Commit e70e19ad authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski Committed by Fabien Maniere

[form] add labels to action dialog forms

parent c64760c7
......@@ -100,37 +100,35 @@ addNodeViewCpt = here.component "addNodeView" cpt
T.write_ nt nodeType
maybeChoose =
if length nodeTypes > 1 then
[ Tools.formChoice
{ items: nodeTypes
, default: nodeType'
, callback: setNodeType'
, print: print hasChromeAgent'
{ items: nodeTypes
, default: nodeType'
, callback: setNodeType'
, print: print hasChromeAgent'
, label: "Node type:"
[ H.div {}
[ H.text $ "Creating a node of type "
<> show defaultNodeType
<> " with name:"
H.div {}
[ H.text $ "Creating a node of type "
<> show defaultNodeType
<> " with name:"
maybeEdit =
if edit then
[ inputWithEnterWithKey
{ autoFocus: true
, className: "form-control"
, defaultValue: nodeName' -- (prettyNodeType nt')
, key: show nodeType'
, onBlur: \val -> T.write_ val nodeName
, onEnter: \_ -> launchAff_ $ dispatch action
, onValueChanged: \val -> T.write_ val nodeName
, placeholder: nodeName' -- (prettyNodeType nt')
, required: false
, type: "text"
else []
{ autoFocus: true
, className: "form-control"
, defaultValue: nodeName' -- (prettyNodeType nt')
, key: show nodeType'
, onBlur: \val -> T.write_ val nodeName
, onEnter: \_ -> launchAff_ $ dispatch action
, onValueChanged: \val -> T.write_ val nodeName
, placeholder: nodeName' -- (prettyNodeType nt')
, required: false
, type: "text"
else H.div {} []
pure $
......@@ -140,8 +138,16 @@ addNodeViewCpt = here.component "addNodeView" cpt
, iconName: "plus"
, textTitle: "Add a child node element"
[ H.div { className: "pt-2" }
(maybeChoose <> maybeEdit)
[ R2.row
[ R2.col 6
[ H.div { className: "form-group" } [ maybeChoose ] ]
, R2.col 6
[ H.div { className: "form-group" }
[ H.label {} [ H.text "Name:" ]
, maybeEdit
-- END Create Node
......@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ updateDashboardCpt = here.component "updateDashboard" cpt
, iconName: ""
, textTitle: "Update the dashboard"
[ -- H.text "Update with"
[ Tools.formChoiceSafe
{ items: [ All, Sources, Authors, Institutes, Ngrams ]
, default: methodBoard'
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodBoard
, print: show
, label: "Update with:"
......@@ -133,12 +133,12 @@ updateGraphCpt = here.component "updateGraph" cpt
, iconName: "reload-with-settings"
, textTitle: "Update the graph"
[ H.text "Show subjects with Order1 or concepts with Order2 ?"
, Tools.formChoiceSafe
[ Tools.formChoiceSafe
{ items: [ Order1, Order2 ]
, default: methodGraphMetric'
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodGraphMetric
, print: show
, label: "Show subjects with Order1 or concepts with Order2 ?"
......@@ -296,12 +296,12 @@ updateCorpusCpt = here.component "updateTexts" cpt
-- H.p {} [ H.text "Update both term and document indexing." ]
, H.p {}
[ H.text "Term update mode"
, Tools.formChoiceSafe
[ Tools.formChoiceSafe
{ items: [ Basic, Advanced, WithModel ]
, default: methodList'
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodList
, print: show
, label: "Term update mode"
......@@ -326,12 +326,12 @@ updateNodeListCpt = here.component "updateNodeList" cpt
, iconName: "reload-with-settings"
, textTitle: "Update terms"
[ -- H.text "Update with"
[ Tools.formChoiceSafe
{ items: [ Basic, Advanced, WithModel ]
, default: methodList'
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodList
, print: show
, label: "Update with:"
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ uploadFileViewWithLangsCpt = here.component "uploadFileViewWithLangs" cpt
selects =
if processed' then
[ R2.row
[ H.div { className: "col-12 flex-space-around" }
[ H.div { className: "col-12 form-group]" }
[ B.formSelect'
{ list:
......@@ -286,16 +286,20 @@ uploadFileViewWithLangsCpt = here.component "uploadFileViewWithLangs" cpt
, H.div { className: "alert alert-info", role: "alert" }
[ H.text infoText' ]
, R2.row
[ H.div { className: "col-12 flex-space-around" }
[ H.text "Please choose the language of your documents:"
, Tools.formChoiceSafe
[ H.div { className: "col-12" }
[ Tools.formChoiceSafe
{ items: langs <> [ No_extraction ]
, default: EN
, callback: setLang'
, print: show
, label: "Please choose the language of your documents:"
, H.text "Please choose the list of terms to use:"
, R2.row
[ H.div { className: "col-12 form-group" }
[ H.label {} [ H.text "Please choose the list of terms to use:" ]
, ListSelection.selection { selection, session } []
......@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ type FormChoiceSafeProps item m =
, default :: item
, callback :: item -> Effect m
, print :: item -> String
, label :: String
-- | Form Choice input
......@@ -276,17 +277,18 @@ formChoiceSafe = R.createElement formChoiceSafeCpt
formChoiceSafeCpt :: forall item m. Show item => R.Component (FormChoiceSafeProps item m)
formChoiceSafeCpt = here.component "formChoiceSafe" cpt
cpt { items, default, callback, print } _ = do
cpt { items, default, callback, print, label } _ = do
pure $ case items of
[] -> H.div {} []
[ n ] -> formButton { item: n, callback, print } []
_ -> formChoice { items, default, callback, print } []
_ -> formChoice { items, default, callback, print, label } []
type FormChoiceProps item m =
( items :: Array item
, default :: item
, callback :: item -> Effect m
, print :: item -> String
, label :: String
-- | List Form
......@@ -299,9 +301,10 @@ formChoice = R.createElement formChoiceCpt
formChoiceCpt :: forall item m. Show item => R.Component (FormChoiceProps item m)
formChoiceCpt = here.component "formChoice" cpt
cpt { items, callback, default, print } _ = do
cpt { items, callback, default, print, label } _ = do
pure $ H.div { className: "form-group" }
[ H.label {} [ H.text label ]
{ className: "form-control with-icon-font"
, defaultValue: show default
, on: { change }
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ selectionCpt = here.component "selection" cpt
cpt { selection, session } _ = do
selection' <- R2.useLive' selection
pure $ H.div { className: "list-selection p-1" }
pure $ H.div { className: "list-selection" }
[ B.formSelect'
{ callback: flip T.write_ selection
, value: selection'
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