Commit bd13f036 authored by Fabien Maniere's avatar Fabien Maniere

Update NgramsTable.purs

parent 941f08e3
Pipeline #6697 passed with stages
in 18 minutes and 15 seconds
......@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ ngramsTableOrderWith orderBy =
-- This is used to *decorate* the Select header with the checkbox.
wrapColElts scProps _ (TT.ColumnName "Select") = const [NTSC.selectionCheckbox scProps]
wrapColElts _ scoreType (TT.ColumnName "Score") = (_ <> [H.text (" (co-occurrences)")])
wrapColElts _ scoreType (TT.ColumnName "Score") = (_ <> [H.text (" (occurrences)")])
wrapColElts _ _ _ = identity
type MkDispatchProps =
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