Commit df8f3fa5 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[Tabs] add TabMoreLikeFav/TabMoreLikeTrash

parent fd95f968
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ instance showPTabNgramType :: Show PTabNgramType where
show PTabBooks = "Books"
show PTabCommunication = "Communication"
data TabSubType a = TabDocs | TabNgramType a | TabTrash
data TabSubType a = TabDocs | TabNgramType a | TabTrash | TabMoreLikeFav | TabMoreLikeTrash
derive instance eqTabSubType :: Eq a => Eq (TabSubType a)
......@@ -435,6 +435,8 @@ instance showTabSubType :: Show a => Show (TabSubType a) where
show TabDocs = "Docs"
show (TabNgramType a) = show a
show TabTrash = "Trash"
show TabMoreLikeFav = "MoreFav"
show TabMoreLikeTrash = "MoreTrash"
data TabType
= TabCorpus (TabSubType CTabNgramType)
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