[refactor] support for more REST errors

Also, refactored node/settings as there were lots of duplications.
parent f3532d2b
Pipeline #5484 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -104,7 +104,23 @@ let overrides =
let additions =
{ sequences =
{ convertable-options =
{ dependencies = [ "console", "effect", "maybe", "record" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/natefaubion/purescript-convertable-options"
, version = "v1.0.0"
, data-default =
{ dependencies =
[ "assert", "lists", "maybe", "record", "effect", "prelude" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/thought2/purescript-data-default"
, version = "350e600a5a022c9599865a2dd14196b442f59bcc"
, dom-filereader =
{ dependencies = [ "aff", "arraybuffer-types", "web-file", "web-html" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/nwolverson/purescript-dom-filereader"
, version = "v5.0.0"
, sequences =
{ dependencies =
[ "arrays"
, "assert"
......@@ -126,6 +142,28 @@ let additions =
, repo = "https://github.com/garganscript/purescript-sequences.git"
, version = "recursion-fix"
, read =
{ dependencies = [ "prelude", "maybe", "strings" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/truqu/purescript-read"
, version = "v1.0.1"
, simple-json-generics =
{ dependencies =
[ "assert"
, "control"
, "effect"
, "either"
, "foreign"
, "partial"
, "prelude"
, "simple-json"
, "transformers"
, "typelevel-prelude"
, repo =
, version = "master"
, spec-discovery =
{ dependencies = [ "prelude", "effect", "arrays", "spec", "node-fs" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/purescript-spec/purescript-spec-discovery"
......@@ -156,28 +194,6 @@ let additions =
, version = "v0.1.6"
, dom-filereader =
{ dependencies = [ "aff", "arraybuffer-types", "web-file", "web-html" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/nwolverson/purescript-dom-filereader"
, version = "v5.0.0"
, simple-json-generics =
{ dependencies =
[ "assert"
, "control"
, "effect"
, "either"
, "foreign"
, "partial"
, "prelude"
, "simple-json"
, "transformers"
, "typelevel-prelude"
, repo =
, version = "master"
, tuples-native =
{ dependencies =
[ "console"
......@@ -191,11 +207,6 @@ let additions =
, repo = "https://github.com/garganscript/purescript-tuples-native"
, version = "v2.3.0"
, read =
{ dependencies = [ "prelude", "maybe", "strings" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/truqu/purescript-read"
, version = "v1.0.1"
, versions =
{ dependencies = [ "prelude" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/hdgarrood/purescript-versions.git"
......@@ -206,11 +217,6 @@ let additions =
, repo = "https://github.com/mjepronk/purescript-web-url"
, version = "v2.0.0"
, convertable-options =
{ dependencies = [ "console", "effect", "maybe", "record" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/natefaubion/purescript-convertable-options"
, version = "v1.0.0"
in upstream // overrides // additions
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block.
, "convertable-options"
, "css"
, "d3"
, "data-default"
, "datetime"
, "debug"
, "dom-filereader"
......@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ addNodeAsync :: Session
-> AffRESTError GT.AsyncTaskWithType
addNodeAsync session parentId q = do
eTask :: Either RESTError GT.AsyncTask <- post session p q
case eTask of
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right task -> pure $ Right $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.AddNode }
pure $ (\task -> GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.AddNode }) <$> eTask
p = GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just parentId) (GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.AddNode)
......@@ -91,33 +89,37 @@ addNodeViewCpt = here.component "addNodeView" cpt where
setNodeType' nt = do
T.write_ (GT.prettyNodeType nt) nodeName
T.write_ nt nodeType
(maybeChoose /\ nt') = if length nodeTypes > 1
then ([ Tools.formChoice { items: nodeTypes
, default: nodeType'
, callback: setNodeType'
, print: print hasChromeAgent' } [] ] /\ nodeType')
else ([H.div {} [H.text $ "Creating a node of type "
<> show defaultNt
<> " with name:"
] /\ defaultNt
defaultNt = (fromMaybe Error $ head nodeTypes)
maybeEdit = if edit then
[ inputWithEnterWithKey {
onBlur: \val -> T.write_ val nodeName
, onEnter: \_ -> launchAff_ $ dispatch (AddNode nodeName' nt')
, onValueChanged: \val -> T.write_ val nodeName
, autoFocus: true
, className: "form-control"
, defaultValue: nodeName' -- (prettyNodeType nt')
, placeholder: nodeName' -- (prettyNodeType nt')
, type: "text"
, key: show nodeType'
, required: false
} ]
else []
(maybeChoose /\ nt') =
if length nodeTypes > 1 then
[ Tools.formChoice { items: nodeTypes
, default: nodeType'
, callback: setNodeType'
, print: print hasChromeAgent' } []
] /\ nodeType'
[ H.div {}
[H.text $ "Creating a node of type "
<> show defaultNt
<> " with name:"
] /\ defaultNt
defaultNt = fromMaybe Error $ head nodeTypes
maybeEdit =
if edit then
[ inputWithEnterWithKey {
onBlur: \val -> T.write_ val nodeName
, onEnter: \_ -> launchAff_ $ dispatch (AddNode nodeName' nt')
, onValueChanged: \val -> T.write_ val nodeName
, autoFocus: true
, className: "form-control"
, defaultValue: nodeName' -- (prettyNodeType nt')
, placeholder: nodeName' -- (prettyNodeType nt')
, type: "text"
, key: show nodeType'
, required: false
} ]
else []
pure $ Tools.panelWithSubmitButton { action: AddNode nodeName' nt'
, dispatch
......@@ -332,31 +332,39 @@ panelAction = R2.leaf panelActionCpt
panelActionCpt :: R.Component PanelActionProps
panelActionCpt = here.component "panelAction" cpt
cpt { action: Documentation nodeType} _ = pure $ actionDoc { nodeType } []
cpt { action: Download, id, nodeType, session} _ = pure $ actionDownload { id, nodeType, session } []
cpt { action: Upload, dispatch, id, nodeType, session} _ = pure $ actionUpload { dispatch, id, nodeType, session } []
cpt { action: Delete, nodeType, dispatch} _ = pure $ actionDelete { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: ManageTeam, nodeType, id, session} _ = pure $ actionManageTeam { id, nodeType, session } []
cpt { action: Add xs, dispatch, id, name, nodeType} _ =
pure $ addNodeView {dispatch, id, name, nodeType, nodeTypes: xs} []
cpt { action: Refresh , dispatch, nodeType } _ = pure $ update { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: ReloadWithSettings , dispatch, nodeType } _ = pure $ update { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action : AddingContact, dispatch, id } _ =
pure $ Contact.actionAddContact { dispatch, id } []
cpt { action: Config, nodeType } _ =
pure $ fragmentPT $ "Config " <> show nodeType
-- Functions using SubTree
cpt { action: Reconstruct , dispatch, nodeType } _ = pure $ update { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: Delete, nodeType, dispatch} _ =
pure $ actionDelete { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: Documentation nodeType} _ =
pure $ actionDoc { nodeType } []
cpt { action: Download, id, nodeType, session} _ =
pure $ actionDownload { id, nodeType, session } []
cpt { action: Link {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ linkNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action: ManageTeam, nodeType, id, session} _ =
pure $ actionManageTeam { id, nodeType, session } []
cpt { action: Merge {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ mergeNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action: Move {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ moveNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action: Link {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ linkNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action : Share, id, session } _ = pure $ Share.shareNode { id, session } []
cpt { action : AddingContact, dispatch, id } _ = pure $ Contact.actionAddContact { dispatch, id } []
cpt { action : Publish {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ Share.publishNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action: Reconstruct , dispatch, nodeType } _ =
pure $ update { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: Refresh , dispatch, nodeType } _ =
pure $ update { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: ReloadWithSettings , dispatch, nodeType } _ =
pure $ update { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: SearchBox, boxes, dispatch, id, session } _ =
pure $ actionSearch { boxes, dispatch, id: Just id, session } []
cpt { action : Share, id, session } _ = pure $ Share.shareNode { id, session } []
cpt { action: Upload, dispatch, id, nodeType, session} _ =
pure $ actionUpload { dispatch, id, nodeType, session } []
cpt { action: WriteNodesDocuments, boxes, dispatch, id, session } _ =
pure $ actionWriteNodesDocuments { boxes, dispatch, id, session } []
cpt _ _ = pure $ H.div {} []
......@@ -79,9 +79,35 @@ data FrontendError =
| EC_500__node_not_implemented_yet
derive instance Generic FrontendError _
instance Show FrontendError where
show EC_403__login_failed_invalid_username_or_password = "Invalid username or password"
show (EC_404__node_lookup_failed_username_not_found { username }) = "User '" <> username <> "' not found"
show a = genericShow a
show (EC_400__node_creation_failed_insert_node { user_id, parent_id }) =
"Failed to insert node for user " <> show user_id <> ", parent " <> show parent_id
show (EC_400__node_creation_failed_no_parent { user_id }) =
"Failed to insert node for user " <> show user_id <> ": no parent"
show (EC_400__node_creation_failed_parent_exists { user_id, parent_id }) =
"Failed to insert node for user " <> show user_id <> ", parent " <> show parent_id <> " exists"
show (EC_400__node_creation_failed_user_negative_id { user_id }) =
"Failed to insert node for use " <> show user_id <> " (negative user_id)"
show (EC_400__node_lookup_failed_user_too_many_roots { user_id, roots }) =
"Failed to lookup node for user " <> show user_id <> ": too many roots (" <> show roots <> ")"
show EC_400__node_needs_configuration = "Node needs configuration"
show (EC_403__login_failed_error { node_id, user_id }) =
"Login failed for node_id " <> show node_id <> ", user id " <> show user_id
show EC_403__login_failed_invalid_username_or_password =
"Invalid username or password"
show (EC_404__node_context_not_found { context_id }) =
"Context not found with id " <> show context_id
show (EC_404__node_lookup_failed_not_found { node_id }) =
"Node not found with id " <> show node_id
show (EC_404__node_lookup_failed_parent_not_found { node_id }) =
"Node parent not found for id " <> show node_id
show (EC_404__node_lookup_failed_username_not_found { username }) =
"User '" <> username <> "' not found"
show (EC_404__node_list_not_found { list_id }) =
"Node list not found for id " <> show list_id
show EC_404__node_root_not_found = "Node root not found"
show (EC_500__node_generic_exception { error }) =
"Node exception: " <> error
show EC_500__node_not_implemented_yet = "Node not implemented yet"
instance JSON.ReadForeign FrontendError where
readImpl f = do
{ type: type_ } <- JSON.readImpl f :: Foreign.F { type :: String }
......@@ -167,17 +193,6 @@ readJSON affResp =
_ -> case (JSON.readJSON $ AC.stringify resp.body :: JSON.E FrontendError) of
Right err -> Left $ FE err
Left _ -> Left $ UnknownServerError $ AC.stringify resp.body
-- _ -> Left $ parseServerError resp
parseServerError :: Affjax.Response AC.Json -> RESTError
parseServerError { body } =
case (JSON.readJSON $ AC.stringify body :: JSON.E { type :: String }) of
Right { type: "EC_404__node_lookup_failed_username_not_found" } ->
ServerError "username not found"
-- TODO Add more errors for the frontend
Right { type: type_ } ->
UnknownServerError $ "Server error of type '" <> type_ <> "' not supported"
Left _ -> UnknownServerError $ AC.stringify body
-- TODO too much duplicate code in `postWwwUrlencoded`
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