
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Types as SigmaxT
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
......@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ type Controls =
( fa2Ref :: R.Ref (Maybe ForceAtlas.FA2Layout)
, noverlapRef :: R.Ref (Maybe Noverlap.NoverlapLayout)
, reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS
, session :: Session
, sigmaRef :: R.Ref Sigmax.Sigma
......@@ -43,7 +45,8 @@ controlsCpt :: R.Memo Controls
controlsCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "controls" cpt where
cpt { fa2Ref
, noverlapRef
-- , reloadForest
, reloadForest
, session
, sigmaRef
} _ = do
-- | States
......@@ -54,7 +57,9 @@ controlsCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "controls" cpt where
, forceAtlasState
, noverlapState
, graph
, graphId
, graphStage
, hyperdataGraph
, labelRenderedSizeThreshold
, labelSize
, mouseSelectorSize
......@@ -67,6 +72,8 @@ controlsCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "controls" cpt where
, sideTab
} <- GraphStore.use
graphId' <- R2.useLive' graphId
hyperdataGraph' <- R2.useLive' hyperdataGraph
forceAtlasState' <- R2.useLive' forceAtlasState
noverlapState' <- R2.useLive' noverlapState
graphStage' <- R2.useLive' graphStage
......@@ -169,16 +176,15 @@ controlsCpt = R.memo' $ here.component "controls" cpt where
, pauseNoverlapButton { state: noverlapState }
{- ,
{ id: graphId'
, forceAtlasState
, hyperdataGraph: hyperdataGraph'
, reloadForest
, session: session
, session
, sigmaRef: sigmaRef
-- View Settings
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Lens as GUL
import Gargantext.Utils.Seq as GUS
stEdgeToGET :: Record ST.Edge -> GEGT.Edge
stEdgeToGET { _original } = _original
stEdgeToGET { _original: GEGT.Edge original, hidden } = GEGT.Edge $ original { hidden = Just hidden }
stNodeToGET :: Record ST.Node -> GEGT.Node
stNodeToGET { id, label, x, y, _original: GEGT.Node { attributes, size, type_ } } = GEGT.Node {
......@@ -72,15 +72,16 @@ queryGql session name q = do
-- Schema
type Schema
= { imt_schools :: {} ==> Array GQLIMT.School
= { annuaire_contacts :: { contact_id :: Int } ==> Array AnnuaireContact
, contexts :: { context_id :: Int, node_id :: Int } ==> Array GQLCTX.NodeContext
, nodes :: { node_id :: Int } ==> Array Node
, contexts_for_ngrams :: { corpus_id :: Int, ngrams_terms :: Array String } ==> Array GQLCTX.Context
, imt_schools :: {} ==> Array GQLIMT.School
, node_parent :: { node_id :: Int, parent_type :: String } ==> Array Node -- TODO: parent_type :: NodeType
, nodes :: { node_id :: Int } ==> Array Node
, user_infos :: { user_id :: Int } ==> Array UserInfo
, users :: { user_id :: Int } ==> Array User
, tree :: { root_id :: Int } ==> TreeFirstLevel
, annuaire_contacts :: { contact_id :: Int } ==> Array AnnuaireContact
, team :: { team_node_id :: Int } ==> Team
, tree :: { root_id :: Int } ==> TreeFirstLevel
type Mutation
module Gargantext.Components.GraphQL.Context
( NodeContext
( Context_
, Context
, Hyperdata_
, Hyperdata
, NodeContext
, NodeContext_
, nodeContextQuery
, NodeContextCategoryM
, contextsForNgramsQuery
, NgramsTerms(..)
) where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Argonaut (class EncodeJson, encodeJson)
import Data.Lens (Lens', lens)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import GraphQL.Client.Args (Args, NotNull, (=>>))
import GraphQL.Client.Args (Args, NotNull, (=>>), class ArgGql)
import GraphQL.Client.Variable (Var(..))
import GraphQL.Client.Variables.TypeName (class VarTypeName, varTypeName)
import Gargantext.Utils.GraphQL as GGQL
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Array as A
type Context_
= ( c_id :: Int
, c_name :: String
, c_typename :: Int
, c_date :: String
, c_hash_id :: Maybe String
, c_user_id :: Int
, c_parent_id :: Maybe Int
, c_category :: Maybe Int
, c_score :: Maybe Int -- TODO: Maybe Double
, c_hyperdata :: Maybe Hyperdata )
type Context = Record Context_
type Hyperdata_
= ( hrd_abstract :: String
, hrd_authors :: String
, hrd_bdd :: String
, hrd_doi :: String
, hrd_institutes :: String
, hrd_language_iso2 :: String
, hrd_page :: Int
, hrd_publication_date :: String
, hrd_publication_day :: Int
, hrd_publication_hour :: Int
, hrd_publication_minute :: Int
, hrd_publication_month :: Int
, hrd_publication_second :: Int
, hrd_publication_year :: Int
, hrd_source :: String
, hrd_title :: String
, hrd_url :: String
, hrd_uniqId :: String
, hrd_uniqIdBdd :: String )
type Hyperdata = Record Hyperdata_
type NodeContext_
= ( nc_id :: Maybe Int
, nc_node_id :: Int
......@@ -44,6 +89,49 @@ nodeContextQuery
GGQL.getFieldsStandard (Proxy :: _ NodeContext)
type ContextsForNgramsQuery
= { contexts_for_ngrams :: Args
{ corpus_id :: Var "corpus_id" Int
, ngrams_terms :: Var "ngrams_terms" NgramsTerms }
{ c_id :: Unit
, c_score :: Unit
, c_date :: Unit
, c_name :: Unit
, c_typename :: Unit
, c_hash_id :: Unit
, c_user_id :: Unit
, c_parent_id :: Unit
, c_category :: Unit
, c_hyperdata ::
{ hrd_abstract :: Unit
, hrd_authors :: Unit
, hrd_bdd :: Unit
, hrd_doi :: Unit
, hrd_institutes :: Unit
, hrd_language_iso2 :: Unit
, hrd_page :: Unit
, hrd_publication_date :: Unit
, hrd_publication_day :: Unit
, hrd_publication_hour :: Unit
, hrd_publication_minute :: Unit
, hrd_publication_month :: Unit
, hrd_publication_second :: Unit
, hrd_publication_year :: Unit
, hrd_source :: Unit
, hrd_title :: Unit
, hrd_url :: Unit
, hrd_uniqId :: Unit
, hrd_uniqIdBdd :: Unit }
contextsForNgramsQuery :: ContextsForNgramsQuery
= { contexts_for_ngrams:
{ corpus_id: Var :: _ "corpus_id" Int
, ngrams_terms: Var :: _ "ngrams_terms" NgramsTerms } =>>
GGQL.getFieldsStandard (Proxy :: _ Context)
type NodeContextCategoryM
......@@ -51,3 +139,12 @@ type NodeContextCategoryM
, node_id :: NotNull Int
, category :: Int
newtype NgramsTerms = NgramsTerms (Array String)
instance EncodeJson NgramsTerms where
encodeJson (NgramsTerms ngramsTerms) = encodeJson ngramsTerms
instance ArgGql String NgramsTerms
instance VarTypeName NgramsTerms where
varTypeName _ = "[String!]!"
......@@ -101,12 +101,23 @@ deleteTeamMembership session sharedFolderId teamNodeId = do
getNodeContext :: Session -> Int -> Int -> AffRESTError GQLCTX.NodeContext
getNodeContext session context_id node_id = do
{ contexts } <- queryGql session "get node context" $ GQLCTX.nodeContextQuery `withVars` { context_id, node_id }
let query = GQLCTX.nodeContextQuery `withVars` { context_id, node_id }
{ contexts } <- queryGql session "get node context" query
--liftEffect $ here.log2 "[getNodeContext] node context" contexts
case A.head contexts of
Nothing -> pure $ Left $ CustomError "no node context found"
Just context -> pure $ Right context -- TODO: error handling
type ContextsForNgramsGQL = { contexts_for_ngrams :: Array GQLCTX.Context }
getContextsForNgrams :: Session -> Int -> Array String -> AffRESTError (Array GQLCTX.Context)
getContextsForNgrams session corpus_id ngrams_terms = do
let query = GQLCTX.contextsForNgramsQuery `withVars` { corpus_id
, ngrams_terms: GQLCTX.NgramsTerms ngrams_terms }
{ contexts_for_ngrams } <- queryGql session "get contexts for ngrams" query
pure $ Right contexts_for_ngrams
--pure $ Right contexts_for_ngrams
updateNodeContextCategory :: Session -> Int -> Int -> Int -> AffRESTError Int
updateNodeContextCategory session context_id node_id category = do
client <- liftEffect $ getClient session
......@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ initialState =
, ngramsVersion: 0
initialStateWithVersion :: VersionedNgramsTable -> State
initialStateWithVersion (Versioned { version }) = initialState { ngramsVersion = version }
-- initialStateWithVersion :: VersionedNgramsTable -> State
-- initialStateWithVersion (Versioned { version }) = initialState { ngramsVersion = version }
setTermListSetA :: NgramsTable -> Set NgramsTerm -> TermList -> Action
setTermListSetA ngramsTable ns new_list =
......@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ mainNgramsTable = R.createElement mainNgramsTableCpt
mainNgramsTableCpt :: R.Component MainNgramsTableProps
mainNgramsTableCpt = here.component "mainNgramsTable" cpt
cpt props@{ cacheState, path, treeEdit } _ = do
cpt props@{ cacheState, path } _ = do
searchQuery <- T.useFocused (_.searchQuery) (\a b -> b { searchQuery = a }) path
params <- T.useFocused (_.params) (\a b -> b { params = a }) path
cacheState' <- T.useLive T.unequal cacheState
......@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Int as I
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, isJust, maybe)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isJust, maybe)
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import DOM.Simple (document, querySelector)
import Gargantext.Components.App.Store as AppStore
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B
......@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ import Gargantext.Utils (getter)
import Gargantext.Utils.Range as Range
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Record as Record
import Toestand as T
......@@ -176,10 +174,10 @@ hydrateStoreCpt = here.component "hydrateStore" cpt where
--let edgeWeightMin = maybe 0.0 _.weight $ A.head edgesWeightSorted
--let edgeWeightMax = maybe 100.0 _.weight $ A.last edgesWeightSorted
--let edgeWeightRange = Range.Closed { min: edgeWeightMin, max: edgeWeightMax }
let edgeWeightRange = Range.Closed {
min: 0.0
, max: I.toNumber $ Seq.length $ SigmaxT.graphEdges graph
-- let edgeWeightRange = Range.Closed {
-- min: 0.0
-- , max: I.toNumber $ Seq.length $ SigmaxT.graphEdges graph
-- }
let nodesSorted = A.sortWith (_.size) $ Seq.toUnfoldable $ SigmaxT.graphNodes graph
let nodeSizeMin = maybe 0.0 _.size $ A.head nodesSorted
......@@ -147,14 +147,8 @@ sessionPath (R.NodeAPI nt i p) = nodeTypePath nt
<> (if p == "" then "" else "/" <> p)
sessionPath (R.TreeFirstLevel nId p) = nodeTypePath Tree
<> (maybe "" (\nId' -> "/" <> show nId') nId) <> "/first-level" <> p
sessionPath (R.Search {listId, limit, offset, orderBy} Nothing) =
sessionPath $ R.NodeAPI Corpus Nothing
$ "search?list_id=" <> show listId
<> offsetUrl offset
<> limitUrl limit
<> orderUrl orderBy
sessionPath (R.Search {listId, limit, offset, orderBy} (Just corpusId)) =
sessionPath $ R.NodeAPI Corpus (Just corpusId)
sessionPath (R.Search {listId, limit, offset, orderBy} mCorpusId) =
sessionPath $ R.NodeAPI Corpus mCorpusId
$ "search?list_id=" <> show listId
<> offsetUrl offset
<> limitUrl limit
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import louvain from 'graphology-communities-louvain';
export function _assign(graph, options) {
louvain.assign(graph, {
getEdgeWeight: 'weight',
resolution: 2
resolution: 0.8
return graph;
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, EffectFn2, EffectFn3, EffectFn4, runEffectFn
import FFI.Simple ((..), (...), (.=))
import Gargantext.Data.Louvain as DLouvain
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Graphology as Graphology
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Operators as Operators
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Types as Types
import Record as Record
......@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ assignVisible :: forall settings. Graphology.Graph -> settings -> Effect Graphol
assignVisible g s = do
n <- Graphology.copy g
Graphology.updateGraphOnlyVisible n
assign n s
assign (Operators.toUndirected n) s
-- \[{ id, community }] -> { id: community }
cluster :: Graphology.Graph -> DLouvain.LouvainCluster
'use strict';
import { toUndirected } from 'graphology-operators';
export function _toUndirected(graph) {
return toUndirected(graph);
module Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Operators where
-- FFI for operators:
import Prelude
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Function.Uncurried (Fn1, runFn1)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Data.Louvain as DLouvain
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Graphology as Graphology
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Types as Types
import Record as Record
foreign import _toUndirected :: Fn1 Graphology.Graph Graphology.Graph
toUndirected :: Graphology.Graph -> Graphology.Graph
toUndirected = runFn1 _toUndirected
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ type Renderer = { "type" :: String, container :: Element }
type NodeId = String
type EdgeId = String
type Label = String
type Node = (
borderColor :: String
, children :: Array String
......@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ type Node = (
, hidden :: Boolean
, highlighted :: Boolean
, id :: NodeId
, label :: String
, label :: Label
, size :: Number
, type :: String -- available types: circle, cross, def, diamond, equilateral, pacman, square, star
, x :: Number
......@@ -297,9 +297,6 @@ useReductor f i j =
useReductor' :: forall s a. Actor s a -> s -> R.Hooks (Reductor s a)
useReductor' r = useReductor r pure
render :: R.Element -> DOM.Element -> Effect Unit
render e d = delay unit $ \_ -> pure $ R.reactDOM ... "render" $ args2 e d
addRootElement :: DOM.Element -> Effect Unit
addRootElement = runEffectFn1 _addRootElement
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ import Effect (Effect)
import FFI.Simple ((...))
import Gargantext.Components.App as App
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Prelude (Unit, ($))
import Prelude (Unit, ($), bind)
import Reactix as R
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Main"
......@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ main = paint $ toMaybe (document ... "getElementById" $ [ "app" ])
paint :: Maybe Element -> Effect Unit
paint Nothing = here.error "[main] Container not found"
paint (Just c) = R2.render app c
paint (Just c) = do
R.render app c
app = {}
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