Commit 998ad895 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] session persistence DecodeJson Instances of Sessions and Backend.

parent 38061569
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ instance encodeJsonBackend :: EncodeJson Backend where
instance decodeJsonBackend :: DecodeJson Backend where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
name <- obj .: "objet"
name <- obj .: "name"
baseUrl <- obj .: "baseUrl"
prePath <- obj .: "prePath"
version <- obj .: "version"
-- | A module for authenticating to create sessions and handling them
module Gargantext.Sessions where
import Prelude (class Eq, class Show, Unit, const, otherwise, pure, show, unit, ($), (*>), (<*), (<$>), (<>), (==), (/=), (>>=), (>=>), (<<<), bind)
import Prelude (class Eq, class Show, Unit, const, otherwise, pure, show, unit, ($), (*>), (<*), (<$>), (<>), (==), (/=), (>>=), (>=>), (<<<), bind, map)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import Data.Argonaut ( class DecodeJson, decodeJson, class EncodeJson, encodeJson, (:=), (~>), (.:), Json)
import Data.Argonaut.Core (Json, fromArray, jsonEmptyObject, stringify)
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Login.Types
import Gargantext.Config.REST as REST
import Gargantext.Ends (class ToUrl, Backend, backendUrl, toUrl, sessionPath)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute)
import Gargantext.Prelude (logs)
import Gargantext.Types (NodePath, SessionId(..), nodePath)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
......@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ instance decodeJsonSession :: DecodeJson Session where
newtype Sessions = Sessions (Seq Session)
data Sessions = Sessions { sessions :: (Seq Session)}
derive instance genericSessions :: Generic Sessions _
......@@ -95,21 +96,23 @@ instance eqSessions :: Eq Sessions where
instance decodeJsonSessions :: DecodeJson Sessions where
decodeJson json = do
ss <- decodeSessions json
pure (Sessions (Seq.fromFoldable ss))
pure (Sessions {sessions:Seq.fromFoldable ss})
decodeSessions :: Json -> Either String (Array Session)
decodeSessions json = decodeJson json >>= traverse decodeJson
decodeSessions json = decodeJson json
>>= \obj -> obj .: "sessions"
>>= traverse decodeJson
instance encodeJsonSessions :: EncodeJson Sessions where
encodeJson (Sessions ss) = "sessions" := (encodeSessions ss)
encodeJson (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = "sessions" := (encodeSessions ss)
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeSessions :: Seq Session -> Json
encodeSessions ss2 = fromArray $ encodeJson <$> (Seq.toUnfoldable ss2)
unSessions :: Sessions -> Array Session
unSessions (Sessions s) = A.fromFoldable s
unSessions (Sessions {sessions:s}) = A.fromFoldable s
useSessions :: R.Hooks (R2.Reductor Sessions Action)
useSessions = R2.useReductor actAndSave (const loadSessions) unit
......@@ -118,11 +121,11 @@ useSessions = R2.useReductor actAndSave (const loadSessions) unit
actAndSave s a = act s a >>= saveSessions
lookup :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Maybe Session
lookup sid (Sessions ss) = Seq.head (Seq.filter f ss) where
lookup sid (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Seq.head (Seq.filter f ss) where
f s = sid == sessionId s
cons :: Session -> Sessions -> Sessions
cons s (Sessions ss) = Sessions (Seq.cons s ss)
cons s (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Sessions {sessions:(Seq.cons s ss)}
tryCons :: Session -> Sessions -> Either Unit Sessions
tryCons s ss = try (lookup sid ss) where
......@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ tryCons s ss = try (lookup sid ss) where
try _ = Left unit
remove :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Sessions
remove sid (Sessions ss) = Sessions (Seq.filter f ss) where
remove sid (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Sessions {sessions: Seq.filter f ss} where
f s = sid /= sessionId s
tryRemove :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Either Unit Sessions
......@@ -154,41 +157,48 @@ act old@(Sessions ss) (Logout s) =
case tryRemove (sessionId s) old of
Right new -> pure $ new
_ -> pure old <* log2 "Logged out of stale session:" (sessionId s)
-- Key we will store the data under
localStorageKey :: String
localStorageKey = "garg-sessions"
empty :: Sessions
empty = Sessions Seq.empty
empty = Sessions {sessions:Seq.empty}
-- True if there are no sessions stored
null :: Sessions -> Boolean
null (Sessions seq) = Seq.null seq
null (Sessions {sessions:seq}) = Seq.null seq
-- | Will attempt to load saved sessions from localstorage. should log
-- | if decoding fails
loadSessions :: Effect Sessions
loadSessions = getls >>= getItem localStorageKey >>= handleMaybe where
-- a localstorage lookup can find nothing
handleMaybe (Just val) = handleEither (parse val >>= decode)
handleMaybe Nothing = pure empty
-- either parsing or decoding could fail, hence two errors
handleEither (Left err) = err *> pure empty
handleEither (Right ss) = pure ss
parse s = mapLeft (log2 "Error parsing serialised sessions:") (jsonParser s)
decode j = mapLeft (log2 "Error decoding serialised sessions:") (decodeJson j)
loadSessions = do
-- getls >>= getItem localStorageKey >>= handleMaybe
tls <- getls
ls <- getItem localStorageKey tls
_ <- logs (show <$> ls)
handleMaybe ls
-- a localstorage lookup can find nothing
handleMaybe (Just val) = handleEither (parse val >>= decode)
handleMaybe Nothing = pure empty
-- either parsing or decoding could fail, hence two errors
handleEither (Left err) = err *> pure empty
handleEither (Right ss) = pure ss
parse s = mapLeft (log2 "Error parsing serialised sessions:") (jsonParser s)
decode j = mapLeft (log2 "Error decoding serialised sessions:") (decodeJson j)
mapLeft :: forall l m r. (l -> m) -> Either l r -> Either m r
mapLeft f (Left l) = Left (f l)
mapLeft f (Left l) = Left (f l)
mapLeft _ (Right r) = Right r
saveSessions :: Sessions -> Effect Sessions
saveSessions sessions = effect *> pure sessions where
remove = getls >>= removeItem localStorageKey
set v = getls >>= setItem localStorageKey v
set v = getls >>= setItem localStorageKey v
| null sessions = remove
| otherwise = set (stringify $ encodeJson sessions)
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