Commit 9d337e6b authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/643-export-the-phylo-in-json-and-dot-format' into dev

parents be175b01 8e79e206
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ actionDownloadCpt = here.component "actionDownload" cpt where
cpt props@{ nodeType: GT.Graph } _ = pure $ actionDownloadGraph props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: GT.NodeList } _ = pure $ actionDownloadNodeList props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: GT.NodeTexts } _ = pure $ actionDownloadNodeTexts props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: GT.Phylo } _ = pure $ actionDownloadPhylo props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: _ } _ = pure $ actionDownloadOther props []
actionDownloadCorpus :: R2.Component ActionDownload
......@@ -156,6 +157,51 @@ actionDownloadNodeTextsCpt = here.component "actionDownloadNodeTexts" cpt where
info :: NodeTextsDownloadFormat -> String
info t = "Info about the Documents as " <> show t <> " format"
data PhyloDownloadFormat = PH_JSON | PH_DOT
derive instance Eq PhyloDownloadFormat
derive instance Generic PhyloDownloadFormat _
instance Show PhyloDownloadFormat where
show PH_JSON = "JSON"
show PH_DOT = "DOT"
urlPhyloDownloadFormat :: PhyloDownloadFormat -> String
urlPhyloDownloadFormat PH_JSON = "json"
urlPhyloDownloadFormat PH_DOT = "dot"
readPhyloDownloadFormat :: String -> PhyloDownloadFormat
readPhyloDownloadFormat "JSON" = PH_JSON
readPhyloDownloadFormat "DOT" = PH_DOT
readPhyloDownloadFormat _ = PH_DOT
actionDownloadPhylo :: R2.Component ActionDownload
actionDownloadPhylo = R.createElement actionDownloadPhyloCpt
actionDownloadPhyloCpt :: R.Component ActionDownload
actionDownloadPhyloCpt = here.component "actionDownloadPhylo" cpt where
cpt { id, session } _ = do
downloadFormat <- T.useBox PH_DOT
downloadFormat' <- T.useLive T.unequal downloadFormat
pure $ Tools.panelWithSubmitButtonHref { action: DownloadNode
, href: href downloadFormat'
, mError: Nothing }
[ { className: "form-control"
, defaultValue: show downloadFormat'
, on: { change: onChange downloadFormat } }
[ opt PH_JSON
, opt PH_DOT
, H.div {} [ H.text $ info downloadFormat' ]
opt t = H.option { value: show t } [ H.text $ show t ]
onChange downloadFormat e = T.write_ (readPhyloDownloadFormat $ R.unsafeEventValue e) downloadFormat
href :: PhyloDownloadFormat -> String
href t = url session $ Routes.NodeAPI GT.Phylo (Just id) ("export/" <> urlPhyloDownloadFormat t)
info :: PhyloDownloadFormat -> String
info t = "Info about the Phylo as " <> show t <> " format"
-- TODO fix the route
actionDownload GT.Texts id session = pure $ panel [H.div {} [H.text info]]
......@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ settingsBoxLens Notes =
settingsBoxLens Phylo =
_buttons .~ [ Reconstruct
, Download
, ShareURL
, Delete
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