[NGRAMS]: display works (no trees yet), set list does not work

parent 90f07e87
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ endPathUrl Front c nt i = pathUrl c.front nt i
pathUrl :: Config -> NodeType -> Id -> UrlPath
pathUrl c nt@(Tab _ _ _ _) i = pathUrl c Node i <> "/" <> show nt
pathUrl c nt@(Ngrams _ _) i = pathUrl c Node i <> "/" <> show nt
pathUrl c nt i = c.prePath <> urlConfig nt <> "/" <> show i
toUrl :: End -> NodeType -> Id -> Url
module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable where
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.?))
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.?), (.??))
import Data.Array (filter, toUnfoldable)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.FunctorWithIndex
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import React (ReactElement, ReactClass)
import React as React
import React.DOM hiding (style, map)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, checked, className, href, name, onChange, onClick, onInput, placeholder, scope, selected, style, value)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Spec, Render, _render, modifyState_, defaultPerformAction, focusState, hideState, simpleSpec, createClass)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Spec, StateCoTransformer, Render, _render, modifyState_, defaultPerformAction, focusState, hideState, simpleSpec, createClass)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Gargantext.Types
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ newtype NgramsElement = NgramsElement
{ ngrams :: NgramsTerm
, list :: TermList
, occurrences :: Int
, root :: Maybe NgramsTerm
, children :: Set NgramsTerm
instance decodeJsonNgramsElement :: DecodeJson NgramsElement where
......@@ -56,14 +58,33 @@ instance decodeJsonNgramsElement :: DecodeJson NgramsElement where
ngrams <- obj .? "ngrams"
list <- obj .? "list"
occurrences <- obj .? "occurrences"
pure $ NgramsElement {ngrams, list, occurrences}
root <- obj .?? "root"
children' <- obj .? "children"
let children = Set.fromFoldable (children' :: Array NgramsTerm)
pure $ NgramsElement {ngrams, list, occurrences, root, children}
type NgramsTable = Array (NTree NgramsElement)
-- type NgramsTable = Array (NTree NgramsElement)
-- type NgramsTable = Array NgramsElement
newtype NgramsTable = NgramsTable (Map NgramsTerm NgramsElement)
instance decodeJsonNgramsTable :: DecodeJson NgramsTable where
decodeJson json = do
elements <- decodeJson json
pure $ NgramsTable
$ Map.fromFoldable
$ f <$> (elements :: Array NgramsElement)
f e@(NgramsElement e') = Tuple e'.ngrams e
data Replace a
= Keep
| Replace { old :: a, new :: a }
replace :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Replace a
replace old new
| old == new = Keep
| otherwise = Replace { old, new }
instance semigroupReplace :: Semigroup (Replace a) where
append Keep p = p
append p Keep = p
......@@ -76,7 +97,9 @@ instance semigroupMonoid :: Monoid (Replace a) where
applyReplace :: forall a. Eq a => Replace a -> a -> a
applyReplace Keep a = a
applyReplace (Replace { old, new }) a = new -- assert (a == old)
applyReplace (Replace { old, new }) a
| a == old = new
| otherwise = a
newtype PatchSet a = PatchSet
{ rem :: Set a
......@@ -109,6 +132,16 @@ instance semigroupNgramsPatch :: Semigroup NgramsPatch where
instance monoidNgramsPatch :: Monoid NgramsPatch where
mempty = NgramsPatch { patch_children: mempty, patch_list: mempty }
applyNgramsPatch :: NgramsPatch -> NgramsElement -> NgramsElement
applyNgramsPatch (NgramsPatch p) (NgramsElement e) = NgramsElement
{ ngrams: e.ngrams
, list: applyReplace p.patch_list e.list
, occurrences: e.occurrences -- TODO: is this correct ?
, root: e.root -- TODO: is this correct ?
, children: applyPatchSet p.patch_children e.children
newtype PatchMap k p = PatchMap (Map k p)
instance semigroupPatchMap :: (Ord k, Semigroup p) => Semigroup (PatchMap k p) where
......@@ -128,7 +161,10 @@ applyPatchMap applyPatchValue (PatchMap p) = mapWithIndex f
type NgramsTablePatch = PatchMap NgramsTerm NgramsPatch
applyNgramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch -> NgramsTable -> NgramsTable
applyNgramsTablePatch p t = t -- TODO
applyNgramsTablePatch p (NgramsTable m) =
NgramsTable (applyPatchMap applyNgramsPatch p m)
-- TODO: update the .root fields...
type State =
{ ngramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch
......@@ -145,7 +181,8 @@ initialState = { ngramsTablePatch: mempty
data Action
= SetTermListItem Int TermList
= SetTermListItem NgramsTerm (Replace TermList)
| AddTermChildren { parent :: NgramsTerm, child :: NgramsTerm }
| SetTermListFilter (Maybe TermList)
| SetTermTypeFilter (Maybe TermType)
| SetSearchQuery String
......@@ -216,6 +253,9 @@ tableContainer {searchQuery, dispatch} props =
commitPatch :: NgramsTablePatch -> StateCoTransformer State Unit
commitPatch pt = modifyState_ $ \s -> s { ngramsTablePatch = pt <> s.ngramsTablePatch }
ngramsTableSpec' :: Spec State Props' Action
ngramsTableSpec' = simpleSpec performAction render
......@@ -223,10 +263,26 @@ ngramsTableSpec' = simpleSpec performAction render
performAction (SetTermListFilter c) _ _ = modifyState_ $ _ { termListFilter = c }
performAction (SetTermTypeFilter c) _ _ = modifyState_ $ _ { termTypeFilter = c }
performAction (SetSearchQuery s) _ _ = modifyState_ $ _ { searchQuery = s }
performAction (SetTermListItem _i _l) _ _ = pure unit -- TODO
performAction (SetTermListItem n pl) _ _ = commitPatch pt
pe = NgramsPatch { patch_list: pl, patch_children: mempty }
pt = PatchMap $ Map.singleton n pe
performAction (AddTermChildren { parent, child {- , child_root, parent_root -} }) _ _ = commitPatch pt
pc = PatchSet { rem: mempty, add: Set.singleton child }
pe = NgramsPatch { patch_list: mempty, patch_children: pc }
-- pr = NgramsPatch { patch_list: mempty
-- , patch_children: mempty
-- , patch_root: replace child_root parent_root
-- }
pt = PatchMap $ Map.fromFoldable [Tuple parent pe]
-- ,Tuple child pr]
-- patch the root of the child to be equal to the root of the parent.
render :: Render State Props' Action
render dispatch {path: nodeId, loaded: initTable} {searchQuery {- TODO more state -} } _ =
render dispatch {path: nodeId, loaded: initTable}
{ngramsTablePatch, searchQuery {- TODO more state -} } _ =
[ T.tableElt
{ loadRows
, container: tableContainer {searchQuery, dispatch}
......@@ -241,27 +297,24 @@ ngramsTableSpec' = simpleSpec performAction render
loadRows {offset, limit, orderBy} = do
pure []
_ <- logs "loading documents page"
res <- loadPage {nodeId,offset,limit,orderBy}
_ <- logs "OK: loading page documents."
pure $
(\(DocumentsView r) ->
{ row:
[ div [className $ fa r.fav <> "fa-star"] []
-- TODO show date: Year-Month-Day only
, text r.date
, a [ href (toUrl Front Url_Document r._id) ] [ text r.title ]
, text r.source
, input [ _type "checkbox"]
, delete: false
}) <$> res
fa true = "fas "
fa false = "far "
loadRows {offset, limit, orderBy} =
case applyNgramsTablePatch ngramsTablePatch <$> initTable of
Nothing -> pure [] -- or an error
Just (NgramsTable table) ->
pure $ convertRow <$> Map.toUnfoldable (Map.filter isRoot table)
isRoot (NgramsElement e) = e.root == Nothing
convertRow (Tuple ngrams (NgramsElement { occurrences, list })) =
{ row:
setTermList Keep = do
logs "setTermList Keep"
pure unit
setTermList rep@(Replace {old,new}) = do
logs $ Tuple "setTermList" (Tuple old new)
dispatch $ SetTermListItem ngrams rep in
renderNgramsItem { ngrams, occurrences, termList: list, setTermList }
, delete: false
getNgramsTable :: Int -> Aff NgramsTable
getNgramsTable = get <<< toUrl Back (Ngrams TabTerms Nothing)
......@@ -285,22 +338,25 @@ ngramsTableSpec = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
renderNgramsItem :: { ngrams :: String
, occurrences :: Int
, termList :: TermList
, setTermList :: TermList -> Effect Unit
} -> Array (Array ReactElement)
, setTermList :: Replace TermList -> Effect Unit
} -> Array ReactElement
renderNgramsItem { ngrams, occurrences, termList, setTermList } =
[ [ checkbox GraphTerm]
, [ checkbox StopTerm]
, [ span [termStyle termList] [text ngrams] ]
, [ text $ show occurrences ]
[ checkbox GraphTerm
, checkbox StopTerm
, span [termStyle termList] [text ngrams]
, text $ show occurrences
checkbox termList' =
let chkd = termList == termList'
termList'' = if chkd then CandidateTerm else termList'
[ _type "checkbox"
, className "checkbox"
, checked $ termList == termList'
, checked chkd
-- , title "Mark as completed"
, onChange $ const $ setTermList termList
, onChange $ const $ setTermList (replace termList termList'')
-- termStyle :: TermList -> {}
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