Commit c86fd7e8 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[doc] some decode/encode json types for docs table

parent 3fbee957
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Components.Loader (loader)
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends, url)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoaderWithCache)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Routes as Routes
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(NodeAPI))
......@@ -372,11 +373,13 @@ pageLayout props = R.createElement pageLayoutCpt props []
pageLayoutCpt :: R.Memo PageLayoutProps
pageLayoutCpt = R.memo' $ R.staticComponent "G.C.DocsTable.pageLayout" cpt where
cpt props@{frontends, session, nodeId, listId, corpusId, tabType, query, params} _ =
loader path (loadPage session) paint
--loader path (loadPage session) paint
useLoader path keyFunc (loadPage session) paint
path = {nodeId, listId, corpusId, tabType, query, params: fst params}
paint (Tuple count docs) = page params (newProps count) docs
newProps count = props { totalRecords = count }
keyFunc { corpusId, listId, nodeId, tabType } = "docs-table-" <> (show corpusId) <> "-" <> (show listId) <> "-" <> (show nodeId) <> "-" <> (show tabType)
type PageProps =
( params :: R.State T.Params
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Reactix as R
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Components.LoadingSpinner (loadingSpinner)
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.LoadingSpinner (loadingSpinner)
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Components as NTC
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core (Action(..), CoreState, Dispatch, NgramsElement(..), NgramsPatch(..), NgramsTable, NgramsTerm, PageParams, PatchMap(..), Versioned(..), VersionedNgramsTable, _NgramsElement, _NgramsTable, _children, _list, _ngrams, _occurrences, _root, addNewNgram, applyNgramsPatches, applyPatchSet, commitPatchR, convOrderBy, filterTermSize, fromNgramsPatches, initialPageParams, loadNgramsTableAll, ngramsTermText, normNgram, patchSetFromMap, replace, rootsOf, singletonNgramsTablePatch, syncPatchesR)
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoaderWithCache)
import Gargantext.Prelude (class Show, Unit, bind, const, discard, identity, map, mempty, not, pure, show, unit, (#), ($), (&&), (/=), (<$>), (<<<), (<>), (=<<), (==), (||), read)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types (CTabNgramType, OrderBy(..), SearchQuery, TabType, TermList(..), TermSize, termLists, termSizes)
......@@ -500,6 +501,8 @@ mainNgramsTableCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.NT.mainNgramsTable" cpt
mainNgramsTablePaint {path, tabNgramType, versioned, withAutoUpdate}
Nothing -> loadingSpinner {}
keyFunc { listIds, nodeId, tabType } = "ngrams-table-" <> (show tabType) <> "-" <> (show nodeId) <> "-" <> (show listIds)
type MainNgramsTablePaintProps =
path :: PageParams
......@@ -287,9 +287,10 @@ type ListId = Int
data ScoreType = Occurrences
derive instance genericScoreType :: Generic ScoreType _
instance showScoreType :: Show ScoreType where
show = genericShow
instance eqScoreType :: Eq ScoreType where
eq = genericEq
type SearchQuery = String
......@@ -425,6 +426,39 @@ data TabSubType a = TabDocs | TabNgramType a | TabTrash | TabMoreLikeFav | TabMo
derive instance eqTabSubType :: Eq a => Eq (TabSubType a)
derive instance ordTabSubType :: Ord a => Ord (TabSubType a)
{- instance encodeTabSubType a :: EncodeJson a => EncodeJson (TabSubType a) where
encodeJson TabDocs =
"type" := "TabDocs"
~> "data" := Nothing
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeJson (TabNgramType a) =
"type" := "TabNgramType"
~> "data" := encodeJson a
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeJson TabTrash =
"type" := "TabTrash"
~> "data" := Nothing
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeJson TabMoreLikeFav =
"type" := "TabMoreLikeFav"
~> "data" := Nothing
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeJson TabMoreLikeTrash =
"type" := "TabMoreLikeTrash"
~> "data" := Nothing
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeTabSubType a :: DecodeJson a => DecodeJson (TabSubType a) where
decodeJson j = do
obj <- decodeJson j
typ <- obj .: "type"
dat <- obj .: "data"
case typ of
"TabDocs" -> TabDocs
"TabNgramType" -> TabNgramType dat
"TabTrash" -> TabTrash
"TabMoreLikeFav" -> TabMoreLikeFav
"TabMoreLikeTrash" -> TabMoreLikeTrash
_ -> Left ("Unknown type '" <> typ <> "'") -}
instance showTabSubType :: Show a => Show (TabSubType a) where
show TabDocs = "Docs"
......@@ -438,13 +472,34 @@ data TabType
| TabPairing (TabSubType PTabNgramType)
| TabDocument (TabSubType CTabNgramType)
derive instance genericTabType :: Generic TabType _
derive instance eqTabType :: Eq TabType
derive instance ordTabType :: Ord TabType
derive instance genericTabType :: Generic TabType _
instance showTabType :: Show TabType where
show = genericShow
{- instance encodeTabType :: EncodeJson TabType where
encodeJson (TabCorpus d) =
"type" := "TabCorpus"
~> "data" := encodeJson d
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeJson (TabDocument d) =
"type" := "TabDocument"
~> "data" := encodeJson d
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeJson (TabPairing d) =
"type" := "TabPairing"
~> "data" := encodeJson d
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeTabType :: DecodeJson TabType where
decodeJson j = do
obj <- decodeJson j
typ <- obj .: "type"
dat <- obj .: "data"
case typ of
"TabCorpus" -> TabCorpus dat
"TabDocument" -> TabDocument dat
"TabPairing" -> TabPairing dat
_ -> Left ("Unknown type '" <> typ <> "'") -}
type TableResult a = {count :: Int, docs :: Array a}
type AffTableResult a = Aff (TableResult a)
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