[NGRAMS] some functions to apply patches

parent 5aff0b2a
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable where
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.?))
import Data.Array (filter, toUnfoldable)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.FunctorWithIndex
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap)
import Data.Lens (Lens', Prism', lens, over, prism)
import Data.Lens.Iso (re)
......@@ -73,6 +74,10 @@ instance semigroupReplace :: Semigroup (Replace a) where
instance semigroupMonoid :: Monoid (Replace a) where
mempty = Keep
applyReplace :: forall a. Eq a => Replace a -> a -> a
applyReplace Keep a = a
applyReplace (Replace { old, new }) a = new -- assert (a == old)
newtype PatchSet a = PatchSet
{ rem :: Set a
, add :: Set a
......@@ -87,6 +92,9 @@ instance semigroupPatchSet :: Ord a => Semigroup (PatchSet a) where
instance monoidPatchSet :: Ord a => Monoid (PatchSet a) where
mempty = PatchSet { rem: Set.empty, add: Set.empty }
applyPatchSet :: forall a. Ord a => PatchSet a -> Set a -> Set a
applyPatchSet (PatchSet p) s = Set.difference s p.rem <> p.add
newtype NgramsPatch = NgramsPatch
{ patch_children :: PatchSet NgramsTerm
, patch_list :: Replace TermList
......@@ -109,8 +117,19 @@ instance semigroupPatchMap :: (Ord k, Semigroup p) => Semigroup (PatchMap k p) w
instance monoidPatchMap :: (Ord k, Semigroup p) => Monoid (PatchMap k p) where
mempty = PatchMap Map.empty
applyPatchMap :: forall k p v. Ord k => (p -> v -> v) -> PatchMap k p -> Map k v -> Map k v
applyPatchMap applyPatchValue (PatchMap p) = mapWithIndex f
f k v =
case Map.lookup k p of
Nothing -> v
Just pv -> applyPatchValue pv v
type NgramsTablePatch = PatchMap NgramsTerm NgramsPatch
applyNgramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch -> NgramsTable -> NgramsTable
applyNgramsTablePatch p t = t -- TODO
type State =
{ ngramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch
, searchQuery :: String
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