[NGRAMS] minor display change

parent 62535487
......@@ -373,10 +373,15 @@ ngramsTableSpec = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
tree :: NgramsTable -> DOM.Props -> NgramsTerm -> ReactElement
tree table props label =
li [ style {width : "100%"} ]
[ i [className "fas fa-folder-open"] [] -- TODO icon
[ i (gray <> [className $ "fas fa-caret-" <> if open then "down" else "right"]) []
, span [props] [text $ " " <> label]
, forest table props (table ^.. ix label <<< _Newtype <<< to _.children <<< folded)
, forest table props cs
leaf = List.null cs
open = not leaf || false {- TODO -}
gray = if leaf then [style {color: "#adb5bd"}] else []
cs = table ^.. ix label <<< _Newtype <<< to _.children <<< folded
forest :: NgramsTable -> DOM.Props -> List NgramsTerm -> ReactElement
forest table props = ul [] <<< map (tree table props) <<< List.toUnfoldable
......@@ -390,8 +395,7 @@ renderNgramsItem :: { table :: NgramsTable
renderNgramsItem { table, ngrams, occurrences, termList, setTermList } =
[ checkbox GraphTerm
, checkbox StopTerm
, span [className "tree"]
[ forest table (termStyle termList) (List.singleton ngrams) ]
, ul [] [span [className "tree"] [tree table (termStyle termList) ngrams]]
, text $ show occurrences
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