Commit 9d52e34d authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

Revert "[annotation] fix for highlighting terms where it belongs to a child"

This reverts commit 43c5b7b5.
parent 38e66a93
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Components.Annotation.Menu (annotationMenu, AnnotationMenu)
import Gargantext.Components.Annotation.Types (MenuType(..), ModeType(..), termClass)
import Gargantext.Core.NgramsTable.Functions (findNgramTermList, highlightNgrams, normNgram)
import Gargantext.Core.NgramsTable.Types (HighlightElement, NgramsTable, NgramsTerm(..))
import Gargantext.Core.NgramsTable.Types (NgramsTable, NgramsTerm(..))
import Gargantext.Types (CTabNgramType(..), TermList)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Selection as Sel
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ annotatedFieldInnerCpt = here.component "annotatedFieldInner" cpt where
-- | Computed
-- |
wrap :: HighlightElement -> Record RunProps
wrap :: Tuple String (List (Tuple NgramsTerm TermList)) -> Record RunProps
wrap (text /\ list)
= { list
, onSelect: onAnnotationSelect { menuRef, ngrams, redrawMenu, setTermList }
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ annotatedFieldInnerCpt = here.component "annotatedFieldInner" cpt where
compile ::
-> Maybe String
-> Array HighlightElement
-> Array (Tuple String (List (Tuple NgramsTerm TermList)))
compile ngrams = maybe [] (highlightNgrams CTabTerms ngrams)
-- Runs
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type AnnotationMenu =
annotationMenu :: R2.Leaf Props
annotationMenu = R2.leaf annotationMenuCpt
annotationMenuCpt :: R.Component Props
annotationMenuCpt = here.component "annotationMenu" cpt where
annotationMenuCpt = here.component "main" cpt where
cpt { menuRef } _ = do
-- Render
pure $
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import Data.Array (head)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldlWithIndex)
import Data.Lens (use, view, (^?), (^.), (?=), (%~), (%=), (.~))
import Data.Lens.At (at)
import Data.Lens.Common (_Just)
......@@ -20,7 +19,6 @@ import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, fromMaybe', isJust)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.String as S
import Data.String.Common as DSC
import Data.String.Regex (Regex, regex, replace) as R
......@@ -114,19 +112,6 @@ lookupRootList ngram (NgramsTable {ngrams_repo_elements: elts}) =
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (NgramsRepoElement {list}) -> Just list -- assert root == Nothing
lookupRootListWithChildren :: NgramsTerm -> NgramsTable -> Map NgramsTerm NgramsTerm -> Maybe TermList
lookupRootListWithChildren ngram table@(NgramsTable {ngrams_repo_elements: elts}) parentMap' =
case Map.lookup ngram elts of
Nothing -> -- try to find in children
case Map.lookup ngram parentMap' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just parent' -> lookupRootList parent' table
Just (NgramsRepoElement {list, root: Nothing}) -> Just list
Just (NgramsRepoElement {root: Just root}) ->
case Map.lookup root elts of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (NgramsRepoElement {list}) -> Just list -- assert root == Nothing
wordBoundaryChars :: String
wordBoundaryChars = "[ .,;:!?'\\{}()]"
......@@ -153,10 +138,7 @@ highlightNgrams ntype table@(NgramsTable {ngrams_repo_elements: elts}) input0 =
sp x = " " <> db x <> " "
undb = R.replace wordBoundaryReg2 "$1"
input = spR input0
-- pats = A.fromFoldable (Map.keys elts)
pats :: Array NgramsTerm
pats = A.fromFoldable $
foldlWithIndex (\term acc (NgramsRepoElement nre) -> Set.union acc $ Set.insert term nre.children) Set.empty elts
pats = A.fromFoldable (Map.keys elts)
hashStruct = SSKR.hashStruct (sp <<< ngramsTermText <$> pats)
ixs = SSKR.indicesOfAnyHashStruct hashStruct (normNgramInternal ntype input)
......@@ -185,12 +167,9 @@ highlightNgrams ntype table@(NgramsTable {ngrams_repo_elements: elts}) input0 =
addNgramElt ng ne_list (elt /\ elt_lists) = (elt /\ ((ng /\ ne_list) : elt_lists))
parentMap' :: Map NgramsTerm NgramsTerm
parentMap' = parentMap elts
goAcc :: Partial => Int -> HighlightAccumulator -> Tuple NgramsTerm Int -> HighlightAccumulator
goAcc i acc (pat /\ lpat) =
case lookupRootListWithChildren pat table parentMap' of
case lookupRootList pat table of
Nothing ->
crashWith "highlightNgrams: pattern missing from table"
Just ne_list ->
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Data.Lens.Index (class Index, ix)
import Data.Lens.Iso.Newtype (_Newtype)
import Data.Lens.Record (prop)
import Data.List (List)
import Data.List as List
import Data.List.Types (NonEmptyList(..))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
......@@ -348,18 +347,6 @@ _NgramsRepoElement :: Iso' NgramsRepoElement {
_NgramsRepoElement = _Newtype
-- | Given a `Map NgramsTerm NgramsRepoElement` (e.g. from
-- | `NgramsTable.ngrams_repo_elements`), produce a map of child ->
-- | parent mappings.
parentMap :: Map NgramsTerm NgramsRepoElement -> Map NgramsTerm NgramsTerm
parentMap m = Map.fromFoldable rev
mf :: Map NgramsTerm (List NgramsTerm)
mf = (\(NgramsRepoElement nre) -> List.fromFoldable nre.children) <$> m
rev :: List (Tuple NgramsTerm NgramsTerm)
rev = foldlWithIndex (\term (acc :: List (Tuple NgramsTerm NgramsTerm)) children ->
acc <> ((\c -> Tuple c term) <$> children)) List.Nil mf
NgramsRepoElement does not have the occurrences field.
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