Commit 959cc7c0 authored by Karen Konou's avatar Karen Konou

[GQL] Update AnnuaireContact fields

parent d92b7bef
......@@ -2,8 +2,21 @@ module Gargnatext.Components.GraphQL.Contact
( AnnuaireContact
, annuaireContactQuery
-- Lenses
, _ac_title
, _ac_source
, _ac_firstName
, _ac_lastName
, _ac_labTeamDepts
, _ac_labTeamDeptsFirst
, _ac_organization
, _ac_organizationFirst
, _ac_role
, _ac_office
, _ac_country
, _ac_city
, _ac_touchMail
, _ac_touchPhone
, _ac_touchUrl
) where
import Gargantext.Prelude
......@@ -13,32 +26,79 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import GraphQL.Client.Args (Args, (=>>))
import GraphQL.Client.Variable (Var(..))
import Data.Array as A
type AnnuaireContact
= { ac_id :: Int
= { ac_title :: Maybe String
, ac_source :: Maybe String
, ac_id :: Int
, ac_firstName :: Maybe String
, ac_lastName :: Maybe String
, ac_labTeamDepts :: Array String
, ac_organization :: Array String
, ac_role :: Maybe String
, ac_office :: Maybe String
, ac_country :: Maybe String
, ac_city :: Maybe String
, ac_touchMail :: Maybe String
, ac_touchPhone :: Maybe String
, ac_touchUrl :: Maybe String
type AnnuaireContactQuery
= { annuaire_contacts :: Args
{ contact_id :: Var "id" Int }
{ ac_id :: Unit
{ ac_title :: Unit
, ac_source :: Unit
, ac_id :: Unit
, ac_firstName :: Unit
, ac_lastName :: Unit
, ac_labTeamDepts :: Unit
, ac_organization :: Unit
, ac_role :: Unit
, ac_office :: Unit
, ac_country :: Unit
, ac_city :: Unit
, ac_touchMail :: Unit
, ac_touchPhone :: Unit
, ac_touchUrl :: Unit
annuaireContactQuery :: AnnuaireContactQuery
= { annuaire_contacts:
{ contact_id: Var :: _ "id" Int } =>>
{ ac_id: unit
{ ac_title: unit
, ac_source: unit
, ac_id: unit
, ac_firstName: unit
, ac_lastName: unit
, ac_labTeamDepts: unit
, ac_organization: unit
, ac_role: unit
, ac_office: unit
, ac_country: unit
, ac_city: unit
, ac_touchMail: unit
, ac_touchPhone: unit
, ac_touchUrl: unit
_ac_title :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_title = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_title: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_title = Just val }
_ac_source :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_source = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_source: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_source = Just val }
_ac_firstName :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_firstName = lens getter setter
......@@ -50,3 +110,69 @@ _ac_lastName = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_lastName: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_lastName = Just val }
_ac_labTeamDepts :: Lens' AnnuaireContact (Array String)
_ac_labTeamDepts = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_labTeamDepts: val }) = val
setter ac val = ac { ac_labTeamDepts = val }
_ac_labTeamDeptsFirst :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_labTeamDeptsFirst = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_labTeamDepts: val }) = fromMaybe "" $ A.head val
setter ac val = ac { ac_labTeamDepts = fromMaybe [val] $ A.updateAt 0 val ac.ac_labTeamDepts }
_ac_organization :: Lens' AnnuaireContact (Array String)
_ac_organization = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_organization: val }) = val
setter ac val = ac { ac_organization = val }
_ac_organizationFirst :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_organizationFirst = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_organization: val }) = fromMaybe "" $ A.head val
setter ac val = ac { ac_organization = fromMaybe [val] $ A.updateAt 0 val ac.ac_organization }
_ac_role :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_role = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_role: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_role = Just val }
_ac_office :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_office = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_office: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_office = Just val }
_ac_country :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_country = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_country: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_country = Just val }
_ac_city :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_city = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_city: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_city = Just val }
_ac_touchMail :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_touchMail = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_touchMail: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_touchMail = Just val }
_ac_touchPhone :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_touchPhone = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_touchPhone: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_touchPhone = Just val }
_ac_touchUrl :: Lens' AnnuaireContact String
_ac_touchUrl = lens getter setter
getter ({ ac_touchUrl: val }) = fromMaybe "" val
setter rec val = rec { ac_touchUrl = Just val }
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