Commit 78b25b06 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] Visio Frame, removing the frame to make it work

parent 9e1e6230
......@@ -102,7 +102,17 @@ frameLayoutViewCpt = here.component "frameLayoutView" cpt
NodeFrameVisio ->
case WURL.fromAbsolute base of
Nothing -> pure $ H.div {} [ H.text $ "Wrong base url: " <> base ]
Just url -> pure $ nodeFrameVisio { frame_id, reload, url }
Just url -> pure $ H.div {} [ H.h1 {} [ H.text "Visio Room"]
, H.a { className : "fa fa-video-camera fa-5x"
, href : hframeUrl nodeType base frame_id
, target: "_blank"
, H.p {} [H.text "Click on the Camera logo to access to your room"]
, H.p {} [H.text "This a unique room dedicated to your team"]
, H.p {} [H.text "Works with Chromium/Chrome only for now."]
-- pure $ nodeFrameVisio' { frame_id, reload, url }
_ ->
pure $ H.div{}
[ FV.backButton {} []
......@@ -145,6 +155,8 @@ nodeFrameVisioCpt = here.component "nodeFrameVisio" cpt
pure $ H.div { ref, className: "jitsi-iframe" } [ ]
type LoadProps = ( nodeId :: Int
, session :: Session )
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