fix: no longer update graph and phylos on corpus update

parent 379336bb
Pipeline #6787 passed with stages
in 14 minutes and 10 seconds
......@@ -252,22 +252,17 @@ updateCorpusCpt = here.component "updateTexts" cpt where
let methodTexts = Both
pure $
Tools.panelWithSubmitButton { action: UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsCorpus { methodGraph: graphConfig
, methodPhylo: phyloConfig
, methodTexts: methodTexts
Tools.panelWithSubmitButton { action: UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsCorpus { methodTexts: methodTexts
, methodList: methodList' }
, dispatch
, mError: Nothing }
[ H.text "Term update mode"
, Tools.formChoiceSafe { items: [Basic, Advanced, WithModel]
, default: methodList'
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodList
, print: show } []
, H.text "Show subjects with Order1 or concepts with Order2 ?"
, Tools.formChoiceSafe { items: [Order1, Order2]
, default: methodGraphMetric'
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodGraphMetric
, print: show } []
[ H.p { } [ H.text "Update both term and document indexing."]
, H.p { } [ H.text "Term update mode"
, Tools.formChoiceSafe { items: [Basic, Advanced, WithModel]
, default: methodList'
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodList
, print: show } [] ]
, H.text "If you also want to update a graph or a phylo, use the update action on the respective node."
updateNodeList :: R2.Component UpdateProps
......@@ -28,9 +28,7 @@ data UpdateNodeParams
= UpdateNodeParamsList { methodList :: Method }
| UpdateNodeParamsGraph { methodGraph :: UpdateNodeConfigGraph }
| UpdateNodeParamsTexts { methodTexts :: Granularity }
| UpdateNodeParamsCorpus { methodGraph :: UpdateNodeConfigGraph
, methodPhylo :: Phylo.UpdateData
, methodTexts :: Granularity
| UpdateNodeParamsCorpus { methodTexts :: Granularity
, methodList :: Method }
| UpdateNodeParamsBoard { methodBoard :: Charts }
| UpdateNodeParamsPhylo { methodPhylo :: Phylo.UpdateData }
......@@ -49,9 +47,9 @@ instance JSON.WriteForeign UpdateNodeParams where
writeImpl (UpdateNodeParamsTexts { methodTexts }) =
JSON.writeImpl { type: "UpdateNodeParamsTexts"
, methodTexts }
writeImpl (UpdateNodeParamsCorpus { methodGraph, methodPhylo, methodTexts, methodList }) =
writeImpl (UpdateNodeParamsCorpus { methodTexts, methodList }) =
JSON.writeImpl { type: "UpdateNodeParamsCorpus"
, methodGraph, methodPhylo, methodTexts, methodList }
, methodTexts, methodList }
writeImpl (UpdateNodeParamsBoard { methodBoard }) =
JSON.writeImpl { type: "UpdateNodeParamsBoard"
, methodBoard }
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