Commit dfb8f679 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX/ERGO] Tables Doc and Ngrams.

parent 9c11378e
......@@ -279,11 +279,11 @@ renderPage loaderDispatch { totalRecords, dispatch, listId, corpusId
, container: T.defaultContainer { title: "Documents" }
, colNames:
T.ColumnName <$>
[ ""
[ "Map"
, "Stop"
, "Date"
, "Title"
, "Source"
, "Delete"
, totalRecords
......@@ -304,8 +304,13 @@ renderPage loaderDispatch { totalRecords, dispatch, listId, corpusId
[ a [ className $ gi isFav
, if toDel then style {textDecoration : "line-through"}
else style {textDecoration : "none"}
, onClick $ (\_-> dispatch $ MarkFavorites r._id (not isFav))] []
, onClick $ (\_-> dispatch $ MarkFavorites r._id (not isFav))
] []
, input [ _type "checkbox"
, checked toDel
, onClick $ (\_ -> dispatch $ ToggleDocumentToDelete r._id)
-- TODO show date: Year-Month-Day only
, if toDel then
div [ style {textDecoration : "line-through"}][text (show]
......@@ -323,9 +328,7 @@ renderPage loaderDispatch { totalRecords, dispatch, listId, corpusId
div [style {textDecoration : "line-through"}] [ text r.source]
div [] [ text r.source]
, input [ _type "checkbox"
, checked toDel
, onClick $ (\_ -> dispatch $ ToggleDocumentToDelete r._id)]
, delete: true
}) <$> filter (not <<< isDeleted) res
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ ngramsTableSpec ntype = simpleSpec performAction render
, container: tableContainer {pageParams, loaderDispatch, dispatch, ngramsParent, ngramsChildren, ngramsTable}
, colNames:
T.ColumnName <$>
[ "Graph"
[ "Map"
, "Stop"
, "Terms"
, "Score (Occurrences)" -- see convOrderBy
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