Commit b209285d authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Corpus View] cosmetics/design.

parent dade1369
......@@ -37,27 +37,23 @@ corpusAnalysisSpec = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
, div [className "row"]
[ div [className "col-md-5"]
[ div [className "jumbotron1", style {padding : "12px 0px 20px 12px"}]
[ p []
[ i [className "fa fa-globe"] []
, text "IS Tex"
, p []
[ i [className "fa fa-file-archive-o"] []
, text "bisphenol + A OR bpa"
, p []
[ i [className "fa fa-calendar"] []
, text "Sept. 11 2017, 10:59 am,"
, p []
[ i [className "fa fa-user"] []
, text "Authors (S): gargantext,"
[ div [ className "col-md-8 content"]
[ p [] [ i [className "fa fa-globe"] []
, text " IsTex, PubMed, Hal"
, p [] [ i [className "fab fa-searchengin"] []
, text " Query: bisphenol + A OR bpa"
, div [ className "col-md-4 content"]
[ p [] [ i [className "fa fa-calendar"] []
, text " Sept. 11 2017, 10:59 am"
, p [] [ i [className "fa fa-user"] []
, text " Author(s): gargantua"
, div [className "col-md-6"]
......@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ toggleNode sid a = a
myCorpus :: Int -> String -> NTree (Tuple String String)
myCorpus n name = NNode n false name
[ NLeaf (Tuple "Facets" "#/docView")
, NLeaf (Tuple "Graph" "#/docView")
[ NLeaf (Tuple "Facets" "#/corpus")
, NLeaf (Tuple "Graph" "#/corpus")
, NLeaf (Tuple "Dashboard" "#/userPage")
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