Commit b5a59874 authored by arturo's avatar arturo

[tree] new node adding: better name and icon

* Issue #309, feedbacks (2)
parent cfd99a6b
Pipeline #1678 failed with stage
......@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@ instance Read NodeType where
instance translateNodeType :: Translate NodeType where
translate l n = case l of
FR -> _translateFR n
_ -> _translateEN n
FR -> translateFR n
_ -> translateEN n
_translateFR :: NodeType -> String
_translateFR = case _ of
translateFR :: NodeType -> String
translateFR = case _ of
Annuaire -> "Annuaire"
Corpus -> "Corpus"
Dashboard -> "Dashboard"
......@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ _translateFR = case _ of
NodeFrameNotebook -> "Carnet de notes"
NodeFrameWrite -> "Éditeur de texte"
NodeFrameVisio -> "Visio"
NodePublic n -> _translateFR n
NodePublic n -> translateFR n
_translateEN :: NodeType -> String
_translateEN = case _ of
translateEN :: NodeType -> String
translateEN = case _ of
Annuaire -> "Annuaire"
Corpus -> "Corpus"
Dashboard -> "Dashboard"
......@@ -290,72 +290,72 @@ _translateEN = case _ of
NodeFrameNotebook -> "Notebook"
NodeFrameWrite -> "Write"
NodeFrameVisio -> "Visio"
NodePublic n -> _translateEN n
NodePublic n -> translateEN n
_getIcon :: NodeType -> Boolean -> String
_getIcon NodeUser false = "user-circle"
_getIcon NodeUser true = "user"
getIcon :: NodeType -> Boolean -> String
getIcon NodeUser false = "user-circle"
getIcon NodeUser true = "user"
_getIcon Folder false = "folder"
_getIcon Folder true = "folder-open-o"
getIcon Folder false = "folder"
getIcon Folder true = "folder-open-o"
_getIcon FolderPrivate true = "lock"
_getIcon FolderPrivate false = "lock-circle"
getIcon FolderPrivate true = "lock"
getIcon FolderPrivate false = "lock-circle"
_getIcon FolderShared true = "share-alt"
_getIcon FolderShared false = "share-circle"
_getIcon Team true = "users"
_getIcon Team false = "users-closed"
getIcon FolderShared true = "share-alt"
getIcon FolderShared false = "share-circle"
getIcon Team true = "users"
getIcon Team false = "users-closed"
_getIcon FolderPublic true = "globe-circle"
_getIcon FolderPublic false = "globe"
getIcon FolderPublic true = "globe-circle"
getIcon FolderPublic false = "globe"
_getIcon Corpus true = "book"
_getIcon Corpus false = "book-circle"
getIcon Corpus true = "book"
getIcon Corpus false = "book-circle"
_getIcon Phylo _ = "code-fork"
getIcon Phylo _ = "code-fork"
_getIcon Graph _ = "hubzilla"
_getIcon Texts _ = "newspaper-o"
_getIcon Dashboard _ = "signal"
_getIcon NodeList _ = "list"
_getIcon NodeFile _ = "file" -- TODO depending on mime type we can use fa-file-image etc
getIcon Graph _ = "hubzilla"
getIcon Texts _ = "newspaper-o"
getIcon Dashboard _ = "signal"
getIcon NodeList _ = "list"
getIcon NodeFile _ = "file" -- TODO depending on mime type we can use fa-file-image etc
_getIcon Annuaire true = "address-card-o"
_getIcon Annuaire false = "address-card"
getIcon Annuaire true = "address-card-o"
getIcon Annuaire false = "address-card"
_getIcon NodeContact true = "address-card-o"
_getIcon NodeContact false = "address-card"
getIcon NodeContact true = "address-card-o"
getIcon NodeContact false = "address-card"
_getIcon NodeFrameWrite true = "file-text-o"
_getIcon NodeFrameWrite false = "file-text"
getIcon NodeFrameWrite true = "file-text-o"
getIcon NodeFrameWrite false = "file-text"
_getIcon NodeFrameCalc true = "calculator"
_getIcon NodeFrameCalc false = "calculator"
getIcon NodeFrameCalc true = "calculator"
getIcon NodeFrameCalc false = "calculator"
_getIcon NodeFrameNotebook true = "file-code-o"
_getIcon NodeFrameNotebook false = "code"
getIcon NodeFrameNotebook true = "file-code-o"
getIcon NodeFrameNotebook false = "code"
_getIcon NodeFrameVisio true = "video-camera"
_getIcon NodeFrameVisio false = "video-camera"
getIcon NodeFrameVisio true = "video-camera"
getIcon NodeFrameVisio false = "video-camera"
_getIcon (NodePublic nt) b = _getIcon nt b
getIcon (NodePublic nt) b = getIcon nt b
_getIcon _ true = "folder-open"
_getIcon _ false = "folder-o"
getIcon _ true = "folder-open"
getIcon _ false = "folder-o"
fldr :: NodeType -> Boolean -> String
fldr nt flag = classNamePrefix <> _getIcon nt flag
fldr nt flag = classNamePrefix <> getIcon nt flag
charCodeIcon :: NodeType -> Boolean -> String
charCodeIcon nt flag = glyphiconToCharCode $ _getIcon nt flag
charCodeIcon nt flag = glyphiconToCharCode $ getIcon nt flag
publicize :: NodeType -> NodeType
publicize (NodePublic nt) = NodePublic nt
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